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For whatever reason (perhaps because [[Christianity Is Catholic]]), there seems to be no common Protestant or Orthodox equivalent to this trope, even though people paying lip-service to their family or culture's religion is as old as religion itself. However, you can compare [[Informed Judaism]] as a kind of Hebraic counterpart. A possible explanation for this is that Catholicism and Judaism, much more than Protestantism, are considered by some to be a part of one's heritage in addition to being a religion, especially to those whose national heritage is tied to religion, such as people of Irish, Italian, or Hispanic descent.
There are shadings of this- a "Christmas and Easter Catholic" is someone who attends Mass only on those holidays regardless of how closely they hold to Church doctrine; a "cafeteria Catholic" is someone who chooses which teachings to follow or ignore, regardless of frequency of attendance; an "ex-Catholic" or "[[Tropaholics Anonymous|recovering Catholic]]" has left the Church, may or may not self-identify or have formally converted to another religion, but still has the cultural baggage of having been raised Catholic; a "cultural Catholic" or "non-practicing Catholic" still identifies as Catholic due to family or ethnic heritage but really doesn't adhere to the religion itself; and a "lapsed Catholic" or "fallen-away Catholic" is the Catholic Church's own term for all of the above.
Anyone who was born and raised in the church - regardless of their current status - might also be described as a "cradle Catholic."