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Sometimes it's hard to figure out whether or not a certain [[Game Breaker]] is truly [[Purposefully Overpowered]]. For example, if it's [[Justified Trope|justified]], it's done on purpose.
May be a part of [[A Taste of Power]] or restricted to at/after the final boss. Can also be essential to beat the [[Bonus Boss]] on the [[Harder Than Hard]] bonus difficulty. [[Crutch Character|Crutch Characters]] are often (temporarily) [[Purposefully Overpowered]]. Compare with [[Infinity+1 Sword]] and [[Eleventh -Hour Superpower]]. [[Bragging Rights Reward|Bragging Rights Rewards]] often turn out this way.
Contrast with [[Joke Character]] and [[Joke Item]], which are purposefully underpowered.
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** The main character in ''[[Makai Kingdom]]'', overlapping with [[A Taste of Power]].
** Also Adell in the third game as he was a taste of the power of DLC characters.
** Tyrant Valvatorez was said to have been extremely powerful before his vow to never drink human blood [[De -Power|De Powered]] him. Since ''de-powered'' Valvatorez is acknowledged to be [[Brought Down to Badass|unusually strong for someone who's had his power depleted]] (or just for anyone in general), Val as a Tyrant would have to be a grade-A [[Game Breaker]] for him to be anything but [[Overrated and Underleveled]] -- so they made him a grade-A [[Game Breaker]].
* The [[Roguelike]] ''Omega'' gave unlimited free wishes if you became an Adept. You couldn't wish for artifacts, but you could easily create any mundane items you wanted.
* Several characters in the various ''[[Dynasty Warriors|Warriors]]'' games, usually noted as having really BEEN badass in reality. In ''[[Dynasty Warriors]]'', Lu Bu is always vastly more powerful than any of the other fighters (In DW6, he gets his own campaign where he kicks the collective ass of Ancient China. Then all the noteable fighters who are already dead come back to life just to get another shot at him, and he STILL beats them all.) In ''[[Samurai Warriors]]'', there's Miyamoto Musashi, legendary master of [[Dual-Wielding]] [[Katanas Are Just Better|Katanas]], who is significantly more fearsome than any of his contemporaries. And in ''[[Warriors Orochi]]'', well, basically every member of the 'Orochi Party'. Da Ji, Himiko, Sun Wukong, Kiyomori Taira, and of course, Orochi himself, who has abilities generally above those of mere mortals. {{spoiler|And then there's Orochi Z, who's even MORE overpowered.}}
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** It could be argued that ALL character's Unlimited modes are purposefully overpowered, but Ragna's stands out as the most triumphant example to date with quite a wide margain.
* The Peacemaker from ''[[Jak II]]'' and the Supernova from ''[[Jak 3]]''. The Peacemaker would send out a ball of lightning that would always hit an opponent and instantly kill it, after which most other targets that were too close (i.e. 10 meters or so) would be hit by equally lethal beams of lightning erupting from the first target. It was nerfed a bit in in ''Jak 3'' but there you had the Supernova, which is literally a mini-nuke. When fired, the whole screen lights up and when it's cleared, there's no enemy left. These two weapons were only stopped by their very low ammunition count. The Peacemaker could fire 10 shots in ''Jak II'' and 20 in ''Jak 3'', while the Supernova could only be fired twice (and uses up the same ammo as the Peacemaker).
* The ''[[Metal Gear]]'' series generally gives the player a host of game-breaking items to use on a [[New Game Plus+]] if certain conditions are met during a playthrough, some conditions more severe than others, including:
** Starting from ''[[Metal Gear Solid]]'', there's the Stealth Camouflage, which makes Snake almost invisible to enemies (except bosses), and the Infinity Bandana, which gives Snake infinite ammunition (assuming Snake has ''any'' ammunition in the first place). These are unlocked by beating the game with Otacon's and Meryl's endings, respectively (do both, and [[And Your Reward Is Clothes|you get to wear a tuxedo on your third playthrough]]).
** ''[[Metal Gear Solid 2]]'' mixes it up by requiring the player to hold up a certain number of enemy sentries and collect their dog tags to unlock the previous items, as well as adding an assortment of wigs that give the player infinite grip and oxygen.
** ''[[Metal Gear Solid 3]]'' swaps the bandana for face paint that does the same job, and also adds the EZ Gun to the mix. [[Easy Mode Mockery|As you could guess from the name]], the EZ Gun is a stupidly overpowered tranquilizer pistol with infinite ammo, a silencer that never runs out and a laser sight, and it replenishes your stamina and bumps your camo index to 80% when you hold it. Normally it's only available on a [[New Game Plus+]], but it's instantly added to your inventory if you start a game on Very Easy Mode. There's also the Patriot (The Boss's gun of choice), which is basically a [[BFG|chaingun with infinite ammo]], and is also unlocked for the [[New Game Plus+]]. Its only downside is wrecking your camo rating, but what machine gun doesn't do that?
