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This trope lives at [[Idealism vs. Cynicism|the idealistic side of the Scale]], but not as extreme as you may think.
[[Cincinnatus]] is a [[Sub -Trope]] about a character who is given ''temporary'' power because it is believed he will give it back after accomplishing his task. Also related to [[The Chains of Commanding]]. Compare [[Mandatory Unretirement]]. Contrast [[Unfit for Greatness]].
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"Good," said Aslan. "If you had felt yourself sufficient, it would have been a proof that you were not." }}
* A non-ruling example: Tom Bombadil from ''[[Lord of the Rings (Literature)|Lord of the Rings]]''. The Council of Rivendell considers giving the One Ring to Tom since he has no care for such things and would not use it for evil. In the end they decide that because he would be so careless with such a powerful device he may lose it and it could end up in the wrong hands.
* Both {{spoiler|Emperor Rene and King Alexander}} in the [[Arcia Chronicles]] hate their jobs but are placed among the best sovereigns Arcia ever had. Subverted with Anhel the Light, though, who actively pursued the throne, started a rebellion, and is remembered as a great ruler. Then, [[Double Subversion|subverted again]], {{spoiler|in that the historical perception of the just rulers is [[WrittenbytheWritten By the Winners|twisted by the Church]], whereas Anhel actually did enough evil in his life to be reborn as the mightiest among the [[Horsemen of the Apocalypse]]}}.
** In ''[[Reflections of Eterna]]'' cycle by the same author, the only guy who is reasonably suitable to take the Taligian throne in the face of the impending cataclysms, {{spoiler|Roque Alva}}, has so far managed to ingeniously evade this obligation for six books in a a row. Yeah, it seems like a recurring motif of the author.
* In the John DeChancie science fiction comedy book, ''Living with Aliens'', it is revealed that all of galactic civilization runs on this premise. [[The Federation]] figured out that people who want power should never have it. Their solution is to find the people who want to be rulers the least and ''force'' them, against their wills, to rule over the galaxies. This leads to them running away constantly and spending all their time getting high and abducting people from earth to molest and probe them for fun.
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* George Washington, the first President of the United States of America, did not want the position in the first place, and outright refused to be made king of the new country when the idea was presented.
** He also refused to serve more than two terms, starting a tradition for the office. It was made law by the 22nd amendment, ratified after Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected to four terms.
* [http://en.[ II of Aragon|Ramireo II of Aragon]] was the fourth son of King Sancho Ramirez, and consigned to the church. Unfortunaely, his elder brothers died young and without heirs. He was dragged out of the church under protest, married a widow who had an established record of healthy births, stayed around just long enough to sire a daughter, then bethrothed the daughter to a trusted ally, annulled his marriage, and marched back to the church.
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[[Category:Politics Tropes]]
[[Category:Reluctant Ruler]]