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{{Useful Notes}}
{{quote|All revolutions are impossible, until they become inevitable.|'''[[Leon Trotsky]]''' }}
The second Russian Revolution of 1917. The one that brought in the Commies. [[The Hunt for Red October|Not a submarine, or a hunt for said submarine.]]
'''==OK, who runs this place?'''==
[[File:ManifestaciónAFavorDeLaRepúblicaPetrogrado1917--russiainrevolut00jone.jpg|thumb|Protestors in Petrograd.]]
When the Romanov dynasty was overthrown in March of 1917 (the February Revolution, since the Russians used the Julian Calender it was still late February in Russia), it was replaced by a Provisional Government. This was intended to stay in power until the election of a Constituent Assembly. They actually tried to elect the Assembly, but the Bolsheviks took over before any votes could be cast to avoid the risk of their rivals, the Socialist Revolutionaries (who had the greater popular support), from forming a legitimate majority government. After they proclaimed themselves in control in November 1917, the Bolsheviks permitted the elections to take place in January of 1918 (and sure enough, the Socialist Revolutionaries won the majority of the vote). However, the assembly was forcibly disbanded by the Bolsheviks, who announced that the people would be represented by the city soviets (where they had majorities).
'''==Just a little matter of the [[First World War]]'''==
It was a big mistake for Emperor Nicholas II to enter WWI. The administration of the Empire was corrupt, the army badly equipped, the people angry and several revolutionary parties (not only the [[Dirty Communists]]) spouting anti-Tsarist rhetoric while organizing against the government. Instead of trying to heal the Empire, the Emperor aggravated the problems by throwing his country into the Great War. The corrupt intendants were making money by stealing from army shipments, the soldiers were freezing in trenches, [[Dying Like Animals]] and becoming even angrier at the Emperor and his government while the dissipated nobles and the unscrupulous merchants were still living luxurious lives - this all angered people further. Finally, they had enough and began to actually listen to the revolutionaries.
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And the shit hit the fan. Strikes, mutinies, mass [[Unfriendly Fire|fraggings of officers]] and peasant revolts broke out. Several high-ranking generals and public officials forced the Tsar to abdicate. That is how the Provisional Government came into power. They were going to elect the Constituent Assembly that was intended to decide the fate of post-Imperial Russia. But there were guys that had some other ideas. You guessed right, the Bolsheviks...
'''==A Sealed Train'''==
[[File:Lenin Sealed Train Map-en.svg|thumb|upright|Route of Lenin's sealed train.]]
Meanwhile the [[First World War]] was still going on and the provisional government couldn't decide how to end it. On the one hand it was extremely unpopular, on the other Germany was demanding extremely onerous terms since the Russians had no bargaining power.
When Germany saw that the provisional government wasn't pulling Russia out of the war, they made a deal with Lenin, currently in exile in Switzerland. The Germans would let him pass through their territory in a sealed train (so he wouldn't try to foment revolution in Germany), in exchange he would get Russia out of the war. The Germans probably didn't expect him to actually succeed in consolidating power and were just hoping he would cause enough trouble that they could transfer troops to the Western Front.
'''==Not a Korny Love story'''==
Actually, there were several revolutionary parties: the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (a hardline communist Bolshevik one and a social-democratic Menshevik one, RSDLP (b) and RSDLP (m) respectively, thanks to a split in 1905), the Socialist Revolutionaries, and many other smaller parties. The left Socialist Revolutionaries (Left [[S Rs]]) were allies of the Bolsheviks, but the other revolutionary parties were satisfied with the February revolution (except for the anarchists, but they were not really a party of course) and well represented in the Provisional Government. They, and the right-wing parties, formed a loose alliance that later became the White movement.
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After the Whites were defeated in fall of 1921, one last revolt occurred at Kronstadt, with mutinous sailors (the same ones who rose up in February 1917, not, as the Bolsheviks claimed, reactionary replacements) calling for free soviets, civil liberties and worker self-management again, as with the factory committees the Bolsheviks smashed. They were massacred by the Red Army under Trotsky. At the same time strikes were occurring in Moscow and Petrograd, also brutally put down. By 1924, all Russia along with most shards of the Empire (with the exception of Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland, who managed to stay independent) were under Bolshevik control.
'''==The Ostern'''==
The Civil War-era Russia was a popular setting for later Soviet action movies. These movies were very similar to American Westerns: just take a Western, replace the Injuns or Mexicans with Basmaches (Muslim anti-Bolshevik fighters in Central Asia), the Blue with the Red and the Gray with the White, the prairies with the deserts of Turkestan or steppes of Ukraine, the Peacemakers with Nagant Gas-Seals and Mauser Broomhandles, the Winchesters with Mosin-Nagant rifles, the Gatlings with Maxims, the horses... well, let the horses be horses, and you'll get an Ostern (or "Eastern", as they are known in Russia proper).
