Radiant Historia: Difference between revisions

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* [[Zero -Percent Approval Rating]]: Averted.
* [[Three Quarters View]]
* [[24-Hour Armor]] - Rosch in particular.
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* [[Apathetic Citizens]] - The people of Alistel are remarkably chill considering what's going on around them due to their blind faith in the Prophet Noah.
* [[Arbitrary Headcount Limit]] - Three characters can fight at a time.
* [[Assassin Outclassin']]: In an unlockable ending scene, some unidentified assassin tries to kill {{spoiler|Eruca}}. However, the target uses {{spoiler|the Vanish technique}} they learned from {{spoiler|Stocke}} to take out the assassin.
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]] - King Garland, who united his country by beating up the other factions.
* [[Awesome Moment of Crowning]] - Averted: {{spoiler|Eruca becomes Queen with no fanfare at all}}.
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* [[Bishonen]] - Dias and Stocke. Selvan also qualifies. It's implied Dias and Selvan got their jobs ''because'' of their looks.
* [[Butterfly of Doom]]
* [[But Thou Must!]] - Countless times you will need to choose between two options. Invariably, one of them leads to a [[Nonstandard Game Over]] and the other choice allows the story to proceed. If you guess wrong, time is reset and you have an opportunity to make the choice again.
* [[Can't Drop the Hero]]
* [[Capital City]] - Alistel, Granorg, and Cygnus all have capitals sharing the name of the country.
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* [[A Father to His Men]]: Rosch, and also Lt. General Raul.
* [[Fetch Quest]] - Some of the sidequests.
* [[Fighting forFor A Homeland]] - One of Raynie and Marco's main motivations.
* [[Fighting Your Friend]] - Happens a few times.
* [[Fight Woosh]]
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* [[Goldfish Poop Gang]] - Bram and Hertz, the Desert Crows. One sidequest involves {{spoiler|cheering the leader up after he disbands the group ''due'' to their goldfish poop status}}.
* [[Gonk]]: Heiss and Fennel.
* [[Good Republic, Evil Empire]] - Subverted: {{spoiler|Alistel and Granorg take turns being the enemy}}.
** {{spoiler|Depends on the timeline. In Standard History, Granorg is the enemy. In Alternate History, it's Alistel. This is actually the result of a very early event in the game, Alistel's reinforcement of the Sand Fortress. In SH, Stocke and crew are unable to help Rosche's brigade break through the enemy's forces in the mines, allowing Granorg forces to take the Sand Fortress. In AH, Rosche's brigade breaks through, with help from Stocke and crew, allowing Alistel forces to reinforce and hold the Sand Fortress. Though, because of the backstabbing and secret pacts in both timelines, they both eventually become the enemy in both timelines. Considering how messed up both governments are, the choices are more like Zealous Republic Apathetic Empire.}}
* [[Government Conspiracy]] - {{spoiler|Not all that surprisingly, in Alistel.}}
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* [[Guys Smash Girls Shoot]] - All three ladies are magic focused. Raynie starts off as a [[Magic Knight]], but becomes your [[Lady of Black Magic]]. Bonus points for Eruca, who uses a gun.
* [[Half-Human Hybrid]] - {{spoiler|Liese is implied to be pregnant with one in the [[Golden Ending]].}}
* [[Have We Met Yet?]] - Repeatedly. Nearly everyone gets deja vu at some point in one of the paths.
* [[Heavily Armored Mook]] - Several of the army mooks.
* [[Healing Hands]] - Aht, Stocke, and Marco. Eruca and Raynie also have Regen magic.
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* [[Limit Break]]: Mana Bursts. Everyone can use "Turn Break" (an enemy turn is skipped) and also gets two unique attacks.
* [[Limited Wardrobe]] - Nobody ever changes clothes except for the rare disguise.
* [[Linear Warriors, Quadratic Wizards]] - Physical attacks are next to useless in this game. It also helps that there are no such thing as elemental resistances or immunities in this game, only weaknesses. This makes the Mythril Edge, which is bought from a random merchant near the end of the game, more useful than the {{spoiler|[[Infinity+1 Sword|True Historica]], which you get after beating the toughest boss in the game}} due to its substantially higher Magic boost.
* [[Load-Bearing Boss]] - {{spoiler|The [[Final Boss]]}}
* [[Lost Forever]] - There is exactly 1 missable fight in this game: {{spoiler|Hermit Pierre}}. If you {{spoiler|escort Claire out of the sewers}} in Standard History Chapter 2, you've officially locked yourself out of this event for the rest of that file.
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* [[Multiple Endings]] - Send the timeline into an unsustainable path (such as attacking a diplomat), and you end up continuing from the beginning of that chapter. The final ending also has multiple permuations depending on which sidequests you cleared.
* [[Mundane Utility]] - The Chronicles, books that allow the bearers to travel through time at will and rewrite history as they see fit were originally intended {{spoiler|to make their bearers wiser so that their sacrifices would have more of an effect}}. That's pretty damn important, but ''[[Misapplied Phlebotinum|still]]''...
* [[My Country, Right or Wrong]]: {{spoiler|Rosch}}, depending on time and timeline.
* [[My Master, Right or Wrong]] - Selvan and Dias to Protea. {{spoiler|Although, [[Unwitting Pawn|they only do so for her]] [[Dragon With an Agenda|downfall.]]}}
** Viola also suffers this in a sense. {{spoiler|She recognises Hugo as a manipulative bastard, but she stays loyal to Noah.}}
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]] - Palomides the Executioner.