* ''[[Puyo Puyo]] Fever'' has the series mascot Carbuncle as an unlockable character, who is categorized as a "Well-Balanced Player?" by the game - the other [[Jack of All Stats|all-around characters]] have no question mark.
* ''[[Iji (Video Game)|Iji]]'' has the Massacre, which is a fairly powerful weapon, but only available during the final boss fight. Then there is the Null Driver, a '''literal''' [[Game Breaker]], which is only available after finding nearly every single secret in the game and completing every achievement.
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** To a lesser extent, [[Kara no Kyoukai|Ryougi Shiki]] as well. Justified by her Void personality being (or at least [[Badass Boast|boasting]] to be) able to kill anything and everything under the sun, including [[God]]. {{spoiler|She can't kill Crimson Moon.}}
* In ''[[Fallout 3]]'', you've got the Experimental MIRV, which fires 8 mini-nukes at once. [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|On normal, just two mini-nukes are enough to kill just about anything]]. However, its durability wears off quickly and there are only so many mini-nukes in the game.
** With the expansions come the Tesla Cannon, a [[Eleventh -Hour Superpower|weapon that deals massive damage with low-costing and plentiful ammo, but comes up at the end of the storyline]]. It can turn [[Demonic Spiders|Enclave elite soldiers]] into mush with a single shot. You'll likely never need another weapon ever.
* The [[Eleventh -Hour Superpower|Super Gravity Gun]] in ''[[Half-Life]] 2''. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJ41UmUU0QE Check it out in action].
* [[Earth Defense Force 2017 (Video Game)|Earth Defense Force 2017]] has the aptly-named Genocide Gun that does a million [[Hit Points]] of damage--enough to one-shot any enemy in the game--and has an enormous blast radius. But you can only get it by [[Bragging Rights Reward|completing all levels at the highest difficulty]].
* Jade golem and Red minister forms in ''[[Jade Empire]]''. Both are overpowered (Red minister is immune to weapons and Jade Golem is immune to everything else) because you should use them on Jade Master.
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** The Sword of Seals from ''[[Fire Emblem]] [[Fire Emblem Elibe|6]]'' in particular has the power to turn even the most mediocre Roy into an unstoppable juggernaut easily capable of taking out the final boss in just a single turn.
* The Dreadnought in the ''[[Dawn of War]] II'' campaign is a beast, with close-combat strength enough to crush anything less than a boss in a few seconds and an [[Gatling Good|assault cannon]] capable of obliterating swarms of lesser enemies before they even get close. It is specifically added at the point in the game when the player begins to fight larger numbers of more powerful enemies (mostly [[Boss in Mook Clothing|Carnifexes]]).
** Over on the [[Tabletop Games|manual]] [[Warhammer 40000|side]] of the hobby, Games Workshop does this with almost a sick glee, ramping up the power level of whatever faction, race, company, chapter, tank, squad, monster, or single dude that [[Money, Dear Boy|they want to sell in large numbers]]. As of February 2011 (a date must be added because there's always some new [[Game Breaker|absurd unit]] that renders its predecessor as just another afterthought) the cake seems to be taken by [[Our Vampires Are Different|Mephiston of the Blood Angels Space Marines chapter]]. Predecessors to this title included [[Attack of the Fifty Foot Whatever|the ultra-decked melee Carnifex]] (most notably the mutant [[Gone Horribly Right|Old One Eye]]), the C'tan Nightbringer (whom to this date is still [[Cool but Inefficient|the single most expensive model]] in the game), [[Super Soldier|Marneus Calgar]], [[King Mook|Ghazskull Thraka]], the [[Demonic Possession|Bloodthirster]], [[Reality Warper|Njarl Stormcaller]] of the [[Horny Vikings|Space Wolves]], and if you're feeling generous [[Badass Normal|Commissar Yarrick]], to the point where nearly every race had at least one. The shock of shocks came when it was realized that Mephiston could curb-stomp [[General Failure|Abaddon the Despoiler]], the most tangible and iconic enemy of mankind in the entire setting. Granted, every last one of these characters mentioned could qualify for this trope at some point, but what sets Mephiston apart from all the others is that all the others are priced prohibitively high for what they do (in the ballpark of 275 pts). Mephiston has a statline that makes all the others cry ''and'' is cheaper than just about all of the aforementioned characters. Granted, [[Min -Maxing|using any of these aforementioned super characters in games of 750 pts or less]] is just ''asking'' to be punched in the face.
