Richard Nixon the Used Car Salesman: Difference between revisions

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* A DC/Wildstorm crossover had the [[Planetary]] team looking into murders in the Wildstorm universe's Gotham City. There's no Batman, but they encounter Dick Grayson (the first Robin, later Nightwing) and someone heavily hinted to be [[The Joker]] working in Planetary's Gotham field office.
* In [[Warren Ellis]]' [[The New Universe|newuniversal]] counterparts of various characters from main [[Marvel Universe]] live mostly mundane lifes - Mary Jane Watson is a movie producer and drug addict, John Jameson is black and joined a military and supervilain Jim Braddock is an archeologist. [[Iron Man|Tony Stark]] is a complete moron who gets gifted with supernatural talent to make all kinds of technology from literally [[Memetic Mutation|a box of scraps]], but gets himself killed before having a chance to become a superhero ... and [[The Incredible Hulk|Thunderbolt Ross]] [[Subverted Trope|is still general of U.S.Army]], but is bald.
* Marvel's series ''[[Powerless]]'' is all about this trope - it's set in a world where none of Marvel's protagonists or antagonists have superpowers. Peter Parker is a normal teenager, Tony Stark and Norman Osborn compete for a government's contract for their [[Powered Armor]] projects (codenamed [[Iron Man]] and [[The Juggernaut]] respectively), [[Daredevil|Matt Murdock]] is just a blind lawyer, [[Magneto|Eric Magnus]] and [[X -Men|Charles Xavier]] are senators, [[Doctor Strange|Stephen Strange]] is a stage magician and [[The Incredible Hulk|Bruce Banner]] is in an insane asylum. The only one who has any sort of extraordinary life is [[Wolverine|Logan]], the protagonist of the story, caught in political intruge, who has visions of everybody's counterparts from the mainstream Marvel Universe {{spoiler|because he is The Watcher's counterpart in that universe}}.
* Occurs in ''[[Bullet Points]]'' - James Barnes never becomes Bucky, Stephen Strange uses S.H.I.E.L.D's implants to continue his work as a surgeon and Tony Stark is just a businessman {{spoiler|that is until he takes the mantle of Iron Man after Steve's death}}.
== [[Film]] ==
* In the French movie ''Jean-Philippe'', French rock star Johnny Hallyday is the manager of a small bowling hall and goes by his real name of Jean-Philippe Smet.
* In ''[[The One (Filmfilm)|The One]]'', Agent Funsch's boss from his timeline, Agent Roedecker, is killed. However, Funsch later meets another version of Roedecker working as a gas station attendant.
== [[Literature]] ==
* [[Harry Turtledove]]'s novel ''[[The Two Georges (Literature)|The Two Georges]]'' is the [[Trope Namer]]; the [[Revolutionary War]] was averted by diplomacy and America and is still a part of the British Empire. [[Richard Nixon]] is a [[Honest John's Dealership|used car salesman]]. The novel, set in 1990, also features Martin Luther King Jr as the Governor-General of the North American Union, and John F. Kennedy as the editor of a pro-independence newspaper.
** Unusually, Richard Nixon is not quite so much less of a success as that might make it seem: he is a very rich owner of a major chain of used car dealerships.
* The counterfactual [[Author Tract]] ''The Probability Broach'' by L. Neil Smith also features Nixon: in an alternate timeline where America became a libertarian [[Mary Suetopia]], he became a small-time crook. In the same novel, we briefly see [[Jimmy Carter|"Jim-Earl"]] selling peanuts for a living. Another work by the same author features Hitler, who immigrated to the U.S. and became a painter / embarassing dad.
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** The same novel features a greying and unsuccesful Russian revolutionary leader named [[Vladimir Lenin|Vladimir Ulyanov]], now a scheming terrorist roaming the Eurasian skies in an airship.
** The third novel has a feared [[Sky Pirate]] of Georgian descent, a certain [[Joseph Stalin|Dzhugashvilli]]. [[Don't Explain the Joke|He's the title]] ''[[Does This Remind You of Anything?|Steel Tsar]]''.
