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* This page is has some quotes lifted directly from TWilde's [ huge plot analysis FAQ] from
== The G-Virus was meant to heal people/experiments with eye damage and regeneration backfiring ==
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== K-Mart from the movies is actually Ashley ==
First off, they're equally useless and end up as the damsel in distress more often than not. That'd also explain why she'd rather go by K-Mart since she doesn't want people to know her true identity as the president's daughter. Though that's pretty pointless by now, it's probably a habit that has stuck to her. If anything, she could be using the alias to show that she's equal to them and doesn't want to be treated as the pampered daughter of a powerful man.
* [[Jossed]] The Resident evil movie series and the video game series have absolutely nothing to do with each other canoncially. K-Mart is just K-Mart.
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== The U.S. Government knew what Umbrella was doing. ==
There's no way Umbrella could have done all that they did without [[The Government]] being at ''LEAST'' suspicious, if not out right knowing what Umbrella was doing.
* Another theory [[Tropers/Madam Shogun|this troper]] has is that The U.S. Government was buying some of Umbrella's B.O.W.s.
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* This has pretty much been confirmed by RE5.
== Why did the U.S. government attack Umbrella's factory on October 1st? ==
Did they want to destroy the T-Virus, or did they want it for themselves? As a corollary, how did they manage to get the rail cannon into the factory's power room?
* According to RE:ORC it was a base of operations that needed to be shut down. They were after the G-virus though, but apparently they just wanted it for "evidence" ([[Paranoia Fuel|Or so they say]]). As far as the rail cannon goes, it was dropped in by helicopter.
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No game in the franchise implicitly states that he's dead.
* He's still alive by RE5. He was seen in one of the latest trailers.
** He ''was'' still alive by RE5. Then Wesker punched a hole through him, and he wasn't anymore. Of course, he'd hardly be the first person in the series to come back from the dead, so he could still be a villain in future installments.
*** Ooh, maybe he pulled the Wesker trick on Wesker, and when we see him next, ''he'' will have red eyes.
== The T-Virus can affect things positively... ==
This is why eating hallway plants restores your health.
* Which is obviously why umbrella was interested in it in the first place.
** Actually no, Umbrella itself was a front for Spencer, Marcus, and Ashford's BOW research.
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* Uh... This troper can go to any drug store and get First Aid Spray. It's not some miracle drug made by Umbrella. It doesn't actually heal wounds, of course, but neither do herbs or medkits.
* The end of ''RE: Umbrella Chronicles'' pretty much states that Umbrella is now more of a terrorist organization under the control of Wesker.
** Confirmed in RE5. While not using the Umbrella name so much (this troper is unsure if Tricell is Wesker's company or an unrelated, but interested, party), they use its resources and former research to sell [[BO Ws]]BOWs on the black market.
*** Excella took over Tricell as the CEO thanks to Wesker, and her end of the deal was to help Wesker achieve [[Memetic Mutation|complete global saturation]] by supplying him with the missiles. Then again, Excella had her eyes on [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|something much bigger...]]
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** In that case...
* In Marvel Zombies, Doctor Doom takes longer to be properly zombified on account of his large ego and pride. Maybe the Merchant(s?) REALLY liked making money prior infection...?
* Maybe they ''are'' under Saddler's control! Or were, anyway. The Merchants get infected with Las Plagas, get sent to America where people ''love'' guns and begin selling them for ''pesos''. Violence skyrockets, and Osmund makes a good chunk of change from the proceeds, brings his "religion" to America and the masses terrified of the bandits using insanely affordable guns seek shelter in his cult. America, mind controlled, proceeds to take over the rest of the world! But then he abandoned it and went with the less convoluted plan of kidnapping the President's Daughter and having her re-rescued once she was infected to infect the highest rungs of the American government. He forgot the Merchants were still around and they just keep fulfilling their primary mission with Leon, rather than the American Public.
** However, he can sells you a type of gun that can insta-kill Plagas, and only Plagas. He seems to be immune to it.
== The Merchant is the real Big Bad of the entire series ==
...and he makes his profit by selling any random stranger ridiculous guns at a high price, using any other guns left over to blow the sucker away while they're not looking, loot the guns back and sell them to the next traveler, keeping both guns and money. Rinse and repeat. Leon is just too smart for that, which is exactly why the Merchant chuckles evilly when Leon buys things off of him; he considers Leon a [[Worthy Opponent]] of some sort. But his Master Plan to take over the world involves taking this ''de facto'' currency and bringing it into circulation, and in some massive [[You Fail Economics Forever]] moment, throws the entire world (or at least Spain)'s economy into chaos.
** LEON'S too smart compared to his previous victims? Mr. Leon 'Your right hand comes off?' Kennedy? What the hell kind of travelers was he managing to trick?