** Of course, a more clear cut example of this trope (possibly [[Played for Laughs]]) is the limited edition 30th anniversary White Dwarf model. To put it briefly, he re-rolls failed rolls to hit, to wound, and forces wounded opponents to re-roll succcessful armour saves. He also has a 1+ armour save, a 4+ ward save, and HALVES the strength of any missile weapon aimed at him. (so if you thought you could just cannonball him in the face, TOO BAD.) Bear in mind, that's just Grombrindal. The model itself also consists of Gortek and Bugman, who both attack separately. Gortek deserves a particular mention, as he deals [[Game Breaker|multiple, armour-piercing wounds AUTOMATICALLY (i.e. no dice roll required)]] Oh, and the amound of wounds he deals doubles against Bosses in Mook Clothing. The model's only real weakness is it has to roll on a random movement chart. (although the result that stops you moving also happens to [[Stone Wall|restore ALL wounds the model has taken.]])
** The 'movie marines' list featuring in White Dwarf #300 (featuring fluff-aligned [[Space Marine|Space Marines]]) also completely breaks the game, with most of their weapons and stats outclassing their 'regular' equivalents many times over: Armies of Movie Marines usually cost in the upwards of 2000 points for about 10 marines, yet each of these marines are a [[One-Man Army]] and can usually kill twice their worth in forces each. The list is not tournament legal and Games Workshop made it clear it was designed that way on purpose; it's only intended for 'friendly' games (the marines even have [[Stunt Double|Stunt Doubles]], just to give you an idea of how 'serious' it is).
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* Most of the bonus characters in the ''[[Super Robot Wars]]'' games, who are you reward for doing various things, or just getting to the real final chapter.
* Anything made of diamond in [[Minecraft]]. They're more durable and efficient than any other materials, and greatly outperform iron, the second-best material. The diamond sword, for example, can kill most enemies in three hits, and the diamond pickax can mine the widest range of blocks and lasts six times as long as the iron pickax before breaking. Diamond armor lasts more than twice as long as iron armor, and a new set can reduce damage by 80% as opposed to 60% for iron. However, all of this is justified because diamond is by far the [[Just for Pun|hardest]] resource to find.
** IIRC, a full set of diamond armor in 1.0.0 will allow the player to [[Convection, Schmonvection|swim in lava]] for an unholy amount of time.
* In ''[[Dead Space 2 (Video Game)|Dead Space 2]]'', the Handcannon (or Foam Finger) gun falls into this catagory as well. It can kill any Necromorph in one shot, and it kills the final boss in less than five. Oh yeah, and the thing has infinite ammo, fires as fast as you can full the trigger, and has Isaac scream out "BANG!" or "PEW!" depending on weither you use the primary fire or secondary fire. But to be fair, the gun can only be unlocked after beating the game on Hard Core mode, which can only be accessed after beating the game once already on any difficulty. Plus, on Hard Core mode, the game only lets you have three saves though out that run, and you cannot use a New Game+ to run through it either.
* Ash's final class, the Vandalier, in ''[[Vandal Hearts]]'', which can only be obtained after going through several difficult steps. Ash gains access to all spells in the game (including ones cast only by items and enemies), very high attack damage, and is virtually invulnerable from any direction but the back. It's a level of domination that can't be unintentional.
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* Good luck beating the [[Bonus Boss|Bonus Bosses]] in [[Wild Arms 2 (Video Game)|Wild Arms 2]] without[[Super-Powered Evil Side|Knight Blazer]].
** The Sheriff Star in every game is like this: The highest single stat boost any other accessories can give? The star gives that boost to ''all of them''. Add status immunity and elemental resistances and you've got yourself a [[Game Breaker]]. It's also the reward for the [[Bonus Boss]].
* ''[[Resident Evil 4]]'' is full of numerous examples of overpowered unlockable [[New Game Plus+]] weapons, one or two of them accumulated as bonus content from various re-releases. Perhaps the most powerful of them is the Wii version of the PRL. When originally added to the [[PS 2]] port of the game, the gun was effectively a source of infinite flash grenades when fired without charging, and when charged, it was an insta-kill laser blast. When the game was ported to the Wii, however, it was beefed up so that it's charged attack would fire ''many'' beams in one blast, each of which would auto-target a particular enemy and kill it. The end result was that ''everything in front of you'' would die in one charged shot, with even the enemies halfway across the map getting sniped down.
* In the comic books upon which ''[[The Red Star]]'' was based, Maya was an ''incredibly'' powerful spellcaster. In the game, you have to win once in order to unlock her, and for [[Bragging Rights Reward|good reason]].
* ''[[The Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask]]'' has the Fierce Deity Mask, and to a lesser extent, the Giant's Mask.
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