Reflets d'Acide/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: even though he's not really an idiot, he is a coward who will only take part in fight if forced or if there are absolutely no dangers. Yet, when the others actually get him to fight, he is shown to be a surprisingly good fighter despite being level 1.
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: a dark-skinned half-demon dressed in black with a cursed sword, yet he is not evil. Nor is he good, he actually starts out as neutral {{spoiler|(though he later evolves in Good territory)}}. Notice however that he is still reluctant to reveal his nature to his teammates, implying it's a common idea in this universe that [[Dark Is Evil]].
* [[Disc One Nuke]]: he is a level 1 and as such supposed to be the weakest of the group, yet his sword can slice a ''Minotaurus'' in half in a single strike.
* [[The Hero]]
* [[Heroes Prefer Swords]]
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* [[Magic Knight]]: he is a referred as some kind of "Pyrotechnic Knight". In practice, he is a really good fighter and possess a large set of fire spells.
* [[Only Sane Man]]: he is the only one in the group to almost always keep a non-nonsense attitude, often trying to reason the others when they display sillyness or lack of teamwork (and he often succeeds through intimidation).
* [[Playing Withwith Fire]]: his spells are all fire-based.
* [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]]
* [[Redheaded Hero]]: litterally; his hair isn't the only part red, his whole skin is.
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* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: even though he is mostly portrayed as a comical character, he is revealed to be surprisingly competent when fighting Sacher-Masoch's servants.
* [[Katanas Are Just Better]]
* [[Only Sane Man]]: in one of the Chrismas bonuses, to the Clerks. When the Seer suggests to throw a kitty in the chauldron so the little girl will get it, he is the only one to point out the cat will not survive the process, and violently refuses.
* [[Samurai]]
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== Remi Chelin ==
* [[Blessed Withwith Suck]]: he has been granted the power to foresee the future, but as a price can't speak in any other way than singing. This made him so annoying to the other Clerks that they ended up trapping him in jail.
* [[Sealed Good in Aa Can]]: is accidentally freed by the heroes when activating the Elzopean machine.
== Antagonists ==
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* [[Luke, I Am Your Father]]: {{spoiler|he almost invoked this trope word for word with Wrandrall.}}
* [[Our Demons Are Different]]
* {{spoiler|[[Sealed Evil in Aa Can]]: he was trapped in a mirror before Wrandrall freed him.}}
* [[Vile Villain Saccharine Show]]: he is taken surprisingly seriously compared to most characters, and displays a surprising amont of cruelty and evilness; even Alia-Aenor has yet to be ''that'' mean.
* [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness]]: did this to {{spoiler|Mortis}} upon being freed.
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* [[Evil Overlord]]
* [[The Necromancer]]: his army is mostly made of [[The Undead]].
* [[Orcus Onon His Throne]]: despite being a major antagonist, he is almost never seen doing anything else than staying on his throne while his army and minions are acting.
* {{spoiler|[[Unwitting Pawn]]: turns out to be this to Belial.}}
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* [[Evil Is Sexy]]: according to every character in the saga, her human form is ''very'' attractive.
* [[Evil Sounds Deep]]: her dragon form, to the point we don't know she is a female until she takes her human form.
* [[Killer Rabbit]]: when seeing her human form, the narrator is puzzled and saddened to have to use her as a villain, arguing she can't be threatening, since a female dragon with a beautiful human form is too sympathetic. She quickly proves him how wrong he is by [[Kick the Son of Aa Bitch|mercyless killing a group of thieves trying to rob her]].
* [[One-Winged Angel]]: her real form is a giant black dragon. Played with in that she is first introduced in this form and assumes her human form later in the story.
* [[Our Dragons Are Different]]
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* [[The Mole]]: is revealed to be this to the Clerks for Mortis.
* [[Too Kinky to Torture]]: deconstructed; when Maender-Alkor's inhabitants realizes torture is useless on him because he enjoys it, they get him confessing by ''promising to hit him more'' if he does so. He also reveals Mortis convinced him to betray them by the same trick.
* [[You Have Failed Me...]]: a comical subversion; he ''wants'' to be punished by Mortis for his failure, but his master seems to not care much.
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