Richard Burns Rally: Difference between revisions

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* [[Driving Stick]]: As in any good rally game, you can choose between either manual or automatic transmission. Manual requires some practice, but is more sensitive and can reward you with better control over your vehicle and better stage times.
* [[Game Mod]]: The fanbase is responsible for a lot of them and they're usualy of very high quality. Most notable is RSRBR.
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice]]: Naturally, the voices of Richard Burns and his then-current co-driver guide you throughout the course of the entire game. Burns narrates the various stages of the tutorial mode, known as "Driving School".
* [[In Vehicle Invulnerability]] : Both played straight and mildly subverted. You can't kill yourself, but if your car crashes particularly hard, [[The Dev Team Thinks of Everything|you and your co-driver will become alarmed, yelp, groan and wave your hands a bit for a few seconds]]. Sure, you can't die or injure yourself, but at least [[Rule of Funny|you get an appropriate reaction]] from your crew.
* [[Nintendo Hard]]: Hoo boy...firmly on the hard end of realism. The roads are usualy quite narrow, handling physics are portrayed down to minute details, speed is not always of the essence and the countdown to the stage only uses voice acting and [[NPC]] gestures instead of visual icons. Still, it's rather easy to play if you have a bit of patience, fast reflexes and some basic experience with other rally games. It's generally better to play with a driving wheel, but more skilled players can easily drive stage after stage via the keyboard.
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[[Category:Racing Game]]
[[Category:Richard Burns Rally]]