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* In ''[[Under the Dome]]'' by [[Stephen King]]: As police chief Randolph and a detachment of officers are heading towards a meth lab in order to assault it and take the valuable propane stored there, Randolph realizes that they had forgot to grab body armor (i.e. bullet proof vests) before driving to the lab. He doesn't worry too much about it, since he figures the assault will be easy; he assumes the two men there will be too stoned out of their minds to fight back. How wrong he turns out to be.
* In ''[[The Princess Bride (novel)|The Princess Bride]]'' Miracle Max has promised that the miracle pill he made for Westley will last for a full hour. Its only after our heroes have left that he realizes that he messed up the proportions of ingredients and if it lasts for forty minutes it'll be a miracle. This is what causes Westley to collapse during the confrontation with Humperdinck. This was altered in the movie because to the grandfather would have to give timestamps.
* Early in ''[[Harry Potter (Franchise)/Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix|Harry Potter]]'', Sirius gives Harry a Christmas gift, telling him it can be used to contact him in an emergency. Harry utterly forgets about this until well after {{spoiler|misinformation from Voldemort gets Sirius killed}}, something which could have been easily prevented with the use of that gift.
== Manga and Anime ==