Quest for Glory/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]: You are referred to by your name a handful of times. For the most part, you are referred to as "Hero", "Prince of Shapeir", and "Paladin" (if you are that class).
* [[Fan Nickname]]: Devon Aidendale, the name given in the prose-style writeup for the official strategy guide.
* [[Fighter, Mage, Thief]]
** [[Magic Knight]]
** [[Lovable Rogue]]
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'''Rakeesh Sah Tarna'''
A Liontaur Paladin, Rakeesh was the king of Tarna until he abdicated power to his brother Rajah in order to pursue the demons that threatened the land. In his travels he became a Paladin and suffered a [[Game -Breaking Injury]] that keeps him out of action. The hero meets him in Shapeir, and Rakeesh rapidly becomes his mentor and father figure (even more so if the player chooses to become a Paladin himself). {{spoiler|In ''Dragon Fire'' he [[Taking the Bullet|Takes The Poison Dagger]] for the hero, and will die if one fails to give him an antidote and locate the source of the poison.}}
* [[Cool Old Guy]]
* [[Cool Sword]]: Soulforge, which is also a...
** [[Flaming Sword]]
* [[Game -Breaking Injury]]: A poison sting from a demon left him with one bad leg.
* [[Happily Married]]
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: Anime fans will recognize Rakeesh's voice in ''Dragon Fire'' as Beau Billingslea, best known for playing [[Cowboy Bebop|Jet Black]].
* [[Ho Yay]]: In Universe, You can offer him the engagement ring in game 5; he'll actually consider it, but he's married
* [[Knight Errant]]
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* [[Dating Catwoman]]
* [[Femme Fatale]]
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: Jennifer Hale (in [[Quest for Glory IV|QFG4]]).
* [[Love Redeems]]
* [[Most Definitely Not a Villain]]: Like it needs to be spoilered.
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A fabled poet of Shapeir, Omar's poems clue the player as to what is going on with the plot. Poet Omar is also {{spoiler|The Sultan of Shapeir in disguise. In the end of the game he adopts the player as his son}}.
* [[Expy]]: [http://en.[ al-Rashid |Of the real Harun Al-Rashid]]
* {{spoiler|[[King Incognito]]}}
* [[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness]]: He's very... ''poetic''. Good thing he hangs out with a translator who will interpret everything for you.
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* [[Belly Dancer]]
* [[Gold Digger]]
* [[Hello, Nurse!]]
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* [[Heel Face Turn]]
* [[Unperson]]
* {{spoiler|[[Eleventh -Hour Ranger]]}}
** [[Big Damn Heroes]]