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* The ''[[Castlevania]]'' series has a lot of examples:
** ''[[Castlevania Curse of Darkness (Video Game)|Castlevania: Curse of Darkness]]'' has any number of items that only very rarely drop from enemies. This is the ''only'' way to acquire many of the materials needed to make weapons and armor. However, most of the materials can be stolen from ''other'' enemies, so it's not quite so bad. That being said, since stealing in this game works by locking onto an enemy and then pressing a button when they do a specific action that leaves them open for stealing, some of the items can be even more of a pain in the ass if you can only steal their item with a ridiculously good timing, using obscure gimmicks or avoiding a hard-to-dodge attack with perfect timing and be positioned correctly right afterwards.
** ''[[Castlevania Circle of the Moon (Video Game)|Castlevania: Circle of the Moon]]'' was particularly egregious in two respects. There is an item that increases the rate of random drops, but this item was also a random drop. There's also a spell that boosts your luck (and thus increasing your odds of getting a random drop), but to get the materials for the spell you needed '''two''' random drops (although the odds of getting those drops was much more realistic--no worse than a 10% chance). Remember too, in this game there is no other way to get ''any'' items other than through random drops. Even the most basic Potion is a rare drop from just a handful of enemies. The people who made this game hate you and your family.
** ''Castlevania: [[Dawn of Sorrow]]'' takes random drops to new extremes, with most weapons coming from randomly dropped souls... and the soul that increases Luck having 9 levels, so you need to get the soul 9 times. However, this particular iteration is not at all bad, as the creatures that drop the Luck increasing souls are plentiful, easy to kill, and drop the soul quite frequently (it's a two-star drop).
** Similarly, in ''[[Order of Ecclesia]]'', enemies can drop money, materials used in side quests and Glyphs, ''OoE'''s equivalent of Souls. Enemies also cast glyphs, which means that you'll have to absorb them quickly while the enemy is preparing the attack. On the plus side, absorbing the glyph ''stops'' the attack, gives you five hearts, and briefly stuns the enemy.
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** This goes back all the way to the original ''Castlevania'' and most of the non-[[Metroidvania|MetroidVanias]] in the series that followed. Enemies would randomly drop hearts, money, or even subweapons, if the game was feeling generous. [[Nintendo Hard|Which wasn't too often.]] Maddeningly, sometimes a subweapon you didn't want would be unavoidably dropped, especially when dealing with aerial monsters. Thankfully, most games since ''Rondo of Blood'' have allowed you to pick up your old weapon, as long as it didn't ''fall down a pit''.
** ''[[Harmony of Despair]]'' takes this trope and runs away with it. Soma's souls make a return appearance, as do Shanoa's glyphs (though they're easier to get here). However, Shanoa only gets new weapons from chests dropped by bosses, meaning that, unless you want to go through the whole game with her default rapier, you'll be doing some grinding to pick something up. Jonathan also only gets subweapons randomly, which is problematic considering that he doesn't get stronger without using subweapons. Charlotte also suffers, as she only gets spells by using a shield to absorb them from enemies, meaning that you might sit in front of an enemy absorbing fireballs for the full [[Timed Mission|thirty minutes]]. And then she has to absorb the same spell to get stronger.
* Enemies in ''[[The Legend of Zelda (Franchise)|The Legend of Zelda]]'' games usually have pretty consistent drops, but ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Video Game)|The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword]]'' introduced "treasure" items, like slime blobs, that drop infrequently from certain monsters. Some, like the Gold Ornamental Skull, are rare enough that you'll probably only find two or three during the game (not counting the ones from chests) despite killing hundreds of the enemy that drops them.
== Fighting Game ==
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== First Person Shooter ==
* ''[[Borderlands (Video Game)|Borderlands]]'' is the [[FPS]] equivalent of this (its initial pitch: "[[X Meets Y|Halo meets Diablo]]"). It, too, has a list of super-rare ([[DLC]]-exclusive) weapons known as "Pearlescents". These [[Infinity+1 Sword|super-strong]] firearms drop at a rate of 1 for every 60 orange (the previous highest-level category) items. Of course, they're a ''little'' more prevalent than you might think, thanks to a [[Good Bad Bug|multiplayer glitch]] that allows for easy item duplication.
