Real Life/Tropes F-N: Difference between revisions

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* [[Gambit Pileup]]: When you've got over 200 states and polities competing for every possible advantage, as well as countless factions ''within each one'', it's more or less inevitable.
* [[Game Favored Gender]]: For most of history it's been men, thanks to a widespread belief that [[Men Are Better Than Women]]. [[Society Marches On|This is rapidly changing though]], as more and more servers are realizing that men and women have somewhat different stats but are overall fairly balanced, and have changed the rules to accommodate this. This is averted in many situations as well, such as when [[Men Are the Expendable Gender]] (usually in warfare).
** This is closely related to [[Difficulty Byby Region]] as well, and women are favoured for certain classes (Education, Nursing and Childcare, for example). This slowly changing though as men come into these classes.
* [[Game Within a Game]] - Too many to count, of literally every genre. Most have no effect on gameplay as a whole, however, unless you're ''really'' good at one. That fact doesn't stop many players to ignore the main game and focus on these minigames though.
* [[Gay Option]]: Until recently, those who were found to have taken this option were ostracized at best. Nowadays you're allowed to take this option with little or no repercussions [[Difficulty Byby Region|provided you live in the right area.]]
* [[Genius Cripple]]: Professor Stephen Hawking.
* [[Genre Busting]]: Pretty much everything before the human race came along.
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** The first level was most likely [[Jungle Japes|eastern Africa]], which looks like it should qualify, but this may be a subversion since it's somewhat of a [[Death World]] as well.
* [[Griefer]]: From school bullies and petty vandals, through murderers and rapists, all the way up to international terrorists and rogue states, there are plenty of players who like to make things miserable for others.
* [[Grim Up North]]: Very few characters live in the Arctic Circle at all, and among the creatures that live there are [[Everything's Worse Withwith Bears|fierce white-furred bears]]. Also inverted, as the ''South'' Pole is much worse.
* [[Groin Attack]]: A favorite of the female characters vs the males. It's actually just as effective on females, but it's not used so much the other way around, because of the "[[Wouldn't Hit a Girl|No Hitting Girls]]" thing. Oh, and males can do this to another males, mind you (and females versus females)
* [[Groupie Brigade]]: Members of the Artist class and/or Musician subclass will be pursued for sex or relationships by members of the [[Fan Girl|Groupie]] [[Fan Boy|Class]].
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* [[Happily Married]]: Played straight with many couples. Unfortunately averted with others.
* [[Happiness in Slavery]]: Dogs, the poor bastards. Inverted with cats, the smug bastards.
* [[Harder Than Hard]]: The International Baccalaureate high school program, said to exceed the difficulty of Honors and Advanced Placement classes. And of course, difficulty also depends on [[Difficulty Byby Region|region]] - the school systems in some countries, like Japan or India are harder than anything you could find in say, the U.S.
** This [[Difficulty Byby Region]] results in [[Easy Mode Mockery]] by ''forcing you to do it '''again''''' if you switch locales to one where the school system is harder. No, really.
*** Not to mention that many players don't even get the chance to enter the School career path, instead being forced into the Work or War levels with inadequate preparation.
* [[Have a Nice Death]]: A thoughtful obituary is almost a given. Some lucky souls even receive two or three post-death debriefings, with dramatic displays costing large amounts of currency. But unless beliefs about reincarnation are true, you only get to die once.
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* [[Honest Rolls Character]]: Every single one. You get what you get. The character generator can absolutely screw you. A significant number of characters, perhaps as many as 40%, are killed by spontaneous abortions before finishing generation. If the character generator decides you should be born tall, good looking, brilliant, with a wealthy, loving family, an amicable personality, prodigious talent, and no diseases, so be it. If it decides to saddle you with a chromosomal abnormality, your mother's HIV infection, and a spinal cord that sticks out a hole in your spine, you get no reroll.
* [[Hope Spot]]: While there's life, there's hope.
