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* [[Bilingual Dialogue]]: Played for laughs in "Backstage Lensman". Sir Houston Carbarn is the most brilliant mathematical physicist in the known universe; one of only a handful of living entities who can actually think in the language of pure mathematics.
{{quote| Sir Houston Carbarn smiled. "(-1)(-1) {{=}} +1," he informed.<br />
The Starboard Admiral slammed his palm against the desk. "Of course! The principle of the double negative! Two negaspheres make a posisphere! Our Gray Lensman has genius, Sir Houston!"<br />
"?" agreed Sir Houston. }}
* [[Bluffing the Advance Scout]]: In "The Best Policy", alien advance scouts kidnap a human, stick him in a lie detector, and order him to describe Earth. He manages to give them a description in which every sentence is technically true, but the overall effect is a misleading picture of humans who possess immense, even supernatural powers, and the aliens are frightened off.
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* [[Humans Are Cthulhu]]: The [[H.P. Lovecraft]] takeoff "The Horror Out of Time" starts off as apparently a typical Lovecraftian tale of a first-person narrator having a mind-bending encounter amidst prehistoric ruins, but it eventually becomes clear that narrator is not human, and that the human race is the horrible creatures depicted on the walls of the ruins.
* [[I Want My Jetpack]]: Spoofed in "The Masters of the Metropolis", which describes any everyday modern journey as if it were a scenario from a fifty-year-old futurism piece:
{{quote| Threading his way through the crowds which thronged the vaulted interior of the terminal, he came to a ''turnstile'', an artifact not unlike a rimless wheel, whose spokes revolved to allow his passage. He placed a coin in the mechanism, and the marvelous machine -- but one of the many mechanical marvels of the age -- recorded his passage on a small dial and automatically added the value of this coin to the total theretofore accumulated. All this, mind, without a single human hand at the controls!}}
* [[Lie Detector]]: Featured in "The Best Policy".
* [[Market-Based Title]]: The three parts of the Psi-Power trilogy were titled "That Sweet Little Old Lady", "Out Like a Light", and "Occasion for Disaster" when first published in ''[[Analog]]''; when they were republished in book form they were renamed ''Brain Twister'', ''The Impossibles'', and ''Supermind''.