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* [[No One Gets Left Behind]] - Both averted and played straight.
* [[Not So Different]] - {{spoiler|Heiss and Stocke. Stocke later understands Heiss's [[Refusal of the Call]].}}
* [[Now Where Was I Going Again?]] - May happen to players once the timeline(s) get more complicated, especially since much of the game involves replaying scenes they've played already with just a slight change.
** Thankfully, the White Chronicle is accessible from the menu, and lists both timelines, their events, their branching paths, and even the effects your manipulation had on them.
* [[Obligatory War Crime Scene]] - Several; the game ''is'' about a war.
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* [[Rewarded As a Traitor Deserves]] - {{spoiler|Hedge, after he attempts to sell out King Garland to Granorg. You'll prevent this, though.}}
* [[Ring Out Boss]] - Some boss battles are best fought by knocking them onto trap tiles. Sometimes you must knock them ''off'' booster tiles as well.
* [[Ripple -Effect -Proof Memory]]:
** Not only does Stocke have it, he can also make the opinions and feelings of certain characters from one timeline bleed onto the other, or even BACKWARDS in time. The most notable examples are {{spoiler|curing Rosch's [[Lawful Stupid]] and making Raynie and Marco's loyalty override their fear of betraying Heiss}}.
** Teo and Lippti appear to have this as well.
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]] - {{spoiler|Marco against the entire party in one of the bad endings.}}
* [[Romance Sidequest]] - With {{spoiler|Raynie}}, and its conditions are rather bizarre. {{spoiler|Stocke making various dialogue choices, all of which are COMBAT related, [[Strangled By the Red String|cause her to switch to full-on ''deredere'', confess her love for Stocke]], and [[Love Makes You Crazy|desire to give up fighting to elope with him]]. She harbors, and expresses these feelings, ''before'' one those dialogue choices actually happen. So, Stocke's random displays of male chivalry must be [[Memetic Sex God|so awesome it makes her fall in love ''in reverse time''!]]}}
* [[Royally Screwed -Up]] - The Granorg kingdom.
* [[Royals Who Actually Do Something]] - King Garland, Eruca, {{spoiler|Stocke, and Heiss}}.
* [[Run, Don't Walk]] - You must hold down B to walk.
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* [[Save the Princess]]
* [[Saving the World]]
* [[Schizo -Tech]] - Only one human ally and no enemies use a gun (everyone else uses crossbows) and one kingdom has Magitech mechs {{spoiler|and teleporters}}.
* [[Screw Destiny]] - [[Zig Zagged]]. {{spoiler|Heiss defied his destiny to become a sacrifice to save the world and tried to help Stocke do the same; however, Stocke fought his plans at every turn, and eventually his conviction convinced Heiss that the future was worth saving, causing him to offer himself as the sacrifice in Stocke's stead.}}
* [[Self Disposing Villains]]: {{spoiler|Dias}} throws a knife at {{spoiler|Eruca}}, and Stocke jumps in the way and lethally reflects it back to him with an extremely well-timed sword strike.
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* [[Set Right What Once Went Wrong]] - The theme of the game.
* [[Sidequest]] - Tons!
* [[Shout -Out]]:
** [[The Terminator|"Your clothes. Hand them over."]] (Stocke, while attempting to steal the clothes of {{spoiler|the Alistel Soldiers}}.)
** In the Sand Fortress, a training soldier quotes the song "Break My Stride."
** "The underground waterways [[Colossal Cave Adventure|are a maze of twisted passages, mostly alike.]]"
** The [[Golden Ending]], unlocked by finishing all the key sidequests in the game, {{spoiler|involves using [[Tricked -Out Time]] to save a subordinate who gave his life in a [[Heroic Sacrifice]].}} An almost-identical thing happens in ''[[Suikoden]]'', including the requirement of finishing all the key sidequests (there, the [[108]] "Stars of Destiny" had to be found).
* [[Sibling Team]] - {{spoiler|Stocke and Eruca.}}
* [[Skeleton Government]] - It's a real mystery how Granorg keeps going; Alistel at least has a few bureacrats.
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* [[Trauma Inn]]
* [[Treacherous Advisor]] - {{spoiler|Basically anyone in authority except Raul and Viola.}}
* [[Tricked -Out Time]] - In the [[Golden Ending]], {{spoiler|Stocke goes back in time and saves Kiel and the rest of the Rosch brigade, but manages to keep them stuck in Granorg long enough that everyone thinks they're dead.}}
* [[True Companions]] - Stocke, Rosch, and Sonja are this before the story starts; Raynie notes how close they are and wonders if she could form a bond like that. {{spoiler|[[Everyone Can See It|But Marco knows what's up.]]}}
* [[Two Guys and A Girl]] - Stocke, Marco and Raynie could be this, except Marco seems more brotherly to Raynie than anything.
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* [[Walking Shirtless Scene]] - Vanoss, though it can be hard to tell from his sprite.
* [[War Was Beginning]]
* [[Wham! Line]]:
{{quote| Raynie: {{spoiler|Maybe I've been fooling myself this whole time. I guess that just won't do, will it? [[Strangled By the Red String|I admit it, Stocke. I love you.]]}}<br />
Stocke: {{spoiler|*Shocked* I...I thought we were talking about [[I Have This Friend|this guy you knew...]]}} }}