* [[Hopeless Withwith Tech]]: Unfortunately, there are many players who fall under this trope.
* [[House Rules]]: Many groups of fans have come up with their own sets of rules for playing, [[Scrub|some considerably more restrictive than others]]. The game may well be more fun without them, but they are convinced that following these extra rules is worth more points. Disagreements about these different play styles have led to many nasty [[Flame War|Flame Wars]].
* [[Humanity Is Superior]]: We've already conquered one planet, and there are plans on the table to add [[Expansion Pack World|several more]]. [[Vaporware|Eventually]].
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** A much more subtle form, one that is not even noticed by most player characters, comes in the form of [[wikipedia:List of cognitive biases|cognitive biases]].
** Getting a short period of sleep at night can also have effects on the player.
* [[International Showdown Byby Proxy]]: See the World Cup, the Olympics, and every game of professional sports ever played.
* [[In the Hood]]: Averted. In most environments, wearing a hood tends to draw curiosity, if not outright suspicion. If the local culture or weather makes hoods commonplace, a hood won't cause a character to stand out, but it won't make her any less noticeable, either.
** In the [[Seattle]] server, there's a joke that locals can be distinguished from tourists by their reaction to the rain: tourists tend to grab an umbrella, locals tend to simply wear a hood.
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** [[Trope Namer]] (see the note under [[Fridge Brilliance]] above)
* [[Izchaks Wrath]]: Try to rob a gun store and see what happens.
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]: Much more than you think.
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** The level cap around which enforced Character Death becomes more likely was [[Trope Namer|once]] [[Methuselah Syndrome|much higher]], if you believe [[The Bible]].
*** It's gotten higher due to [[Science Marches On|advances in science and medicine.]]
* [[Kill'Em All]] - Every single member of the cast has eventually been killed off, and there doesn't seem to be any change in the script anytime soon. A few characters have been rumored to have been [[Put Onon a Bus]], including Elijah, Enoch, Jesus, his mother, and Apollonius of Tyana.
** Don't forget Elvis. [[He's Just Hiding]].
*** [[Men in Black (Filmfilm)|Or he went home.]]
** Don't forget [[Michael Jackson]] and [[Viktor Tsoi]], either.
** And persistant rumors that Jesus will make a comeback to the show soon, if you believe that sort of thing. If it's true then he hasn't been able to negotiate a contract as of yet.
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* [[Killer Rabbit]] - All animals (and people) fall under two categories: those that don't look dangerous but can kill or injure you horribly, and those that do look dangerous and can kill or injure you horribly.
** Except rabbits, they can escape you, they can bite you, but they can't kill you... Unless you are a carrot or a moth... So it's averted.
* [[Kill It Withwith Fire]]: [[Trope Namer]]; a form of [[Applied Phlebotinum]] called "fire" has been adapted into various forms of [[Depleted Phlebotinum Shells]]([[Arrows Onon Fire|flaming arrows]], black powder bombs, flamethrowers, napalm, fuel-air bombs and laser-guided thermobaric missiles, to name just a few) in order to [[Kill'Em All]]. See also [[Hellfire]].
* [[Kill It Withwith Water]]: [[Trope Namer]]. According to [[The Great Flood|some]], the [[Game Master]] decided after the first few seasons that the characters and plot were going completely [[Off the Rails]]. The GM felt that the best course of action was to [[Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies|drop a flood on everyone]] except for a few of the characters; just enough for a Reboot.
** Ironically, water is a key component for every lifeform in the entire series and will remain so for the foreseeable future.
* [[Kinetic Weapons Are Just Better]]: So far, this has held true in [[Real Life]], from slings and stones, to bows and arrows, crossbows and bolts, cannons and shells (and guns and bullets), and more recently, guided missiles. And in the future, mass drivers like railguns and Gauss cannons provide a logical path for even further advancement of kinetic weapons. [[Energy Weapons]] have also existed for quite a while, in the form of [[Kill It Withwith Fire|fire]], and recently a couple of experimental lasers as well, but have never been so prominent.