* There are a bunch in the ''[[Back In The USSA]]'' short stories by [[Kim Newman]] and [[Eugene Byrne]]. Al Capone as American Stalin, [[Kurt Vonnegut]] as the American Gorbachev, Trotsky's daughter is a commoner who marries the British Crown Prince. [[L. Ron Hubbard|Lafayette Hubbard]], [[John Wayne|Mitch Morrison]], Charles Lindbergh and Joseph McCarthy appear as a propagandistic "troupe of war heroes" in the 1950's Communist America.
** Not to mention [[Aleister Crowley]] as American Rasputin!
* In the short story ''Southern Strategy'' Nixon ends up leading a guerilla war in the US south, together with Martin Luther King. [[It Makes Sense in Context]].
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* [[Howard Waldrop]] does this a lot. In one of his stories Elvis Presley is a senator, and Dwight Eisenhower and George S. Patton are jazz musicians.
* In the ''[[Wild Cards]]'' universe, Fidel Castro is pitching coach for the Brooklyn Dodgers. (In the real world, a long-debunked rumor has Castro trying out for the Washington Senators but ending up going to law school instead.)
* In Norman Spinrad's ''[[The Iron Dream (Literature)|The Iron Dream]]'', [[Adolf Hitler]] emigrated to the U.S. in 1919 and became a science fiction illustrator, editor and Hugo-winning author for his novel ''Lord of the Swastika''.
* There is a [[Kim Newman]] short story, "The Germans Won" (referring to {{spoiler|the 1966 World Cup}}, not that other thing you might be thinking of), where [[John Major]] is a bus conductor. In our timeline, Major actually applied for a job as a bus conductor in his youth but couldn't do the mental arithmetic the job required; one of the explicitly-mentioned features of the story's alternate history is the adoption of a much simpler schedule of bus fares.
** And his manager is a man called Jeffrey who "wrote a book once", and likes to say [[wikipedia:Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less|"Not a penny more, not a penny less"]] when adding up the totals.
** Averted in Newman's ''other'' "Alternate Major" story, "Slow News Day", in which he expresses his opinion of the then-current Conservative government by suggesting that, if the Nazis had won [[World War Two]] they would be ... [[In Spite of a Nail|still in government]]. Major even succeeds the "[[Margaret Thatcher|Iron Duchess]]".
* There is a Polish short story where a supercomputer has its funding cut after it generates an alternate-history [[Show Within a Show]], in which [[Second World War]] never happened, and most of primary timeline's political elites (Expies of our world's politicians) were small crooks and burglars in the second one.
* The ''[[Animorphs (Literature)|Animorphs]]'' novel ''Megamorphs #3'' featured the villain of the story, the Yeerk who formerly held the rank of Visser Four, changing Earth's history as part of his scheme to conquer the world in the present. The story climaxes with the invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944, but by this point the timeline has been polluted so much that France and Germany are allies against the landing forces (Who the landing forces are is never specified, though they do speak English). In this reality [[Adolf Hitler]] never rose above the rank of corporal and is serving as the driver to the Colonel that is actually relevant to the scene. One character starts to kill him anyway because... well, because he is ''Hitler'', and winds up accidentally doing so (while in Hork-Bajir morph with a blade to Hitler's throat, he's hit by a bullet, causing his arm to move) while still debating it.
* In the ''[[Timeline-191]]'' book series of [[Harry Turtledove]], a character is listening to a football broadcast narrated by a sportscaster named [[Ronald Reagan|"Dutch"]]. The character thinks "Dutch" could make anything sound interesting. "If anyone was a great communicator, he was the man."
** In ''How Few Remain'' (the first installment), [[Mark Twain|Samuel Clemens]] is a journalist in San Francisco, having given up on novel writing as a way to earn a living. Also, [[Abraham Lincoln]], who lost the 1864 presidential election as a consequence of losing the Civil War, becomes a socialist activist; in later books he is considered one of the pivotal figures in American socialism.