*** The [[Too Dumb to Live]] kind, obviously.
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* Alternatively, Wesker is dead. For some, it's an expected outcome that the guy who has been behind everything pretty much since the beginning is still alive, but it's no big hit to the series for the guy to be gone. The setting of the game has a perfect, built-in reason for more crazy monster hijinks without a mastermind: Just about any psycho with a chip on his shoulder can now search through his own Zombie n' Stuff catalog and buy some horrible monster from the black market. Also, in the Resident Evil verse, some horrible new monster creating pathogen is lurking in every other cave or small, out of the way village.
* [[Tropers/Tofu|Tofu]]: This one's been [[Jossed]]. [[Word of God]] said he's dead and gone. (has a little party)
* Alternatively, Wesker ''did'' die at the end of Resident Evil 5, but that was [[Cloning Gambit|just a clone]] of the real Wesker. Why else would he constantly need PG67A/W to keep himself from mutating? ''[[Actually a Doombot|Because he's a clone of Wesker,]]'' and therefore unstable. The real Wesker is still sitting in his comfortable satellite TV room drinking champagne.
== Agent HUNK is one of the missing Wesker children. ==
And in the next game, we will finally get to see his face, and it will look like Wesker's.
* [[Jossed]]. We've already seen his face in one of the RE3 Epilogue files. He's just an ordinary blond guy.
* Except the Wesker children aren't related. They were a bunch of children whose parents were intellectuals of all nationalities. The kids were kidnapped, given the surname Wesker (after an Umbrella researcher), and indoctrinated by Umbrella.
** Oddly enough, when this troper saw HUNK's face, his first thought "HOLY FUCKING SHIT IT'S WESKER'S BROTHER!".
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== The Merchant is "That Dog." ==
The merchant is a shapeshifting entity, roaming the forests of Notspain, and assisting those in need. For fighting against the Plagas, he was eventually caught and imprisoned by a bear trap, in wolf form, at the beginning of the game. Along comes a friendly American, who proceeds to free him. As repayment, the Merchant conjures up a bunch of weaponry and assists said agent in his mission against the Plagas. He also assists Ada, for her helping Leon. *He was the chicken in Ada's introductory scene.*
== Krauser will appear in the Darkside Chronicles. ==
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== The Wesker seen in Resident Evil 5 was a clone ==
Wesker created an experimental clone or heavily modified another individual before the Spencer Mansion incident, in order to fake his death with a body as evidence, and the BSAA as his witness. However, the clone survived, and began to develop its own personality and goals based on Spencer's, to become a god. As RE5 progressed, it began to degenerate as it was torn between its own consciousness and that of Wesker's. Facing off against Chris (who was a major part of Wesker's memories, which may have been implanted into the clone) probably helped with this, as well as the viral overdose. Thus, at the end of Resident Evil 5, the clone's purpose has been accomplished in a roundabout and unwilling fashion, and the broken remnants of the Uroboros project and Tricell Africa can be seized by Wesker.
* So Wesker was his own [[Unwitting Pawn]]? Holy shit, that gives a whole new meaning to [[My Death Is Only the Beginning]].
** [[Nightmare Fuel|*whimper*]]
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== Wesker isn't really Wesker in Resi 5 ==
Instead, "Wesker" is simply one of the other Wesker children, brainwashed into believing he's the real deal.
* Wouldn't ''all of them'' be just as dangerous, given their virtually identical upbringings, brainwashings, and superpower infections? Even if it wasn't the initial Wesker (the source materials make it pretty clear that it was in fact Albert), Chris and Sheva still killed one really bad dude.
== Leon is the victim of [[The Dulcinea Effect]]. ==
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... With her name changed to Ashley and her memories of the disaster erased, her adoptive father gets elected president. She is kidnapped by a Spanish Cult and eventually rescued by the exact same person. She subconsciously realizes that Leon has saved her before, and that is why she is so quick to hit on him at the end of the game.
* Doesn't explain how they were born in different years. (Sherry is two years younger; Just checked.)
** President Graham manipulated all information about Ashley, you only *think* they were born in different years.
*** [[Jossed]]: Sherry appears as a trained combat agent in the trailers for RE6, different voice actress and all.
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As the series goes on, they get more experienced with zombie fighting. So the developers give them more challenging enemies to fight.
== The world's nations have all merged. ==
''Resident Evil 4'' is officially set in "Europe", despite it clearly taking place in Spain. ''Resident Evil 5'' is set in merely "Africa", with no indication of what particular sub-Saharan country it might be (although people more knowledgeable than I may be able to draw some educated conclusions). What does this indicate? That the world's countries have all united by continent: Canada, the United States, and Mexico are no more -- they're just "North America". What was once Spain is now part of the same administrative body as the former France and Portugal, in the area known only as "Europe". The same with Asia, South America, and Oceania, and of course "Africa".
