Recess/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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** They're only nine years old. At that age, few kids have a legitimate concept of kissing.
** Not to mention it's been stated that Recess takes place in the 90s somewhere. Kids believed in those things back then before they started to wise p at earlier ages.
*** One part Nostalgia Goggles, one part cultural drift; every generation grows up faster than the one before it. When Recess was on TV, it was aimed at kids around the same age as or younger than the main cast, which meant 6-10 year olds, with [[Parental Bonus]] gags. Kids that age today are exposed to much more adult media, and some of them have probably had [[My SpaceMyspace]]/Facebook pages ''since they were born'', so the internet (and the.. uh, shall we say [[Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory|social interaction unrestricted by traditional etiquette that comes with it)]] are a very basic part of their lives. Kids today aren't any more ''mature'', but they have access to a lot more information.