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The most popular Osterns were ''[[White Sun of the Desert]]'', about a former Red Army Soldier turned [[The Gunslinger|gunslinger]] who travelled homewards through Basmach-infested Turkestan deserts, ''At Home Amongst The Strangers, A Stranger Amongst Friends'' in which a framed CHEKA agent must infiltrate a band of marauders and retrieve several millions in gold, and ''[[The Elusive Avengers]]'', about four young guns opposing the anarchist bandit ataman Burnash and his gang. The concept itself became popular enough to be recognized in a parody where Winchester and Colt as they are coexists with a kolkhoz <ref>...and [[Briefcase Full of Money|safe]] full of [[Ham and Cheese]], in "[ The Mail Train Robbery]" song.</ref>.
{{tropelist|Tropes of the Great October Socialist Revolution (its official name in the USSR) and Russian Civil War:}}
* [[Apocalypse How]]: a Regional Societal Collapse
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* [[Badass Bookworm]] / [[Badass Israeli|Badass Jew]]: For a guy with no previous military training, Lev Bronstein, AKA Leon Trotsky, proved to be a remarkably skilled military commander, leading the ragtag Red Army to victory at a time when everybody wanted the Bolsheviks dead.
** The reason the seat of government was moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow was because the Bolshevik leadership feared it would fall into Tsarist hands. In fact, when an approaching White army besieged it, they considered the city as good as lost and planned a general evacuation. Trotsky, however, personally took charge of organizing the defence - and managed to break the siege.
**He wasn't the only example of that. A number of Jewish college students took up with the Reds for the reason that they [[Revenge|bone to pick with the Czar and his flunkies]] just for starters, and many were fairly good soldiers some even being badasses. This unfortunately led to the stereotype of "Jewish Bolshevik". Obviously some Jews were Bolsheviks. But Jew and Bolshevik [[Captain Obvious|are not part of the same word.]]
***Yuri Slezkine in ''The Jewish Century'' describes a tripartite migration of Jews to the Soviet Union, to America, and to Israel.
* [[Badass Longcoat]]: that was pretty much the dress code for the era, with all those greatcoats.
* [[Ballistic Discount]]: the Red "military communism" was essentially an entire economy using [[Ballistic Discount]] instead of money. Redistribution of wealth at gunpoint.
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** Weasels: Greek smugglers on the Black Sea during the Civil War.
** Snakes: the Latvian Riflemen.
* [[Fighting For Aa Homeland]]: A lot of the Red Army were former Central Powers POWs who took service either for a ticket home or because they had married locals and [[Going Native|intended to stay.]] On the other side, the Czech Legion had a migration home, seizing trains along the way. Several of the border provinces of the old Czarist empire could also be said to be doing that.
* [[Former Regime Personnel]]: Some former regime officers joined the Red side (reason could be [[My Country, Right or Wrong]], political conviction or simple luck). Most were forced into service, often with their families taken hostage as incentive. They often had to prove their devotion to the Revolution, their unity with their underlings and generally whatever the unit council (soviet) wanted them to prove. A commissar who could override the commander's orders and had to execute his commander in case of (suspected) treason didn't make things easier. This trope is more specific to stories concerning the Red Navy than to stories concerning Red Army. A Determinator old-school Captain who endures this treatment by his crew and later leads them to the victory FOR THE GREATER GLORY OF THE REVOLUTION is almost a must in such stories.
* [[Gentleman and a Scholar]]: most of the intelligentsiya during the era. Also, [[Gentleman and a Scholar]] turned [[Officer and a Gentleman]] was the "hat" of the Alexeiev's elite regiment of the White army.
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* [[Historical Villain Upgrade]]:
** Nicholas II, Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias, King of Poland, Grand Duke of Finland, et cetera from 1894 to 1917. His portrayal in media may be as a tyrant with blood stained hands, or as an ineffective ruler out of touch with the situation of his empire. To be fair, his regime wasn't blameless in many ways, but like often happens, the reality was more complex than simplified extremes.
** Officers who joined with the Whites. Some were heroes of World War I and the [[Russo -Japanese War]], but became vilified because of the side they took in the Civil War.
** Leon Davidovich Trotsky. One of the leaders of the Great October Revolution, President of the Petrograd Soviet in October-November 1917, People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs from November 1917 to March 1918. He was a major figure in the Civil War being People's Commissar for Army and Navy Affairs. But he became part of an opposition faction against Joseph Stalin in the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks), which was renamed the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) in 1925. He was expelled from the party in October 1927, and then exiled in February 1929. Many crimes and conspiracies against the Soviet government were linked to him in the 1930s, true or not, and in histories of the 1917 Revolution/Civil War, his role became downplayed or erased.
