Red October: Difference between revisions

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* [[Loads and Loads of Characters|Loads And Loads Of Factions]]: Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, other revolutionary leftists, anarchists, democrats, monarchists, ethnic nationalists, foreign inteventionists from the Allied and Central Powers, those just trying to fight their way out... Did I omit someone?
** The Greens, local militias attempting to protect their villages from the marauding forces of both sides, along with bandits.
**Prisoners of War from WWI hiring out as mercs for a ticket home.
**Anyone who had the misfortune to be on the border. For instance one time at a Chinese frontier post, a camel caravan came passing through out of Russia. Advised by the local British Consul the Chinese governor ordered it searched and found it contained large amounts of silver bound for some undiscovered revolutionary plotter in China.
* [[Memetic Mutation]]: one predating the Internet! Vasili Chapayev, a Red division commander who ended up as a popular Russian [[Russian Humour|folk joke]] character.
* [[Montages]]: Soviet filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein was a pioneer of the development and use of the montage editing and montage was used prominently in some Soviet films of the 1920s.