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''Renegade Ops'' is a [[Top Down View|top-down]] Twin-Stick [[Shoot'Em Up]] developed by Avalanche Studios, creators of the [[Just Cause]] series and published by [[Sega]]. It was released on [[Playstation Network]] on September 13, 2011, and on [[Xbox Live Arcade]] the following day. After a series of delays, it also came out on [[Steam]] for the PC on October 27. As the story goes, one day Avalanche were toying with the idea of depicting [[Just Cause|Just Cause's]] over-the-top action and vehicle combat as a top-down shooter. The result was apparently [[So Cool Its Awesome|awesome,]] as they decided to make a game out of such.
It's the present day, or maybe [[Next Sunday ADA.D.]]. [[Evil Overlord|A power-hungry madman]] [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|by the name of Inferno]] has [[Moral Event Horizon|firebombed defenseless Catalonia City]]- and promises to an assembly of world leaders that he will torch other cities [[Take Over the World|if control is not ceded to him.]] [[Talking the Monster to Death|The leaders want to negotiate.]] But one [[Four-Star Badass|General Bryant]] believes that Inferno [[Captain Obvious|is not the sort of man to be negotiated with.]] [[Cassandra Truth|The leaders shut Bryant down,]] so he decides to take matters into his own hands, [[Defector From Decadence|tossing his medals onto a desk in disgust.]]
Enter [[Title Drop|The Renegades]]: [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits|A team of four paramilitary specialists,]] each armed with [[Travel Cool|a distinctive, heavily armed combat vehicle.]] [[Vigilante Man|Acting outside the bounds of international law,]] Bryant leads this team on a mission to stop Inferno's mad scheme and smash his military machine, [[Stuff Blowing Up|one gratuitous explosion at a time.]]
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