Religion Is Wrong: Difference between revisions

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* In the Space Odyssey series by [[Arthur C. Clarke]], the idea of God apparently comes from the Monolith, specifically the version that uplifted hominids into humanity. In ''3001'', humanity has finally discovered this Monolith (dubbed TMA-0), and traditional religion comes to an end. Curiously, though, many people are still either [[Deism|Deists]] (believing in not less than one god) or Theists (believing in not more than one).
* [[Philip K. Dick]] loved to explore this topic, too. Religion is either mocked, played with or downright condemned in many of his novels.
* The ''[[Doctor Who]]'' book ''[[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|Night of the Humans]]'' plays out this trope in a truly bizarre fashion. The Doctor responds to a crash-landed alien race on a massive pile of space-junk that is threatening a nearby planet. This interesting premise is quickly overshadowed by an incredibly unsubtle [[Strawman Political]] message that turns [[Author Filibuster|the entire book into one long and extremely dubious]] [[Broken Aesop|Aesop]] about how all religion is [[Religion of Evil|completely eeeeeevil]]. The chosen 'god' of the crashed humans turns out to be [[Nightmare Fuel|a creepy, creepy, clown]] [[Squick|called Gobo]] used as a (very) heavy-handed metaphor for all religion.
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