Revealing Hug: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Main.RevealingHug 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Main.RevealingHug, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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* Bob has no idea, and Alice is deliberately trying to keep it that way
The face Alice makes is important in determining just what the secret might mean, since [[Viewers Areare Morons|the audience can't tell]] from context or anything. For example:
'''Act:''' Alice is planning to kill Bob's dog<br />'''Face:''' Evil (see [[Psychotic Smirk]])<br />'''Meaning:''' "Hahaha, little does Bob suspect, I'm planning to kill his dog"
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See also [[Traitor Shot]].
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
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** A good example is seen on [[One Life to Live]]. After a character expresses anxiety about her impending wedding (due to being widowed very soon into her first marriage), her fiance reassures her. She laughs, insists that she's fine, and they hug. Of course, we see her secretly upset face over his shoulder. . .but the trope is then played twice when we see HIS equally worried face--he is fully aware that she's only pretending to be okay.
* ''[[Glee]]'' had Will's wife Terri discover that she wasn't actually pregnant with their longed-for baby. She plans to break the news to Will gently, but after he starts by giving a little speech about how [[Oblivious Guilt Slinging|important family is to him and how much he's looking forward to being a father]], she lies and tells him that she's discovered she's having a boy. Her expression of utter panic over his shoulder as he hugs her in joy is tragically hilarious.
* In ''[[NoahsNoah's Arc]]'', {{spoiler|Guy gives one to Trey, taunting Alex in the process}}.
* Occurs in the second season of the HBO series ''[[Rome]]''. Atea is reconciled with her son Octavian, but as they embrace, you see a look on Atea's face that implies she's just doing it for the power. Additionally, when Octavian and Mark Antony embrace when they join forces. The looks on both their faces make it clear that neither of them would be doing this if it wasn't absolutely necessary.
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== [[Western Animation]] ==
* A [[Lampshade]] of this occurs in ''[[Danny Phantom]]'' when Jazz adds an unnecessary commentary as she hugs her "Uncle Vlad". ''("Keep hugging, we'll see who hugs last.")''
* Toyed with in ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'' when Aang and Iroh rescue Katara and Zuko, who had been [[Locked in A Room]]. While both pairs are genuinely happy to be reunited, [[The Hero|Aang]] and [[Anti -Villain|Zuko]] aren't thrilled to be working together, and shoot each other [[Death Glare|Death Glares]] across the shoulders of their hug-partners.
* This short animated film [ Red] where Little Red Riding Hood refuses the advances of the wolf (who looks like a [[Little Bit Beastly|slightly feral]] child wearing a wolf costume) after spilling the cakes she was going to bring to her grandmother. After leaving brokenhearted, Red encounters a unicorn-horned rabbit, which she hugs (not noticing the [[Revealing Hug|evil toothed grin it makes]] before mutating into a bear-sized horned monster that was ready to devour Red before the wolf comes back in time to save the day.