* ''[[STALKER|S.T.A.L.K.E.R.]]'' does this in a really silly fashion, sending you to collect the Eye of a Fleshie or Foot of a Snork. Which makes no sense--why fight potentially dozens of them for a single item to drop rather that just using your knife to cut off the body part from the first one you killed? What, did it take several tries to get it right?
* The folks at Valve have decided to throw the unlockable weapons of ''[[Team Fortress 2 (Video Game)|Team Fortress 2]]'' into this category with rates based on time played, and made the achievements "useless" (weapon drops were previously linked to class-specific achievement milestones). The first day had absolutely horrendous drop rates, and most of the time it was weapons you already had, so [[Sarcasm Mode|you can imagine how fun that was]]. It's since gotten slowly but surely a lot better:
** Right before the system was implemented, two of the nine classes had just been provided with unlockable weapons, meaning players had six new toys to earn (three each) and zero ways in which to earn them. The system was so hopelessly broken that Valve has since brought back the achievements, then later revamped the drop rate entirely. Currently, the drop rate is one item every 25 minutes minimum, 75 minutes maximum, which is much more reasonable.
** You also can get purely cosmetic hats for the classes. There are 9 classes. Your odds of getting a hat (any hat) is .5%, or 1/200. Your odds of getting a particular hat of 1/1800. To have a 50% chance of getting a particular hat, statistically you need to log 1250 hours. That's 52 ''days'' of play. That's more play time than all but ten of the official ''maps'' have.
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== [[MMORP Gs]] ==
* ''[[Final Fantasy XI (Video Game)|Final Fantasy XI]]'' has a couple items that are stupidly rare. Not only is there The Ridill (average drop rate: about one every 20 kills of Fafnir at best), but it also has Defending Ring (about one every six months) and Hauteclaire (about one every three months). Dynamis often falls victim to this due to the fact that every monster in a Dynamis zone has an extremely low chance of dropping one of many different armor pieces (which is made up by the fact that these zones contain hundreds of monsters). Many linkshells end up with a particular set of pieces that are rare, while three jobs (usually Beastmaster, Dragoon, and one job that is actually desired at first) tend to drop at a fast rate. And this is just endgame. Listing all the things that eat a ton of time due to ridiculously low drop rates would take up too much space.
** Also worth noting are the respawn times on these monsters. Fafnir takes a whole day to respawn, the other two spawn every three days. And there are other groups competing with you. Even worse would be Voluptuous Vilma and Defoliate Leshy, which only spawn if other rare monsters are not killed for a long time. The existence of these monsters was unknown until a small group of players went onto the test server for a tournament and saw them.
** Rarely do drop rates in ''[[Final Fantasy XI (Video Game)|Final Fantasy XI]]'' drop below 7%... except in Salvage. The premise of Salvage is that collecting 3 like pieces of equipment (3 mage gloves, 3 warrior boots, etc) from the ancient ruins of the Alzadaal civilization could allow a player to restore a piece of Salvage equipment, which constituted (until fairly recently and with few exceptions) [[Infinity+1 Sword|quite a bit of the game's Infinity Plus One gear]]. The first two pieces are generally easy enough to obtain, with the first piece (level15) being 100% and the second piece (level25) usually being around 25%. Then you have the third piece (level35)... If it happened to drop in the Silver Sea Remnants section of Alzadaal, chances are you're ''still'' looking for it. Or not, because they've almost all since been replaced with better and more immediately satisfying equipment.