== Leon's pissy-ness in ''Degeneration'' is because... ==
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== The next Resident Evil game will feature [[Return of the Living Dead|2-4-5 Trioxin]] ==
The Trioxin gas will be the cause of the next zombie outbreak.
== Chris is infected with some sort of virus in Resident Evil: Revelations. ==
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Think about it. Chris has obviously taken SEVERAL [[Took a Level In Badass|levels in badass]] since we saw him last in Code: Veronica. Now, if you read some of the [[All There in the Manual|flavor files]] that you unlock as you play through [[Resident Evil 5]], it says that Chris is their top agent, with far more successful missions than any other. The BSAA is funded by the Global Pharmaceutical Consortium, a bunch of companies that are what Umbrella claimed to be: medical researchers and manufacturers. It's not that far fetched to think that they'd have a more stable version of Wesker's [[Super Serum]]. It's also not that far fetched to think that Chris may have taken it after Jill's [[Heroic Sacrifice|death.]] This enhancement would explain [[Made of Iron|punching a boulder]] and [[Super Strength|moving it]], as well as the fact that he can use a [[Big Freaking Gun|full sized]] rifle-caliber [[Gatling Good|minigun]] when all the other protagonists could only use 3-barrel baby versions. He still can't quite match Wesker's [[Flash Step|game]] [[Nigh Invulnerable|breaker]] [[Super Strength|powers]], but he doesn't have to inject fresh doses constantly and his sanity is intact.
* I thought that Chris was a badass before that. Why? His inventory was smaller and he was stronger than Jill.
** Also in previous games, he killed all those zombies and other monstrosities by himself without any last minute additions.
* I personally think that he, while fighting zombies for a decade, got somehow exposed to a small dose of a virus but, like Jill, appeared to be immune and just assimilated the virus. In Jill's case, it resulted in increased agility and speed; in Chris's, it resulted in rapid muscle devlopement and increased strength. Yeah, "Chriiiiiisss!!" turned into a [[Left 4 Dead|"TAAAAAAANK!!"]].
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== The reason why none of main characters became infected (well from RE1 to RE5) is due their (natural?) immunity to virus/es. ==
Think about it, all of them got scratched, bitten, cut, beaten, and taken a walk/swim/run thru infected areas. And although they can get poisoned, they never show any effects of infection. This also could be the reason why plants work this way on them.
* However, Jill got infected because the Virus was not only directly delivered into her body, but also due to it being mixed with whatever Nemesis was oozing.
** That could also mean that Tyrants are Immune to virus people, that were kidnapped from Racoon city when their immunity was discovered.
*** Actually, there is a lot of canon info that pretty much says that. Not the kidnapped part, but a VERY small percentage of people even 'can' become Tyrants, and they wouldn't succumb to the virus under regular circumstances. Even a smaller percentage can become a Nemesis.
== In ''[[Resident Evil Afterlife]]'',, the Executioner Majini is Movie-Umbrella's Nemesis 2.0 ==
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== Chris, Claire, and Krauser are all infected with the t-Veronica virus. ==
The games state that the t-Veronica virus is highly infectious. Yet these three should be infected. (Hell, maybe even Leon should be, too.) To elaborate, Chris and Claire (and Wesker) had to deal with Alexia flinging her infected blood, yet they do not end up infected. (Maybe the combusting-on-contact-with-air kills the virus?) Claire could have possibly been poisoned by Nosferatu. {{spoiler|Steve was also a bloody mess when he died. If Claire so much as had a papercut...}} Javier ends up releasing spores, which infect the surrounding environment. Krauser has a [[Canon]] open wound. You do the math.
* [[Plot Armor]]?
* It's pretty obvious that Krauser is infected with ''something'' (the mutant razor-arm is a dead giveaway). As for why the other characters never succumb to infection, it's possible Umbrella's viruses aren't nearly as infectious as we've been led to believe. Maybe it ''doesn't'' take just one scratch or one bite to get infected. Maybe you need a much bigger dose (i.e. several scratches/bites) for infection to take hold. Alternatively, maybe a person whose immune system is strong enough can fight off the virus naturally and the people/animals who succumb had weaker immune systems. Either or both of these theories could explain why the main characters don't get zombified. (And as a bonus, they would also explain why you can still find random uninfected survivors scattered throughout Raccoon City long after the initial infection takes hold.)
* Don't think Krauser is infected with it. Because in [[RE 4]] the Plagas remover laser actually can affect him. Unless the T-Virus has traces of Las Plagas in them.
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== [[Johnny Bravo]] is a clone of Wesker ==
A failed clone at that, as this one was more interested in picking up chicks.