** Missiles are not kinetic weapons, they are explosive weapons. So are most tank-rounds.
** The top-tier move "[[wikipedia:Kinetic bombardment|Rod From God]]" has been found in the code, but no one has unlocked it yet.
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== M ==
* [[Macross Missile Massacre]]: Favorite tactic of militaries across the world, heavily used in air and naval combat. Combined with [[Nuke'Em|nukes]] to make a superweapon called the ICBM, and the Cluster Bomb to make the awesome MIRV warhead. It's becoming less popular as newer doctrines become popular. Especially in light of recent developments in the manner of war.
* [[Magic Aa Is Magic A]]: Those dang laws of science.
* [[Magical Computer]]: Most notable aversion... even if [[Fan Dumb|some seem not to realize this]].
* [[Magical Realism]]: May or may not be explainable by the psychiatry profession.
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** [ The Museum of Jurassic Technology] in Los Angeles, California.
** The Science Museum of Minnesota has an entire exhibit designed this way on purpose. It contains a traditional Hmong house, an Egyptian mummy, a phrenology machine, a giant dead polar bear, and many prehistoric tools, among other things.
** The Redpath museum in Montreal is home to several stuffed animals, fully articulated skeletons of ''Gorgosaurus'' and ''Dromaeosaurus'', an Egyptian mummy, a seashell collection, a mineral collection, some trilobite fossils, a samurai suit of armour, a fossil of an aquatic lizard, Chinese shoes made for bound feet, charts showing the dinosaur family tree and the phylogenetic tree of all life on Earth, an anaconda skeleton, a ''Triceratops'' skull, a banner made out of human teeth, skeletons of two whales, a sea lion and a turtle and a giant origami pterosaur, all in about two and a half floors of space. In other words, it looks ''exactly'', inside and out, like every natural history museum stereotype ever. It's [[Crazy Awesome]].<ref>Oh, and it's appeared in ''[[Dinosaurs Decoded (TV)|Dinosaurs Decoded]]''.</ref>
** The [ Pitt Rivers Museum] Oxford is a Victorian Anthropology museum with its exhibits grouped by function, so the cases of 'things used as currency' are next to the 'Things used as Armour', the Chinese pigeon whistles are near the Hawaiian feather cloaks, and the whole place is dominated by a totem pole. I'm pretty sure there is a secret '[[Artifact of Doom|Artifacts Of Doom]]' collection somewhere in here.
** ''Ripley's Odditorium'' located on Hollywood Boulevard of [[RipleysRipley's Believe It or Not!]] fame.
** The Greybull Museum out in Wyoming fits this trope perfectly. it has taxidermied animals, historical artifacts, and fossils scattered all over the museums with no sense of organization whatsoever. A fossilized turtle shell is on the exact opposite side of the section with ''Coryphodon'' tusks and belimnite shells, both of which are opposite the corner with the sauropod femurs.
** Hungarian Count Istvan Szechenyi once commented that the National Museum features his father's portrait between a snake and a crocodile.
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* [[Mordor]]: Many places within any Warfare Story Arc end up becoming this.
* [[More Dakka]]: A popular tactic in recent past seasons. The machine gun was invented to capitalize on this, the inventor figured that if one man could fire as many bullets as an army, only two people would go to war. He never thought that They would make them standard issue, so we now have an army that, in previous arcs, could have taken over the world.
* [[More Teeth Than the Osmond Family]]: [[Everything's Even Worse Withwith Sharks|Sharks]]
* [[Mr. Imagination]]: ''Everyone'' is this to some degree, or 99% if you believe Rene Descartes.
* [[Mugging the Monster]]: Happens to members of the criminal class who aren't careful in selecting their prey, especially if they're on the United States server where almost all players can (and in alot of cases do) legally own, carry, and use firearms. Other players often find stories of said criminals' well-deserved misfortunes highly entertaining.