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{{quote|''"Doctor Tenma. For you all lives are created equal, that’s why I came back to life. But you’ve finally come to realize it now, haven’t you?
''Only one thing is equal for all, and that is death."''|'''Johan Liebert''', ''[[Monster (manga)]]''}}
|'''Johan Liebert''', ''[[Monster (manga)]]''}}
{{quote|''"Feelings of love are just a temporary lapse in judgment. Like some kind of mental illness."''|'''Haruhi Suzumiya''', ''[[The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya]]''}}
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{{quote|''"Immortality is wasted on the young."''|'''Alucard''', ''[[Hellsing]]''}}
{{quote|''"Romance [...] is flexible in that it can act as the central reason to include an array of props. Want tension? [[Third-Act Misunderstanding|Create awkward scenarios that sprout from romance]]. Mind some comedy? [[Cliché Storm|There are countless cliché gags based on a romantic relationship.]] Want to keep a healthy male fan base? [[Supporting Harem|Add girls]], [[Panty Shot|some naughty camera angles]], [[Sex Sells|and you’ve got yourself a steady audience.]]
''Romance is versatile, but requires a lot of characterization and work on the story. Some anime producers decided that [[They Just Didn't Care|these weren’t important]], but liked the broad spectrum of actions that romance covered. So they included the drama, comedy, and [[Fan Service|fan-service]], but left out the tedious process of developing a proper romance."''|'''Austin''', ''[http://the-artifice.com/anime-fake-romance/ Anime: The World of Fake Romance]'' (The Artifice)}}
{{quote|''"Hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of people discovered anime through [Carl] Macek's work, including a lot of the fans who went on to found North America's anime industry.
''You could make the case that the popularization of anime might have happened anyway, but the fact is, Macek was the one who did it."''
|'''Christopher Macdonald''', CEO and editor-in-chief of [[Anime News Network]], ''[http://www.sfgate.com/entertainment/article/The-Robotech-master-2480888.php The 'Robotech' master]''}}
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'''Daisy Domergue''': I've been called worse.
'''John 'The Hangman' Ruth''': Now, that I can believe.
|''[[The Hateful Eight]]''}}
{{quote|''"Padme, your boyfriend whom you've known for about 2 weeks by this point came home and ranted for a solid minute about how he savagely murdered a whole bunch of people, women and children included.
''Deary, this is the part where you pack your bags and quietly leave."''
|'''Big Issac''', [[YouTube]] comment on a [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v{{=}}pfevBIsVG1o&lc{{=}}z12petwzslacsxebn04cj1bxro2mzdpbzy40k video] of the scene described, from ''[[Star Wars]] Episode II: [[Attack of the Clones]]''}}
{{quote|"For all the hard work SJWs and Feminists put into defending [[Ghostbusters (2016 film)|Ghostbusters [2016]]] from the legions of haters and dudebros, they ended up showed their support for the movie by.... staying home and not watching it at all. This is what artists, companies, etc, don't seem to understand, but it's been proven time and time again: there is NO reward in catering to SJWs and Feminists, because they have no concept of "voting with their wallet". They will NEVER reward you for doing the right thing, because---among other things---as far as they're concerned, that's what you're SUPPOSED to do in the first place, and so why reward someone for doing just that?"''
|'''[[Encyclopedia Dramatica]]''' on reports of empty theaters for [[Ghostbusters (2016 film)|Ghostbusters 2016]], [https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Fembusters in their article about the film]}}
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|''The Three Voices'' by [[Lewis Carroll]]}}
{{quote|''"[...] it is invariably the case that actions bright and exciting in the imagination are, unfortunately, often disappointing or farcical in practice, more so when they have not been thought through thoroughly. Deep thinking gives people a headache.
