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== Music ==
* A popular filk song, "The USS Make Shit Up" by [[Voltaire (bandmusician)|Voltaire]], about the ''[[Star Trek]]'' series contains a similar line: "''Bounce the graviton particle beam / Off the main deflector dish / That's the way we do things, lad / We're making shit up as we wish...''"
* A musical example is in Bob Carlton's -- sorry, [[William Shakespeare]]'s -- ''Return to the [[Forbidden Planet]]''. Before the show starts, the 'crew' or ensemble members walk out and instruct the audience in standard safety procedures for their flight (air masks will deploy from ceiling, use of cell phones will cause the ship to explode, etc.) and end with teaching the audience how to Reverse Polarity themselves -- only for an emergency situation, which is [[Tempting Fate|highly unlikely, nigh impossible]] -- by putting their hands on their heads and twisting their torsos and heads to and fro. In Act II, of course, polarity needs to be reversed ("[[Straw Vulcan|But it's not logical]]!" "[[The McCoy|Damn your logic! I've got lives to save]]!") and the audience has to help.
** As an added bonus, at the end of the show, as the crew and captain prepare to launch back to Earth (singing ''Born to Be Wild'', of course), crew members announce that all is well by calling "Iambics functioning, Pentameters locked in, Hyperboles all off the scale!" and "R.S.C. jettisoned", [[In -Joke|in jokes]] all relating to Shakespeare's text, a conceit of language, and the Royal Shakespeare Company, respectively.
** Many of the posters (and T-shirts) for the show consist of a warning sign saying "''WARNING: Do not reverse polarity!''", and the playbill warns of the dangers of polarity reversal in space. Note that it is never actually specified ''what'' the polarity is reversed on, just that polarity in general is reversed - which makes the joke even more tongue-in-cheek...
* Pops up in the [[Rush]] song [ "Vital Signs"].