Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare: Difference between revisions

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* [[Abnormal Ammo]]: One of the new weapons for Undead Nightmare, the Civil War-era [[Break Out the Museum Piece|Blunderbuss]], can be "loaded with just about anything". Once this weapon is unlocked, zombies without ammo belts, who previously gave you nothing (except an angry Marston), now provide you with [[Bloody Hilarious|"undead parts"]] to stuff into your blunderbuss and [[Ludicrous Gibs|instantly gib]] your targets with.
* [[Affectionate Parody]]: The overall plot of the game, music cues, hammier voice acting, and incompetent character actions are all very reminiscent of a [[B Movie|B-Movie]]. Given Rockstar's pedigree, it's blatantly obvious that it was intentional.
* [[All Myths Are True]]: Alongside zombies, there are [[Bigfoot Sasquatch and Yeti|sasquatches]], chubacapras, unicorns, and the [[Horsemen of the Apocalypse|Four Horses of the Apocalypse]].
* {{spoiler|[[And Then John Was a Zombie]]}}: {{spoiler|This happens literally to John Marston at the end of the game. He rises from his grave not too long after being killed by Edgar Ross' men, and you play as his zombie in free-roam. Kinda makes the cover a [[Spoiler Title]].}}
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* [[Enemy Mine]]: All of the former gang hideouts that haven't been overrun are now friendly settlements, and the surviving gang members (who previously would have shot you on sight) will happily accept your assistance in dealing with the undead hordes, and repay you with weapons, ammunition, supplies, and a warm bed, just like any other town.
* [[Epic Fail]]: Nigel West Dickens, in an attempt to make Zombie Repellant manages to make Zombie Bait. Even for a [[Snake Oil Salesman]] that's a pretty big fail right there.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Deader With Zombies]]: Um, duh?
* [[Everything Is Worse With Bears]]: You thought they were [[Nightmare Fuel|terrifying]] in the main game? Well, [[It Got Worse]]: Keep on the lookout for Zombie Bears! Although despite their more frightful appearance, they're a bit easier to kill than a normal bear.
* [[Fantasy Kitchen Sink]]: Aside from multiple varieties of undead humans and animals, we also have sasquatches, [[Horsemen of the Apocalypse|horses of the Apocalypse]], a unicorn, a chupacabra...
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'''The Film Maker''': "My kind sir, THE LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR!!! My people." }}
* [[Kill It With Fire]]: The [[Molotov Cocktail|fire bottle]], incendiary ammunition, and the torch, the latter two exclusive to this mode and especially effective against the undead.
* [[Laser -Guided Karma]]: Most of the assholes are promptly zombie snack food seconds after they rant.
* [[Late Arrival Spoiler]]: Since the campaign starts at a point that was near the tail end of the original story, expect a lot of spoilery stuff from the original game to be mentioned liberally.
* [[Lighter and Softer]]: Despite it being a freaking [[Zombie Apocalypse]], this DLC is more softer than the main game. Think about it: you're shooting zombies instead of your fellow human beings, there's a lot less [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog]] stories, a lot of the unpreventable deaths happen to arseholes who survived the main game, and while John still gets killed by Ross, {{spoiler|He gets to come back as a zombie.}} When zombies actually make the world better, you know the wild west is a [[Crapsack World]]!
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* [[Perpetual Poverty]]: Oh, yes. Especially ammo. Ammo is as rare as gold.
* [[Playable Epilogue]]: {{spoiler|Like in the main game, John dies (though it isn't shown here)... but instead of taking up his guns as his son Jack, you play as a (sentient) zombie John!}}
* [[Precision F -Strike]]: Players know John Marston, especially if they've played through the [[Red Dead Redemption|vanilla game]], to be cool-headed and have a high tolerance for pressure, and rarely raising his voice in character-building cutscenes, despite all he's been through. However, should he come across a zombie's corpse that has no ammo or spare [[Abnormal Ammo|body parts]], Marston will have a surprisingly short fuse, muttering with frustration, or even just plain screaming "'''GODDAMN IT, THIS GOD FORSAKEN ''SHITHOLE!'''''".
* {{spoiler|[[Shaggy Dog Story]]}}: {{spoiler|After all John goes through to save the world from a zombie apocalypse, Seth goes and steals the mask again, restarting the [[Zombie Apocalypse]]. This, however, allows John to come back from the dead.}}
* [[Shout Out]]: Killing the chupacabra in Undead Nightmare (yes, there's a chupacabra) earns you the [[Red vs. Blue|"Chupathingy"]] achievement. And there are several nods to horror movies, such as multiplayer characters named for [[Wes Craven]], [[Sam Raimi]], [[Michael Jackson]] ([[Dude, Not Funny|or possibly mean-spirited joke about NBA player Magic Johnson and his disease]]), and yes, even [[Uwe Boll]]. Beyond that, the Undead Hunter outfit effectively dresses John as [[Evil Dead|Ashley "Ash" Williams]] and the Legend of the Apocalypse outfit has John dressed as Stone from [[Deadlands]]. {{spoiler|And during the post-game free roam, when John is a zombie himself, the outfit's name changes to "Army of the Undead".}}
* [[So Proud of You]]: A non-spoken, internal version occurs in the first mission. Jack starts to explain the story he's reading to John, and as the view changes to John, the audio begins to fade and is replaced by light piano notes, implying John lost his concentration in favor of [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|admiring his son]].
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: {{spoiler|Did the Film Maker really think it was a good idea to set two zombies loose and try filming them only a few steps away from them?}}
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* [[Violation of Common Sense]]: Many of the "safe" rooms where John can bed down for the night are wooden buildings that are currently '''''on fire'''''. Even many of the relatively intact ones are unsecure, unguarded, and on ground level - one in particular is a ''tent'', and they aren't exactly known for their sturdy defenses.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: When we first see Jack and Abigale in the DLC, they are playfully trading insults. She does end the conversation saying she's proud of him.
* [[What the Hell, Player?]]: {{spoiler|The Sasquatch. You spend a stranger quest hunting six of them in the hills, but when you finally find the last one, he's sitting under a tree, crying because his docile species is functionally extinct. And he proceeds to explain this to you ''in perfect English''.}}
* [[Yank the DogsDog's Chain]] / [[Player Punch]]: ''Undead Nightmare'' presents a [[What If]] story of what if a zombie outbreak occured {{spoiler|before John had his last fatal standoff with the FBI.}} Even though John {{spoiler|is alive, his ''family'' is zombified.}} John simply '''''can't''''' catch a break.
** This lampshaded by D. S. MacKenna
{{quote| John: "I'm trying to save my family."<br />