* Played seriously straight in [[MMORPG]] ''[[Maple Story]]''. Monsters have a very good chance (roughly 50~75%) of dropping some money (Mesos) and an "ETC" drop unique to the monster (or monster type). They have about a 1-in-10 chance of dropping potions or material ores, a ''very'' rare chance of dropping equippable items, and an ''extremely rare'' chance of dropping scrolls (which are used to upgrade equipment) or throwing stars. A coupon in the game's cash shop doubles the drop rate of monsters killed by the user. It doesn't help that sometimes only one particular enemy drops a particular item. Or that there's no indication that a miscellaneous drop is needed for a quest you don't have. Or quests that ask you to get an item, but don't say what enemy drops it. Then there's the major bosses Zakum and Horntail, who are guaranteed to drop at least one Zakum Helmet or Horntail Pendant each time they're killed, it's ''how many'' that drop that's random. All of their other drops are subject to Random Drops.
** The Malaysia exclusive map (guess what it's called) has somewhat broken drop rates- i.e. something around twice or thrice that of the original maps. ''This stacks with the event bonuses''.
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== Role Playing Game ==
* ''[[Final Fantasy IV (Video Game)|Final Fantasy IV]]''. Pink Tails. They are held by one enemy, found in one room, with approximately a 1-in-64 chance of encountering it ''and'' a 1-in-64 chance of dropping the proper loot once defeated -- and that's the only way to get the best armor in the game. For those of you who didn't study math, that's a whopping 1-in-4096 chance per encounter. This is ameliorated somewhat if you've accumulated a stockpile of Alarm items, which trigger encounters; in the room in question, they trigger an encounter with these particular monsters. This is made worse in the DS remake since the newly added optional bosses are impossible/near impossible without said armor... on all party members. Also in the DS version are Rainbow Puddings. Some people have attempted three days with none of it dropping... and some people get tons of pudding without even trying.
** Additional...fun in relation to pink tails. The only way to find the monsters that drop it in the DS remake is to use an Alarm item. Otherwise the room is completely clear of random encounters. So, at least now you have a 100% chance of encountering the enemy, right? Well, you now have a 1/64 chance of the Princess Flan dropping any item AT ALL, and a 1/64 chance of it being a Pink Tail. So the odds are the same (1/4096). But you can only hold 99 Alarms at a time, and each time you need more you have to trek ALL THE WAY OUT of the dungeon (or teleport), use your airship to reach the one shop in the game that sells them, and then walk all the way back to that one room. Remember, every 100 encounters, you have to spend 10ish minutes walking, even with the teleport and no random encounters. And the chance is 1/4096. Have fun spending on average 6.5 ''HOURS'' walking back and forth per tail. If you don't teleport, or run into lots of encounters, expect 13 or more hours just walking. And that's not even taking the fight with the flans into account.
* Its sequel, ''[[Final Fantasy IV the After Years (Video Game)|Final Fantasy IV the After Years]]'', seemed to be guilty of the above as well, but then it was discovered that thanks to its cellphone roots, its RNG is comparable in ''[[Golden Sun (Video Game)|Golden Sun]]'' in its simplicity and people have already found methods to get pretty much any and all 1/256 items every time. There's also items that increase the droprate normally, and change that drop to the next item on the rarity list. Due to the way this works, you'll be seeing a lot of supposedly rare items and zero common ones just by playing the game normally with the best items of each category equipped.
** Played straight in the PSP collection, where the random drops are actually random again, but averted slightly in that it's more likely you get rare item from the [[Bonus Dungeon|Challenge Dungeon]] boss chests that're randomized and the worst item you can get is an X-Potion: however, you can't get any extra copies of any of the items, including Adamantines that're used to trade them for parts of [[Armor of Invincibility]] at the end of the game.
* ''[[Final Fantasy V (Video Game)|Final Fantasy V]]'', like the other Final Fantasy games, has several rare drops. The Tinklebell is the most annoying, and belongs to [[That One Boss|Twintania]]. It's technically a 1/16 drop ratio, but Twintania's drops change based on whether it's in Normal form, or if it's in its Gigaflare form. The Normal form is the harder to kill of the two, and is the form that drops the Tinklebell.
* ''[[Final Fantasy VI (Video Game)|Final Fantasy VI]]'' subverted this trope in a clever way. Every monster in the game had common and rare drop items. The rare drop has a certain (small) percentage of dropping. Otherwise, you get the common drop guaranteed. Most monsters did not have common drops, but some monsters (especially bosses) were guaranteed to drop certain items because they had the same item as both common and rare drops. (Barring a certain glitch that makes the second Behemoth Suit you're supposed to get unattainable.)