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* [[Harry Turtledove]] again: ''The Case Of The Toxic Spelldump'' has a brief appearance by a stern, impressively bearded US judge of Islamic origins named [[wikipedia:Ruhollah Khomeini|Ruhollah]]. It's briefly mentioned that he left [[Istanbul Not Constantinople|Persia]] when the secularist government was formed.
* Another Turtledove example: In the short story "Joe Steele," [[Joseph Stalin]]'s parents had emigrated to the United States before he was born. He becomes president of a U.S. that, under his leadership, changes into a country so different that it [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|just might remind you of something.]] Leon Trotsky becomes leader of the Soviet Union.
* In the ''[[Lord Darcy (Literature)|Lord Darcy]]'' series, set in a world where the automobile was never invented, Ferarri of Milan is a noted manufacturer of firearms. The [[Nero Wolfe]] pastiche even extends this to a ''fictional'' car company; Lord Bontriomphe's gun is a Heron .38, reflecting Wolfe's 1938 Heron sedan.
* [[Robert Anton Wilson]]'s ''Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy'' lives on this trope, with an alternate [[James Joyce]] becoming Pope, [[Adolf Hitler]] remaining a painter, and more besides.
* In [[Sergey Lukyanenko]]'s ''[[Seekers of the Sky]]'' duology, several well-known figures in our world are mentioned as still existing in the alternate world of the novels, [[In Spite of a Nail|despite radical differences]] in all other areas. [[Arnold Schwarzenegger]] is a smart but trigger-happy Guard officer of noble blood; [[Antoine De Saint Exupery|Antoine de Saint Exupéry]] is Count Antoine of Lyon, a retired combat glider pilot who writes poetry in his spare time but refuses to publish it; [[Gerard Depardieu|Gérard Dépardieu]] is Bishop Gegard Lightbringer, a reformed thief, capable of [[Healing Hands|curing cancer with divine magic]].
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* [[Frederik Pohl]]'s novel ''The Coming of the Quantum Cats'' takes place in several alternate universes. [[Ronald Reagan]] is still an actor (and still married to Jane Wyman) in a Muslim-dominated Earth, while in another Nancy Reagan is President and Reagan is First Gentleman. In that timeline, [[John F Kennedy]] was never elected President, and is still a Senator in the 1980s (instead of Ted, who died at Chappquidick). Pohl also includes a joking reference to his old friend [[Isaac Asimov]]; in an alternate timeline where Russia never became the USSR, Asimov's family stayed in Russia, where he became a famous surgeon. In reality, Asimov briefly considered becoming a medical doctor, but chose biochemistry instead.
* Pohl also wrote "The Mile High Club", a short story for an Isaac Asimov tribute book. The story featured all the members of the famous SF club the Futurians, still alive in the 1990s. In this timeline, Asimov had convinced FDR to focus on biological research instead of atomic weapons. The post WWII research boom resulted in a number of medical breakthroughs, and Asimov became more famous than Einstein (who is mentioned in the story as an obscure physicist from Princeton).
* [[George RRR. R. Martin]] in ''Retroperspective'', which is a mix of autobiography and reprints of his old stories, mentions that his debut on professional writing scene was in magazine "Galaxy", but it happened months after they bought his story, because it got lost in the office. He notes that there probably is another world, in which it was never found and he is now a journalist.
* In the short story "Catch that Zeppelin!", [[Fritz Leiber]] writes of a person jumping sideways-and-backwards from 1973 to 1937, replete with Zeppelins, electric cars, a successful Reconstruction, and - most crucially - a completely defeated Germany at the end of 1918. {{spoiler|It is revealed that the alternate-1937 perspective is from a very different Adolf Hitler.}}
* [[Super Folks]] has several examples, including Supreme Court Justice [[Charlie Brown]], and Roy Mack, head of the defunct [[McDonald's|Ronaldburger]] chain, who lost his shirt when Americans stopped eating hamburgers and now works a taco cart.