** No... Wesker's a clone of Johnny Bravo, with a bit of [[Duke Nukem]] for good measure.
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Wesker said in UC that "the host's mindset influences the virus". Now, this flies in the face of all real world biology, but so does everything else in the franchise. With that out of the way, let's begin.
I've been playing Darkside Chronicles recently, and fighting G when I noticed something. Birkin's initial transformation was a shambling, assymetrical abomination. However, he was still conscious in there. Remember the "SHEERRRRYYY!"? He's actively searching for his daughter, but he's completely mad by this point. I have more proof, but I'll get to that in a moment. Birkin had never been sane to begin with, but after the G-Virus injection he went nuts.
Anywho, Birkin's crazy, but he still believes the G-Virus to be the perfect weapon and the pinnacle of his work with Umbrella. Logically, we can infer that he believed anything created from it would be perfect as well. With this in mind, let's take a look at each stage.
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== The only gun that's cannon in the video game series is the standard handgun. ==
You'll notice in the cutscenes especially in [[RE 4]] and RE5 you'll have a bunch of monster weapons but your character only uses the standard magazine pistol. Even in [[RE 4]] when Salazar tried to kill Leon with that trap door, after he counters he symbollicly retallitates by shooting that sound horn with his STANDARD handgun, even if you have the red9 or something that doesn't look like the standard handgun Leon will still have it. Ada isn't really much of a main character and the scene where it shows her watching Leon shooting those Zealot ganados with the TMP is only filler.She's just an ''[[Unreliable Narrator]]'' unaccurately telling the player how Leon's making it through his mission .
** I thought the only gun that was cannon was the [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Hand Cannon]].
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** I wouldn't expect that much continuity from a series that dried up all the water in the world and then forgot they did it ''within the same movie''. And again, this is [[Badass|Albert Motherfucking Wesker]] we're talking about; he could just work up a good belch and get over it.
* Then answer this question? Do you think Wesker has the ability to consume zombie DNA, to stabilize his virus. A single or a bunch of bullet can't kill an elephant but a bad enough sickness the size of an atom can so why can't a something organic also kill Wesker. He couldn't take full control of the T-virus but Alice could, so Wesker isn't as invincible as you think. The Resident evil sequel might not be made years from near but as popular as Resident evil is, it will be created sometime in the late future. Not to get off the subject but do you know how long it took for the sequel to jeepers creepers 1. It's been years since Jeepers creeper 2 has came out, but guess what they are making a sequel to that too, believe it or not as we speak. The point is The new resident evil sequel might not be make a few seconds from now but that doesn't mean it won't be made at all. Do you know how long it takes to make any kind of movie? That ending to RE Afterlife seemed like a sucky way to end the movie series so it would be a waste of a good plot to do that. You can eat something the size of a pebble, and if it's truly nasty enough it will kill you.
** Okay, answer ahoy: It's a movie written, produced, and directed by ''total idiots'' who, even if they had intended to introduce such a plot point, will just forget about it by the next movie anyway to make room for more [[In Name Only]] cameos and shameless ripoffs of ''[[The Matrix]]''. My hat's off to you, though; you've already put more thought into your theory than those kung-fuing, canon-defiling morons put into a series four movies long and counting.
* Hey I'd thought I'd remind you, that this is another kind of wikipedia and not a chatroom, you should only put opinions or better yet facts(like I did) on here. By the way when the new RE movie comes out people will say that Alice commenting on Bennet's health was really foreshadowing which it was, instead of just some theory, because it's true.
** Only opinions or facts? Is there some third kind of statement? But sure, dude; it's true. Whatever you say. No doubt that global drought from the beginning of ''Extinction'' will come up in the fifth movie, too.
* Well guess what there's a Resident Evil movie coming out in 2012(Resident evil Retribution) and guess what else it will have Albert Wesker in it(no DUHH, please) so we will let that be the determinator of truth. Other besides the fact that it's most likely going to have Alice get back at something most likely the umbrella corporation, wonder why the name of this new movie is RETRIBUTION for. One more thing you were wrong about there being no sequel so you are not as right as you THINK you are. The creator's couldn't help but to make another sequel. Why other besides to bring a whole entire RE experience? To rake in the dough that's why.
** So, should we assume you're having someone else's conversation now? Because that didn't logically follow anything previously written.
* No, but we can confirm that you were wrong about there ever being no sequel. For now, that is.
** Since ''I never said that'', I'm going to just go with my assumption that you're arguing with someone else whose stuff I can't see posted; it's the only thing that makes sense.
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Leon & Chris could team up.
The creator's will try to add a little sexyness to the new game.
== [[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003|Agent Bishop]] is one of the Wesker children. ==