Recess/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Team Mom]]: At times, escpecially towards T.J. and Gus.
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: Girly Girl to Spinelli's Tomboy, even if Gretchen isn't ''that'' girly. (She was considerably moreso in the unaired pilot; as she's shown wearing some jewelry and lipstick)
* [[True -Blue Femininity]]: Her signature baby-blue dress.
* [[Write Who You Know]]: One of the creators based her appearance after his wife when she was in elementary school.
* [[Youthful Freckles]]
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* [[Big Eater]]: In the opening credits, he eats a Dagwood sandwich in one bite.
* [[Big Fun]]
* [[Big Guy, Little Guy]]: The big to Gus' little.
* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: Has shades of this
* [[Dumb Blonde]]: At times, though it's more "naive" than "dumb"
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* [[The McCoy]]
* [[The Messiah]]: Lampshaded in the episode "Nobody Likes T.J.," in which Mikey points out that there are people out there who don't like him because he's too nice.
* [[Non -Singing Voice]]: Robert Goulet preforms his singing voice, which leads to...
** [[Singing Voice Dissonance]]: And he sounds nothing like his speaking voice. [[Rule of Funny]].
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The red to Gus' blue.
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* [[Badass Adorable]]
* [[Balloon Belly]]: In ''Recess: Taking the Fifth Grade'' as a result of eating too much
* [[Beady -Eyed Loser]]
* [[Berserk Button]]: Don't hurt a little kid in front of him, '''ever'''.
** [[Friend to All Children]]
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: The Dodgeball incident. There's a reason why he's called ''El Diablo''.
* [[Big Guy, Little Guy]]: The little to Mikey's big.
* [[Black Bead Eyes]]: Probably the only character in the show with this eye style.
** (With the exception of Becky Benson, Gretchen's rival in ''Science Fair'').
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{{quote| '''Voiced by:''' Ryan O'Donohue}}
* [[Bearer of Bad News]]: Sometimes
* [[Bratty Half -Pint]]
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "Moist"
* [[The Dragon]]: To Miss Finster.
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=== King Bob ===
{{quote| '''Voiced by:''' Toran Caudell}}
* [[Big Ol' Unibrow]]
* [[Estrogen Brigade Bait]]
* [[Everything's Better With Bob]]
* [[Hot -Blooded]]
* [[King Bob the Nth]]
* [[Large Ham]]: Oh, yes.
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* [[The Ditz]]
* [[Friendly Enemy]]: While he often bullies the main six, he stated once that he doesn't hate T.J. and considers him an OK guy.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: Lawson is [[Toy Story|Sid Phillips]]!
* [[Jerk Jock]]
* [[Last-Name Basis]]
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* [[Acrofatic]]: Tubby
* [[Blinding Bangs]]: Zedd
* [[Bratty Half -Pint]]: Almost all of them, though Tubby and Hector aren't as much
* [[Competence Zone]]: They usually act like wild savages.
* [[Cute Shotaro Boy]]: Hector
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* [[Alpha Bitch]]
** [[Lovable Alpha Bitch]]: Ashley A. shows hints of this sometimes, and on occasion they all can be this (like "The Great Can Drive" and "League of Randalls").
* [[Blonde, Brunette, Redhead]]: Ashley A. (blonde), Ashley B. and Ashley T. (brunette), and Ashley Q. (redhead)
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "SCANDALOUS!"
* [[Color Coded For Your Convinience]]: Ashley A. (Pink), Ashley B. (Yellow), Ashley Q. (Blue), and Ashley T. (Green)
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** [[The Smart Guy|The Smart Girl]]: Ashley T
** [[The Big Guy|The Big Girl]]: Ashley Q
* [[Four -Girl Ensemble]]
* [[Girl Posse]]
* [[Graceful Ladies Love Purple]]: Purple day.
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* [[Rich Bitch|Rich Bitches]]
* [[Satellite Character]]: Every member of the clique besides Ashley A.
* [[True -Blue Femininity]]: Ashley Q.'s signature color is blue.
* [[Tsurime Eyes]]: Ashley Q.
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{{quote| '''Voiced by:''' [[Kath Soucie]]}}
* [[Bearer of Bad News]]
* [[Cross -Dressing Voices]]: He's one of the few boys in the show done by a girl
* [[Disease Bleach]]: Said to get the white streak in his hair after seeing his brother make out with his girlfriend.
* [[The Eeyore]]
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{{quote| '''Voiced by:''' Klee Bragger}}
* [[Scout Out]]: He's a member of the Woodchuck Scouts
** [[Shout -Out]]: Which is most likely a refrence to the [[Carl Barks]] ''[[Donald Duck]]'' comics, featuring the Juior Woodchucks.