* ''[[Final Fantasy VIII (Video Game)|Final Fantasy VIII]]'' is an unpleasant offender, too. Several of the items required to get Quistis's best Blue Magics (Shockwave Pulsar, for example, though Ray-Bomb is a worse offender) require either hours and hours of card-playing, at least a couple hours of stealing from enemies, ''or'' (in the hideously egregious case of Ray-Bomb), attempting to steal a 12-in-256 drop from an uncommon monster.
* ''[[Final Fantasy IX (Video Game)|Final Fantasy IX]]'' has a variation on one of these: Eiko's Fairy Flute can stolen from Hilgigars on disk 2, a full disk before it becomes available in a Mogshop. Not hard - equip Bandit and spend a few turns trying to steal it, right? Wrong. It is quite the hardest item to steal in the entire game, and Hilgigars isn't an easy boss, either. Most walkthroughs advise just giving up on the Fairy Flute and buying it later. Not necessarily a random drop, but the difficulty and time required in getting the item definitely qualifies.
* ''[[Final Fantasy XII (Video Game)|Final Fantasy XII]]'' took things to somewhat ridiculous length: not only does every monster have common, uncommon, rare and ultra-rare random drops (and a fifth class of drop that requires you to purchase a 'monograph' describing that class of monster), but also (different!) lists of random [[Video Game Stealing|steals]] and 'poaches'. Crafting Tournesol, the game's [[Infinity+1 Sword]], requires multiples of the rarest loots from the rarest monsters.
** Let us not forget that the vast majority of ''treasure boxes'' in ''Final Fantasy XII'' were random drops; sometimes, the chest wouldn't be there, and most of the time, all the treasure you'd get from most boxes was a paltry sum of Gil. Worse, most of the chests that were fixed caused the Infinity Plus One Spear to become ONLY a random drop, with a chance of 1-in-1000.
*** The Chest that contains the aforementioned spear is in the Bonus Dungeon and has a 10% chance to be there. The Spear has a 1% chance of being in that chest. It can be obtained through this even if you've already got the one that's in the fixed chest in another [[Bonus Dungeon]]. If you're INSANELY lucky, you can get 6 or more Z. Spears allowing you to outfit every character in the game with the Best Weapon in the game.
*** However, a method has been found to trick the game's "pseudo"-RNG into getting a guaranteed Zodiac Spear from the chest in the Henne Mines, making this a subversion. This troper got 6 Zodiac Spears within a single hour.
* ''[[Final Fantasy XIII (Video Game)|Final Fantasy XIII]]'' adds the notoriously uncommon Trapezohedron to this growing list of epic loot. The Traps are extremely rare items that only drop once in a blue moon from an Adamantoise, which is basically a [[Bonus Boss]] for all intents and purposes - and one that requires extensive planning, preparation, and [[Level Grinding]] to defeat. (Or Death spamming, if you're willing to put up with the antics of the [[Random Number God]].) Many players have killed several dozen of these absurdly tough enemies without getting a single Trap, which is needed to upgrade your [[Infinity-1 Sword]] to an [[Infinity+1 Sword]].
* In the ''[[Rune Factory]]'' game series [[Item Crafting]] is a major part of the game. To create the vast majority of powerful equipment and potions requires many battles with the various monsters, to get the [[Randomly Drops]] components you need.
* ''[[Persona 3]]'' has Elizabeth's requests, in which she usually asks you to kill a specific enemy and bring back a number of parts from it. The trick is that if you don't kill the enemies with the protagonist, the item drop rate is extremely low. And even if you ''do'' kill said enemies with the protagonist, there will be a few times where you'll kill five of the same enemy in one battle... and get nothing at all.
