The Dark Powers are the land itself.

They are not sentient, or Quasi-Sentient at best.

The Dark Powers and The Lady of Pain are both the same kind of entity.

Both the Dark Powers ad the Lady of Pain belong to the same class of entity that is perhaps as powerful as, but distinct from the deities of the multiverse. Both also seem to have absolute control over their dominions, but have no power outside of it. Well, aside from the Mists appearing in other worlds to snatch up people or lands that is.

Strahd von Zarovich isn't the cursed one in Barovia.

Rather Tatyana is. Her curse is to be re-born again and again into a life that starts out well, but always turns into a nightmare of obsession and lust at the claws of Strahd. And Barovia is cursed too, cursed to have to endure an egotistical and powerful vampire as its lord. Of course, Strahd's entirely too proud to ever admit that it isn't all about him.

  • But she hasn't actually done anything wrong...unless she's the reincarnation of someone else who did something wwrong, and the Dark Powers just decided to stick her and Strahd in the same curse for some reason...