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Maybe [[Our Vampires Are Different|Your Vampires Aren't Quite So Different After All]]. Maybe the villain is [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]], or the [[Mooks]] can [[Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy|actually shoot straight]]. Perhaps the [[Love Interest]] is ''not'' [[Immune to Bullets]], or perhaps talking is not, [[Talking Is a Free Action|despite what you may have been led to believe]], a free action. Or maybe the protagonist should have been better about cleaning up his/her loose ends, because the [[Tethercat Principle]] is actually ''not'' in effect and those [[Butt Monkey]] [[Mooks]] are angry. Or the plucky [[La Résistance]] [[Rock Beats Laser|has beat the Empire despite being technologically inferior,]] only to realise too late that [[Insane Admiral|Admiral I.N. Sane]] ''hasn't'' forgotten his [[Kill Sat|orbit-to-surface]] [[Nuke'Em|nukes]]. [[Overly Long Gag|Or...]] Whichever, it's that moment when the audience goes "[[Fridge Logic|that makes logical sense]] but [[The Coconut Effect|our tropes don't cover]]..."
This can sometimes be seen on the hard end of the [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism]], though [[Dystopia Is Hard|it isn't necessarily so]]. See also [[Twist Ending]], [[Mood Whiplash]], [[Ascended Fridge Horror]] and [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]. [[Defied Trope]] may lead to this, as may [[Deconstructed Trope]]. Commonly found in the company of [[Wrong Genre Savvy]]. Not to be confused with [[Hilarity Ensues]], although they can overlap, depending on usage. Compare [[Magic aA Is Magic A]]; it's very important that these instances are ''consistent'' with the setting. Contrast [[This Is Reality]], where a character ''believes'' that reality will ensue, but it doesn't. [[Reality Ensues]] may also be defined as forgoing [[Genre Consistency]] in favor of [[External Consistency]].
'''[[No Real Life Examples, Please]]''', as that would just be [[Department of Redundancy Department|redundant]]. We all know that reality is not a work of fiction, [[Wild Mass Guessing]] notwithstanding. Reality already ensues all the time in [[Real Life]].
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* ''[[Black Orchid]]'' doesn't just lampshade this, a mook gives a half-page [[Character Filibuster]] on the subject. Then he shoots the [[Decoy Protagonist]] in the head and sets her corpse on fire to make sure she's really dead.
* In ''[[Irredeemable]]'', the [[Ax Crazy]] [[Face Heel Turn|superhero-turned-supervillain]] [[Villain Protagonist|titular character]], in a flashback from his early teens, hears his foster mother is about to commit suicide. He gets here in a fraction of a second. But sounds takes almost ten seconds to travel two miles. She was already dead before he left his school desk.
* Amusingly one of the first times [[Empowered (Comic Book)|Empowered]] comes across as actually being badass. She points out, quite effectively, that driving an SUV at 75 miles an hour into a villain's back is much more effective than hitting him with a thrown one at about 5 miles an hour. This allows her to defeat a villain that the entire superhero squad she's a [[Butt Monkey]] for was defeated by. Unfortunately, the car is totaled, leaving her tied up and unable to brag, and her superhero squad walks off, assuming they and the villain knocked each other out. ([[The Woobie|Forgetting about Empowered in the process.]])
* In the first ''[[Sam and Max Freelance Police]]'' comic, they're tied up on top of an active volcano and a husky cult leader intends to kill them. [[Convection, Schmonvection|The large amount of heat from the volcano]] causes the cult leader to spontaneously combust. However, the comic decides to play it off as a [[Deus Ex Machina]] for the sake of humor.
* This is pretty much the central premise of [[Watchmen]]: what happens to superheroes when [[Reality Ensues]]? What becomes of people who dress up in costumes and take the law into their own hands in a world as full of political and social complexities as the real world? They die. They go insane (presuming they weren't [[Black and White Insanity|insane already]]). [[He Who Fights Monsters|Or they become monsters.]]