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* ''[[Earthbound]]''. Its 1-in-128 items have become the focal point of several [[Self-Imposed Challenge|fan quests]], as numerous gamers try to get them all. In fact, one character's ''only weapon that doesn't lower his offense,'' the Sword of Kings, is a 1-in-128 chance item. and when you defeat the boss of the dungeon it's in, [[Lost Forever|the enemy carrying it never appears again.]] [[Infinity+1 Sword|The Gutsy Bat]] is found in the area right before the final boss, so it'll only be used against Giygas. The broken antenna/Gaia Beam is dropped by an enemy that [[Action Bomb|explodes upon defeat]]. The Magic Fry Pan is the ''simplest'' to get; killing a dinosaur. At least after hunting Starman Super for the Sword of Kings, Poo can make use of it for a long time.
** If you try for the Sword of Kings (or any 1/128 item), your levels will likely be pumped up to some ridiculous number. But if you abuse the [[Game Breaker|Rock Candy]], you don't ''need'' no stinking [[Randomly Drops]] weapons. [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|You could beat Giygas to death with your bare hands]].
** ''[[Mother 3 (Video Game)|Mother 3]]'' is a bit nicer, with a 3% to 5% chance of getting good weapons from certain enemies.
* The ''[[Breath of Fire]]'' series. Numerous examples of this. In fact, ''Breath of Fire 3'' features a rare enemy, the Goo King, that has a 1/256 chance of dropping a GooKingSword (1/128 if the chance is upped), which incidentally is (in raw power) the best weapon for the main character. This item is so rare it has become a running gag that it's really a hoax and not actually in the game.
* ''[[Pokémon]]'' has the unique problem in that the frustration-causing random drop is more often than not the Pokémon themselves. Some appear very rarely in the wild, with 1-in-20 odds or worse. The frustration is compounded by the fact that you have to weaken these monsters without defeating them, as well as hoping they've got the right gender, nature, etc.
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** Oh, and then there's Pickup, the ability to add even more random drops in your life. Basically, there's a 10% chance that a Pokemon with the ability gets an item after a battle. In Gen. III (the first games where Pokémon can have abilities), it always culled from the same list--resulting in a [[Disc One Nuke]] if you got one of the more rare items early (like a Nugget or a [[Rare Candy]]). Later games balanced it to make the list level-dependent, removing the [[Disc One Nuke]] status but adding a reason to [[Level Grinding|level grind]] fairly weak 'mons. The potential rewards? Greater chances at getting a [[Rare Candy]], some otherwise-rare evolution items, and the rare chance at acquiring items otherwise [[Too Awesome to Use]]. Plus, you always have the chance to get the item--sure, the odds are astronomical, but there's the chance your level 100 Ambipom can find five Earthquake TMs. In a row, even.
** Thanks to the addition of natures, getting the best possible specimen can turn into this. There are 25 different natures, so that's already a 1-in-25 chance of trying to get the one you want. Then there are Individual Values, which can range from 0 to 31. Rerolling these to get decent values makes the odds even worse. If you want to get perfect IVs, the best way would be breeding. In the best case, two IVs would be randomly generated, and the odds of getting a perfect value on those would be 1 in 1,024, which combined with getting the nature you want would be 1 in 25,600. Good luck if you're trying to get them with a wild 'mon.
* In ''[[Wizardry (Video Game)|Wizardry]] 8'' enemy drops and chest contents are determined when loading an area. So after a 15-minute fight, if the monster doesn't drop [[Infinity+1 Sword|Excalibur]], you can't just reload and fight again. You have to reload from before you entered the area, then make it all the way back to the monster, ''then'' fight it again.
* Both ''[[Golden Sun (Video Game)|Golden Sun]]'' games have rare weapons and armor that drops from certain monsters across the world, and since store-bought equipment is horribly mundane in these games, acquiring this equipment could certainly be handy. The problem is that each item only has a ''0.4%'' chance of dropping, upped to 1.6% if you kill it with a djinni attack of the correct element. However, given the rather simplistic nature of the random number generator in both games, it's possible to fix encounters to up the drop rate to 100%. Guess which method most sensible people pick?