''They think they are thinking when in fact they are merely daydreaming. For instance, if you were to ask them what they thought of ‘adventure,’ they would express a vague, undefined pro-adventure attitude, as practically everyone does, albeit from the comfort of an easy chair. They equate, or confuse, their liking for the idea of adventure with an ability to possibly participate in the real thing. Whereas, in practice, they might immediately discover that real adventure — of the neck-on-the-line variety — is unsettling, like entering a fourth dimension where the comfortable laws and rules they take for granted in normal life no longer apply; adrenaline speeds the pumping blood and distorts the faculties; immersion in the immediacy of action obviates wider appreciation. Riding the whirlwind is an acquired taste. The psyche aspires to accommodate the new perspective of both inner and external vision. The more times you act as supreme architect, the more you become one.''"
''They think they are thinking when in fact they are merely daydreaming. For instance, if you were to ask them what they thought of ‘adventure,’ they would express a vague, undefined pro-adventure attitude, as practically everyone does, albeit from the comfort of an easy chair. They equate, or confuse, their liking for the idea of adventure with an ability to possibly participate in the real thing. Whereas, in practice, they might immediately discover that real adventure — of the neck-on-the-line variety — is unsettling, like entering a fourth dimension where the comfortable laws and rules they take for granted in normal life no longer apply; adrenaline speeds the pumping blood and distorts the faculties; immersion in the immediacy of action obviates wider appreciation. Riding the whirlwind is an acquired taste. The psyche aspires to accommodate the new perspective of both inner and external vision. The more times you act as supreme architect, the more you become one.''
|'''[[wikipedia:Ian Brady|Ian Brady]]''', [http://feralhouse.com/the-gates-of-janus/ The Gates of Janus] (Chapter Fifteen: [[wikipedia:Ted Bundy|Ted Bundy]])}}
{{quote|I know there are spares among us. Where are the spares? Are we a troop together or a band of savages?|Stilgar, ''[[Dune]]''}}
|Stilgar, ''[[Dune]]''}}
{{quote|"‘If you build it, they will come’ is a saying from a famous 1989 Hollywood movie, ''[[Field of Dreams]]''. But if you build it and it doesn’t provide value, they will soon leave!"|''The Official Introduction to the ITIL Service Lifecycle'', Her Majesty’s Stationery Office}}
== Live Action TV ==
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Dust - of thousand stars into the reactor
Life comes from death - blankness from light
|''Core Domain'' by '''Thunderblast'''}}
{{quote|''"That alert-sounding siren doesn't always have to go off at the start of a beat track; the sound of the beat nearly gives it away on its own."''
|'''CVoss''' on J Dilla, '''[https://rateyourmusic.com/artist/j_dilla Rate Your Music]'''}}
{{quote|''"'''An hour and a half''' of terrible [[grunge]] music! From a '''[[hip-hop]]''' artist! That's as polarizing as it gets!
|'''Prismadoll''', [https://rateyourmusic.com/collection/Prismadoll/reviews Rate Your Music review] of ''Speedin' Bullet 2 Heaven'' by [[Kid Cudi]]}}
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{{quote|''"Their catch phrase for EOS Online is "For the [[MMORPG]] that you've lost." The only thing that I have lost while testing this game is interest."''|[http://steparu.com/reviews/mmo-rpg-reviews/1016-eos-online-review ''Steparu Review'']}}
{{quote|"''When many of us sit down and play titles that come out of Japan, we are specifically playing them because they are nothing like what we can get here. They often touch on subjects which are considered taboo to some western audiences, or tackle subject matter that others are afraid to tread through. We don't play Japanese games [...] because they are representative of our western cultural values, we play them because they '''aren't.''' They allow us to grow by experiencing fiction and fun from the point of view of an entirely different culture, and we learn a new form of appreciation for the world through it."''|'''Mandatory Fun''', ''[https://www.change.org/p/koei-tecmo-capcom-namco-monolith-soft-ncsoft-1-million-gamers-strong-for-japanese-gaming? Change.org petition (1 Million Gamers Strong for Japanese Gaming)]''}}
{{quote|"''While [[Clannad (visual novel)|Clannad]] certainly has a bunch of the generic "lol Japan is perverts", I'd be hard-pressed to call it a game designed for porn. I mean, if you enjoy masturbating to your own tears, that's not the game's fault."''|'''Ad__Hominem''', ''[[Reddit]] [https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/3vx6cl/so_abc_tv_show_good_game_just_did_an_episode_on/ (r/KotakuInAction, So the ABC tv show Good Game just did an episode on sex in games...)]''}}
{{quote|''"Who'd of thought it, huh? A bunch of small towners like us wrapped up in an adventure like this."''|'''Olivia''', ''Minecraft: Story Mode''}}
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{{quote|''"Didn't they, like, put ads in a reaction video to [[wikipedia:Suicide of Amanda Todd|a little girl's suicide video]] and [[wikipedia:Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting|a school shooting]]?"''|'''Steve''' (a human being with empathy), ''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v{{=}}oXJ3FFOXvOQ Finebros React]'' (Psychicpebbles short)}}
{{quote|''"We're reacting to ourselves now? That's so useless and redundant. (happy shrug) '''Why didn't we think of it before?!'''"''|'''Rafi Fine''', ''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v{{=}}oXJ3FFOXvOQ Finebros React]'' (Psychicpebbles short)}}
''(happy shrug)''
'''Why didn't we think of it before?!'''"''