**One or two British spies were poster boy villains for the Reds mainly for being opponents even though they weren't even opponents in the beginning(the first ones were their mainly to simply find out what the heck was going on in the first place).
*** [[Historical Hero Upgrade]]: As a result of his opposition to Stalin (combined with the fact that he, Trotsky, was a brilliant journalist and a one-man propaganda machine) Trotsky became the poster-boy for the anti-Stalinist Left who condemed the dictators atrocities and totalitarian regime. Even many non-Socialists thought that Trotsky represented the "democratic", "non-violent" Communist movement. But his behaviour in the Civil War was pretty appaling (even given how bad the other side could be) and he actually agreed with a lot more of what Stalin did than many seemed to realize, opposing him less out of any moral differences and more due to the belief that he was a front-man for an oligarchy of Bolshevik "Rightists" (and the whole "trying to kill me and my family" thing). He always favoured violent revolution and downplayed the atrocities he commited during the war, and remained unrepetant about his behaviour until the day he died. He was also not as competent a politician as he is remembered and he made a lot of foolish mistakes and tended to make enemies easily.
* [[I Have Your Wife]]: the Bolsheviks made most former Imperial officers (that's the ones who weren't in the White army) work for them by taking their families hostage.
* [[Insistent Terminology]]: The Red Army had "commanders", not officers. "Officer" was a loaded word implying nobility and conviction to the Tsarist patriotic cause.
**Ironically the word ''officer'' implies that said person is holding an ''office'' (i.e., a functional authority entrusted by someone else, not a position he owns by right)whereas ''commander'' implies that he is ''commanding'', not necessarily that someone is ordering him to command (i.e., a Czar is a commander because he commands but definitely not an officer because he owns his throne rather then having it entrusted to him). Hence "officer" is actually the more egalitarian word from the etymological point of view.
* [[Loads and Loads of Characters|Loads And Loads Of Factions]]: Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, other revolutionary leftists, anarchists, democrats, monarchists, ethnic nationalists, foreign inteventionists from the Allied and Central Powers, those just trying to fight their way out... Did I omit someone?
** The Greens, local militias attempting to protect their villages from the marauding forces of both sides, along with bandits.
** Prisoners of War from WWI hiring out as mercs for a ticket home.
** Anyone who had the misfortune to be on the border. For instance one time at a Chinese frontier post, a camel caravan came passing through out of Russia. Advised by the local British Consul the Chinese governor ordered it searched and found it contained large amounts of silver bound for some undiscovered revolutionary plotter in China.
* [[Memetic Mutation]]: one predating the Internet! Vasili Chapayev, a Red division commander who ended up as a popular Russian [[Russian Humour|folk joke]] character.
* [[Montages]]: Soviet filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein was a pioneer of the development and use of the montage editing and montage was used prominently in some Soviet films of the 1920s.
* [[Church Militant|Mosque Militant]]: The Islamic portions of Russia did not welcome the Revolution and indeed often took it more as a chance for independence. They were not exactly fond of Whites either though they were known to shelter individual White fugitives and foreign agents on the lam.
* [[The Mutiny]]: It happens in revolutions.
* [[Officer and a Gentleman]]: a stereotypical White Guard. Except in earlier Soviet fiction, where they were portrayed as either [[Complete Monster|Complete Monsters]] or ineffectual, alcoholic and decadent.
* [[The Political Officer]]: [[Trope Codifier]].
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]]: Subverted. Mad Baron [[Ungern-Sternberg]] was convinced that he was a [[War Is Glorious|glorious]] Medieval warlord with the [[Heroic Lineage]] of several peoples. Well he was certainly a warlord, he behaved [[Rape, Pillage and Burn|rather like]] a medieval one, and he was probably [[Take That|no more incompetent]] then a lot of them were in real life. He gathered a bunch of [[Former Regime Personnel]] and had a reign of terror that was so awful that even the most rabid anticommunist would root for the Reds when they came to do him down. Which they did in a routine manner as trying to act like a warrior of legend does not fit one for modern warfare.
* [[The Remnant]]: Baron Wrangel's Crimean White remnant. Merkulov's Far Eastern White remnant. General Pepelyaev's last campaign is this IN SPADES.
**In this department it did not help that often the quickest shorthand for a Red to win promotion-or just survive-was to convince his superiors of his loyalty by being as brutal as possible. Which included [[We ARE Struggling Together!|denouncing colleagues]] who were not as brutal as oneself.
* [[The Revolution Will Not Be Civilised]]
* [[State Sec]]: the CHEKA.
* [[Typecasting]]: 1920s Soviet films on the subject have characters whose appearance often identifies an archetype. Only capitalists wear top hats.
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* [[At Home Among Strangers]]
* [[Sergei Eisenstein|Sergei Eisenstein's]] ''Ten Days That Shook the World''
* [[The Chosen]]: The Hasidic congregation is composed of refugees from the Russian Civil War.
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