** Don't forget that some randomly dropped items can be forged into new, powerful equipment. A whole range of different equips per item, actually. How does the game decide which you get? Randomly, of course!
** There are also the slot games that, while not necessarily "random", are a total pain to predict and give you some of the best stat-boosting items in the game.
** Unfortunately, the RNG of ''[[Golden Sun Dark Dawn (Video Game)|Golden Sun Dark Dawn]]'' is much harder to manipulate, which may have been deliberate on the part of the developers.
* The quality of items found in chests in the [[Bonus Dungeon|Ancient Cave]] in ''[[Lufia]] II'' has no relation to the dungeon level. Not so in ''Ruins of Lore'', though.
** The first ''Lufia'' has the Might Sword and the Might Armor, both pieces of ultimate equipment and both rare drops.
* Averted in ''[[Shadow Hearts (Video Game)|Shadow Hearts]]'', where enemies simply don't have rare or valuable items to drop. This has the interesting side effect of averting [[Money for Nothing]] - since you aren't going to get much out of the enemies ''but'' money, shops and the items within become more important.
* ''[[The World Ends With You (Video Game)|The World Ends With You]]'' seems to be initially guilty of this, and the game blatantly taunts you with drop rates that ultimately go as low as 1/30th of a percent. However, this doesn't matter much as you can initially increase the drop rate by as many times as your current level in exchange for a lowered maximum HP (i.e. your current level is currently 30, you can drop it to 1 to multiply all drop rates by 30), then further increase it by chaining together battles and multiply it with the number of battles you chain in exchange for increasing enemy stats for each successive battle. As if that wasn't enough, there's also [[Rare Candy|expensive and relatively hard to get food items you can consume to permanently increase your base drop rate by 1 or 3]]. Thus, in the end it's not as much of a question of lucking out with ridiculously small odds as it is a question of being able to win a battle with odds heavily stacked against you, which is far more acceptable.
** Not ''that'' heavily stacked, though -- by the time the rarest drops become available, you're going to be at a high enough level that losing 20 or 30 levels doesn't hurt that much, even on Ultimate difficulty. At that point, chaining five or six battles (which doesn't increase enemy stats that much) will give you a good chance of obtaining even the rarest items.
** If you're planning on time-attacking, raising your base drop rate is [[Blessed Withwith Suck|a very bad idea]]; instead of finishing the battle once you deplete the enemy's HP, you have to wait for your dropped items to spiral around your characters and get collected.
* While not technically drops, ''[[Yume Nikki]]'' has random events throughout the game with varying percentages of encountering. In the case of the [[Nightmare Fuel|infamous]] Uboa event, the randomness of it actually heightens the suspense and makes it more terrifying when it appears.
* In ''[[MegamanMega Man Battle Network]]'', many of the games require you to have used each [[Wave Motion Gun|Program Advance]] at least once for [[Hundred-Percent Completion]]. The problem? Doing so requires you to have exactly the right chips to form it in the exactly right code, which can usually only be obtained from random encounters, or if you're ''really'' a masochist, spending a couple hours at the chip traders. Even if you have the right chip and have [[Guide Dang It|figured out the Advance]], the odds are pretty good that the chip you have is the wrong code, and many of the codes you need for them are the ones that are only dropped at a particular busting level by a particular enemy in a particular location, who generally appears together with other enemies that drop things you don't want.
** This is especially annoying in ''Battle Network 4'', where you're forced to bump up the difficulty level which in turn levels up the enemies. Good luck getting the Level 2 Chips once you hit difficulty level 3, they're reduced to rare encounters and only in one or two locations.
** And then there's the Battle Mystery Data, items that appear on one panel and have 1 HP, and it must survive to get the item. Most of the time, these are placed in such a way that you must risk either the data or damage to make sure it survives. Then there's ShadeMan Omega's EvilChip, which can get randomly destroyed if the bat he turns into after any 10 HP or higher attack goes in that row - or you destroy it with a missed shot. At least LaserMan Omega keeps his attacks toward you.