|'''Rafi Fine''', ''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v{{=}}oXJ3FFOXvOQ Finebros React]'' (Psychicpebbles short)}}
{{quote|''"See, the future of [[YouTube]] is not you at all. It’s the corporations. They want the [[MythBusters]] here. They want the recording artists. They want people like [[Seth MacFarlane]] [[Seth MacFarlane's Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy|and his cavalcade of comedy]]. They don’t want you. They want the front page full of corporate content because that’s what’s working at [[Hulu]].com... [[Rerun|reruns of television shows]]. Very safe for an advertiser to put his ads up against. That’s what YouTube wants. They want corporate content up on the Most Viewed and on the Most Discussed"''|'''TheeStranger''' (2008), ''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v{{=}}V025E_b5I4g&feature{{=}}youtu.be HULU TUBE - PHASING YOU OUT OF YOUTUBE]''}}
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{{quote|"There was a point in the early 90's when people thought the internet was going to create a global forum for the spread of new ideas, that it would make national boundaries and old prejudices irrelevant. Indeed people attached an almost utopian significance to it. The global village was no longer a theory but a reality.
Fast forward about 20 odd years and we use it to watch videos of fat men eating junk food and vomiting
|'''feedtheoctopus''', ''[[Kiwi Farms]]'' [https://kiwifarms.net/threads/joeysworldtour.23484/page-4#post-1678712 thread] about JoeysWorldTour}}
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|'''John C. Wright''', ''[http://www.scifiwright.com/2008/06/if-everyone-is-super-no-one-will-be/ If everyone is Super, no one will be]''}}
{{quote|''"Kafkaesque doesn't even begin to describe how fucked up this is. Those poor kids are going to have their lives ruined because some fuckwad at the police station decided that was the only charge they could stick on them.
''Our legal system is too fucked up to even repair at this point. It's become a series of depressing stories like this highlighting how broken it is but, until people are impacted by it themselves, most are not willing to raise their voices and demand change."''
|'''Bananassassin''', ''[https://voat.co/v/whatever/comments/769058 Teen Boy Will Be Charged As Adult For Having Naked Pics of a Minor: Himself]'' ([[Voat]] thread)}}
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{{quote|"Here’s how bad [the school environment in universities has] gotten, for reals: last summer [of 2015], I agonized over whether or not to include texts about climate change in my first-year comp course. They would have fit perfectly into the unit, which was about the selective production of ignorance and the manipulation of public discourse. But I decided against including them. They forced readers to come to uncomfortable conclusions. They indicted our consumption-based lifestyles. They called out liars for lying. Lots of uncomfortable stuff. All it would take was one bougie, liberal student to [[All Issues Are Political Issues|get offended by them, call them triggering]], and then boom, that’s it, that’s the end of me.
So... yeah. This is what call out culture has begot. An academic climate where teachers are afraid to make students think, and where academics themselves are afraid to say a single word that bucks the status quo. Congrats, guys. You’ve won."
|'''White Hot Harlots''', [http://whitehotharlots.tumblr.com/post/114067452180/a-personal-account-of-how-call-out-culture-has A personal account of how call out culture has harmed teaching]}}