Regular Show/Characters: Difference between revisions

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** "Think Positive" revealed that Benson of all people was {{spoiler|[[The Quiet One]] in his family, and his father taught him that the only way to get stuff done is with a [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]. His giant rant at the end had him imply that he always [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold|holds off on firing Mordecai and Rigby because he really just wants to teach them to be more responsible]]}}.
* [[A Day in The Limelight]]: "Benson Be Gone"
* [[Early -Bird Cameo]]: First appeared as a hallucinated form of one of the clerks in ''2 in the AM PM'', one of J. G. Quintel's first short films.
* [[George Jetson Job Security]]: He threatens to fire Mordecai and Rigby on a daily basis.
* [[Grumpy Bear]]
* [[Ha Ha Ha No]]
* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]: Has very explosive outbursts that often end with "'''''...OR YOU'RE FIRED!!'''''" Generally seems to be ready to blow his cool at the drop of a hat anyway.
* [[High -Pressure Emotion]]: His gumballs turn red when he's angry.
** {{spoiler|"Think Positive" makes this trope literal. If he holds in his anger too long, he starts burning thing at his touch and destroying everything until he's let it out.}}
* [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold]]: Not quite as much as Rigby, but there are a handful of times where it's hinted that he has a softer side. Although in his case, he's not so much a jerk as he is constantly displeased with Mordecai and Rigby's slacking and screw ups. The "jerk" side wanes somewhat after "Benson Be Gone".
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* [[The Stoic]]
** [[Not So Stoic]]: Has moments were he's smiled and broken his stoic personality.
* [[Top -Heavy Guy]]
* [[Vocal Evolution]]: His voice was a lot more gruff in the pilot.
* [[Walking Techbane]]: As shown in "Skips VS Technology" he can fix almost anything, except computers.
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** In "Slam Dunk" we get a [[Male Gaze|close up of her butt]], [[Getting Crap Past the Radar|seriously.]]
{{quote| [ Hey Mordecai!]}}
* [[Non-Mammal Mammaries]]: "Lady pecs", in Mordecai's words. She even gets to show a little [[Side BoobSideboob]] in the concert episode, and cleavage in others.
* [[Pink Girl, Blue Boy]]: Pink Girl to Mordecai's Blue Boy. (Technically, she's bright red, but it still qualifies)
* [[The Smurfette Principle]]: In the entire first season, she was in only ''three'' episodes (one of which was only via dream sequence) and had less than three minutes' screen time combined. However, she's gotten a lot more screen time in season 2.
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* [[Even Evil Has Loved Ones]]: Has a wife and son he seems to actually love.
* [[Evil Brit]]: He resembles British rocker Lemmy and is voiced by British voice actor Julian Holloway.
* [[Go -Karting With Bowser]]: He often ends up playing various games with the main characters (Usually [[Arch Enemy|Skips]]), such as an arm-wrestling match or playing him in a bowling tournament. Granted, your soul is on the line in these matches, but still, it's the principle of the thing.
* [[I Gave My Word]]: Thus far, he's always kept his word when he's made a [[Deal With the Devil]].
* [[The Grim Reaper]]