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* Refreshingly averted in ''[[Gothic]]''. If the player kills a wolf, and he has the 'skin wolf' skill, ''he will skin that wolf''. Of course, this doesn't stop people wondering exactly how much skill it would take to pull the wings off a giant mosquito, or why wolves only seem to have four claws, total.
* In addition to randomly dropped items, ''[[Valkyrie Profile Silmeria]]'' has randomly dropped party members; when you recruit an einherjar, unless it is plot-critical, the game will pick one at random from a list, usually 2-3 possible characters to a recruiting item. Highly annoying if you want to get specific spells.
* ''[[Dragon Quest VII (Video Game)|Dragon Warrior 7]]'' for the Playstation uses this one frequently. If you want a certain type of monster heart, you must play Memory at the casino or keep fighting monsters until one of them drops a heart. Otherwise, you can never transform into certain monsters.
* ''[[Monster Hunter (Video Game)|Monster Hunter]]'': this is one of the main extra difficulties in the game, for alomst ALL kind of loot and carves. For those not in the know, let me explain: let's take, for example, a well known offender, the Lao-Shan Ruby item. This item is necessary to craft some ''very'' good armors and weapons, and is only given by a monster named the Lao-Shan Lung. Unlike many others in this page, the odds are more decent - only slightly below 1%. Not so bad, right? Yes, except the Lao Shan Lung is a ''huge boss that always takes about twenty minutes to kill'', each time (since it's scripted that he can't die until he reaches a certain point, his health will stop going down no matter how much you attack it). Twenty minutes per attempt, with a 1 in 100 chance... sound nice? Well, then we'll get into Rathalos Plates and Rubies, and Heavenly Scales (which, by the way, you need ''several'' of to make anything from them)... and it's easy to see why one of the chief concerns of the Monster Hunter fanbase is finding the best ways to kill the enemies as quickly as humanly possible.
** Then there are the Big Elder Dragon Jewels in Unite, which can be the hardest items to get in the game. They are dropped by G-Rank Elder Dragons with a 1% chance (or in Chameleos case, 2%). What makes these more frustrating than other extra-rare items, such as Heavenlies and Rubies, is that you must kill the dragon in case to even dream of obtaining it, and [[Marathon Boss|every Elder Dragon takes 3 or 4 quests to be slain]]. And some of them, like Teostra, are not exactly easy.
** {{spoiler|There is also the Ceadeus and it's oh so difficult to get Deep Dragongem, the same could be said of Alatreon and it's Azure Dragongem. Do not even get me started on Uragaan Rubies}}
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** Carried over for the [[Crossover]] in ''[[Metal Gear Solid]]: Peace Walker''. Rathalos drops plans for the Taneshigama, one of the most useful weapons in the game, and Tigrex and Gear Rex drop parts of the most powerful Co-op weapon in the game. With a 1% chance. Enjoy your grind.
* ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'' has randomly dropped synthesis items, each one normally dropped by 2 different monsters. These items were needed to make the ''Infinity Plus One Sword'', but it is almost completely averted due to the amount that you can increase the drop rate of these items. (Even the rarest synthesis item could usually be found with a 1:5 ratio, aside from those that only came from chests)
** In ''[[Kingdom Heartscoded (Video Game)|Kingdom Heartscoded]]'', you can unlock a special cheat that allows you to multiply the drop rate of the various command chips dropped by enemies in exchange for lowering your maximum HP, up to 16 times its normal rate. The difficulty level of the game also affects enemy drops. A few of the game's strongest enemies will drop stat-boosting chips on Critical mode, the highest difficulty.
* ''[[The Elder Scrolls]]'' almost entirely averts this trope. Every item needed for a main line quest is always fixed, and even in ''Arena'' and ''Daggerfall'' where sidequests are randomly generated the item will be placed the minute the quest is accepted and won't move until you get it. In ''Morrowind'' and ''Oblivion'', which have no random quests, ALL quest items and artifacts (and even non-artifact unique magic items) have fixed locations. Then ''Shivering Isles'' came and introduced a quest that required you to collect half a dozen random drops. Needless to say this is the quest that usually stays uncompleted.
