Revive Kills Zombie: Difference between revisions

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** In the premium module ''Pirates of the Sword Coast,'' your character becomes undead. After that point healing spells and potions hurt you, and you must instead chug potions of harm to restore your HP. (Mercifully, if you decide to export your undead character into a different module, they'll retain all the undead immunities but can be healed with normal curative magic.)
* [[Pokémon]] Diamond & Pearl introduced Black Sludge, an item that harms its holder. That is, unless held by a Poison type, which is healed instead.
* In the game ''[[Magicka]]'', most spells cast using the Life element heal the living and deal damage to zombies. Which explains the ability to place [[Healing Shiv|healing mines]]. [[Foe-Tossing Charge|Not a good]] [[Ring Out|spell to use]] [[Stop Helping Me!|for standard healing, though]]
* In ''[[Xenogears (Video Game)|Xenogears]]'', a particularly notorious enemy not only gets healed by offensive spells, but also by ''basic physical attacks''. The ensuing rage and confusion is usually enough to stop most players from discovering that using even the weaker heals on it drops it pretty quickly--though it seems obvious now, imagine you're experimenting with all the different elements, deathblows, lethal items, trying to find SOMETHING that can stop this thing...experimentation usually stops short of trying to ''heal'' your foes, especially when the monster's appearance and name don't exactly give away this trait. They also have an [[HP to One]] ability. This monster alone takes its place among the game's other puzzles that collectively make the average gamer feel like a dunce.
* ''[[Minecraft]]'' has several kinds of potions with beneficial or harmful effects. For every type, you can use it on yourself, or turn it into a splash potion to throw at friends or enemies. Zombies and skeletons are healed by potions of Poison or Instant Harm, but can be damaged with potions of Regeneration and Instant Health.
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[[Category:Undead Index]]
[[Category:Revive Kills Zombie]]