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* Since much-reviled producer Bruce Kalish came along, ''[[Power Rangers]]'' has abused this to insane levels, to the point of anything in action scene, particularly [[Stuff Blowing Up]], being shown repeatedly and in extreme slow-mo. Sometimes, explosions occur without a source just to facilitate this (making it all the more ridiculous: at a random point during a fight scene, quite literally ''nothing'' will explode massively four times, slowly, from three or four angles. Oookay...)
* ''[[Beakmans World]]'' also liked to do this, either to emphasize [[Stuff Blowing Up]] or just to see Lester getting pied in the face over and over in rapid succession.
* ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' featured one in "Forest of the Dead" when the Doctor realised just why his future self gave River Song the [[Chekhov's Gun|sonic screwdriver]]...
** As well as in "The Waters of Mars" after he has a particularly crushing [[Heel Realization]]
* When something big happens (either good or bad) in particularly intense parts of [[Retro Game Master]], we're shown the mistake as Arino makes it onscreen, and then his reaction.
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* One of Sylvia's superhero powers in ''[[Viewtiful Joe]] 2'' is Replay, which triples the damage of any attack used while it's in effect. When the hits are shown, it's from three different angles.
* ''[[Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door (Video Game)|Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door]]'' shows you a cannon going off three times. (Presumably cause it's bloody huge.)
** Ditto in ''[[Mega Man X]] 5''. Ironically, the laser blast is [[Luck -Based Mission|almost never a success]].
* Spike's capture of Specter in the original ''Ape Escape''. "Gotcha!" "Gotcha!" "Gotcha!"
* In ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog|Sonic Rush]]'', the last hit of every boss fight is displayed in this manner.
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