* ''[[Lost Odyssey]]'' has [[Item Crafting|Ring Assembly]] components randomly drop, but thankfully nothing important. Then the ''Seeker of the Deep'' [[Expansion Pack]] had to go ruin that by including some ridiculously good, ridiculously hard to get randomly dropped accessories.
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* ''[[Suikoden II]]'' has this with the upgraded forms of Fire (Rage) and Lightning (Thunder) Runes. If you wanted more than one you could freely attach (and you did, as they were useful in many ways), you had to hope for a drop from specific enemies near the endgame.
** Triple-whammy of random drops in its predecessor, though--the original ''[[Suikoden]]''. First, as in Suiko2, the upgraded elemental runes (Rage, Flowing, Thunder, Cyclone, and Mother Earth) are rare random drops from specific enemies in the endgame, and just like in Suiko2, they are useful and you want them. Secondly, most of the best armor and accessories in the game are random drops that cannot be bought in any store--it's bad enough trying to equip a single six-person party for taking out the [[Final Boss]], God save the poor bastard who wants to outfit his ''entire army''. Thirdly, those of the [[Rare Candy|Rune Piece stat-boosters]] that aren't in limited quantity throughout the game are random drops from various enemies. So, if you want to do something about, say, [[Mighty Glacier|Pesmerga]]'s lead foot, get ready to farm like you've never farmed before--because, you see, the best part has been left for last: The odds of a monster dropping any item after combat in ''Suikoden'' are generally abysmally low, but everything described above--runes, equipment, rune pieces--has drop rates starting at around 1.5%, and going as low as a quarter of a single percentage point. Hope you didn't have anything better to do with your day.
* Monsters in ''[[Shining in Thethe Darkness]]'', although using the confusion spell "Muddle" can also make them give you their items.
* In the ''[[Etrian Odyssey (Video Game)|Etrian Odyssey]]'' series, monsters [[Money Spider|don't drop money]] -- you get raw materials from their corpses, which you can then sell back to the local shops both for cash and to help create even better weapons, armor and other supplies. This is your primary source of income. However, monsters don't always leave things behind, and many monsters also have Conditional Drops, which require you to [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|meet certain conditions to trigger]], like defeating it in a single turn or finishing it off with a certain element/status effect. Even if you meet the conditions, they ''still'' don't always drop, unless it's a boss... and many times, getting a boss to drop their special item also blocks the ''regular'' drop.
** The third game, ''The Drowned City'', has an [[NPC]] who frequents the local bar called Scavenger Toma. His whole purpose is to [[Guide Dang It|tell players how to meet most of these conditions]], all for the low-low price of a drink or two.
* ''[[Opoona]]'' has many monsters with rare drops attached to them. Some of these are equipment, which is expected. A few drop stat-boosting items. However, some of them drop items necessary for sidequests, and the ''only'' way to get said items is by beating up monsters until you get lucky. Having the sidequest does not, sadly, make said drops more common.
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== Turn Based Strategy ==
* ''[[Final Fantasy Tactics a 2 (Video Game)|Final Fantasy Tactics a 2]]'' '''breathes''' this trope. What you can buy is determined by what pieces of loot you bring to the Bazaar, which is determined solely by how much of a lucky bastard you are. This means that it's almost impossible to tune your team to your liking until much, much further into the game, since most classes require that you have enough abilities in others to unlock them... and abilities are granted by these same items you depend on luck for finding. So you end up having to get by with whatever you have available.
** Or by looking at the ''guaranteed'' loot given for completing a mission.
* ''[[Eternal Eyes]]'' has many different items available as drops, but one of the most valuable is Magical Puppets; they're the raw material for your [[Mons]], and each one you get equals a new unit. All monsters can drop them, but the chance is ''very'' low, and if you don't waste a turn opening the treasure chest it's in (no way to tell until you open it, of course), it stands a good chance of being destroyed by one of its former allies. A few chapter ends will simply give you a new puppet, so you ''will'' gain new units if you progress through the story normally, but if you want to expand your army further? Get to grindin'!