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** Parodied on a ''[[Saturday Night Live]]'' opener that pretended to be "President Al Gore"'s State of the Union address, which made a comment that Bush was the Commissioner of Baseball, and had vowed to hunt down steroid users "wherever they may hide".
** In his liberal-talk-radio days, [[Al Franken]] often stated that Bush would've made a great Commissioner of Baseball but was far over his head as president.
* A number of these appear in the ''[[Stargate SG -1]]'' two-part episode "Moebius", in which the team travels back in time 5,000 years for the first 20 minutes of the episode, and then the story follows their counterparts in the alternate timeline created. Despite a point of divergence 5,000 years back, [[In Spite of a Nail|all the main cast are clearly the same people]], just stuck in more boring jobs. (Except for Teal'c, who's still First Prime of Apophis) Also, [[Sleazy Politician|Robert Kinsey]] is now President while Henry Hayes is Secretary of the Interior.
* ''[[Lois and Clark]]'' had an alternate universe where Charlton Heston is President of the United States, and the nation is full of gun nuts waging open warfare on the streets. [[Elvis Lives|Elvis Presley]] also held the office sometime in the past.
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== [[Theme Parks]] ==
* Nearly [[Played Straight|played straight]] in [[Disney Theme Parks|EPCOT Center's World of Motion]]. A scene in the attraction had guests pass a used car lot with a salesman chatting up customers. As an in-joke, the designers originally intended to use the Richard Nixon face mask from the Hall of Presidents for the salesman, [[Unbuilt Trope|invoking this trope nearly fifteen years]] before the [[Trope Namer]]. However, CEO at the time Card Walker had ties to the Republican party, and [[Executive Meddling|management was afraid]] that he wouldn't be amused seeing Richard Nixon the Used Car Salesman in the attraction. Nixon was eventually added to the attraction, though in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo in the Egyptian scene.
== [[Video Games]] ==
* The ''Kaiserreich'' mod to ''[[Hearts of Iron]] 2'' does this a lot (because it's trying to avoid using the OTL historical figures) Stalin is head of the Georgian Mafia in Chicago, Mussolini is minister of transportation in the Socialist Republic of Italy, Hitler is dead and his [[World War One|wartime]] letters home (along with those of many other soldiers') has been published by Ernst Röhm, who for some reason wears a [[Charlie Chaplin]]-style mustache, Mosley is a leader of a radical ''left'' faction in Syndicalist Britain, which includes [[George Orwell|Eric Blair]] and a gay [[CSC. LewisS. (Creator)Lewis|CS Lewis]].
** Mussolini can subvert this trope - it is quite possible for him to end up as the self-described totalitarian leader of an Italian state. It just happens to be a far-left ('National Syndicalism') state rather than a far-right (Fascism) one.
** Especially since Mussolini started out as a leftist, then had a change of heart.
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== [[Web Comics]] ==
* ''[[Roswell Texas|Roswell, Texas]]'' has a lot of them. Lyndon B. Johnson is apparently a small time crook of some, Hitler immigrated to Texas and took art lessons from that Diego Riviera, and ended up marrying his and Frida Kahlo's daughter.(The Nazi party still came to power.) Also, Charles Lindbergh and his son are president of the Federated States at different points in the story.
* In ''[[Homestuck]]'', {{spoiler|[[Reset Button|the Alpha universe]] is a reset of Earth intended to make the eventual players of [[The Game Plays You|Sburb]] more apt to win the game, and as such sports numerous differences in combination with outside influence on the universe, resulting in this trope (generally [[Played for Laughs]]). Betty Crocker is a former [[God Save Us From the Queen|alien queen]] who owns a multiglobal empire, Harry Anderson became a private investigator due to not getting a role on ''[[Night Court]]'', Guy Fieri became a [[Juggalo|Subjugglator]] and joined the Supreme Court, Donald Glover won an Oscar for the role of [[Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff|Geromy]] before being assassinated by the aforementioned Crocker, and the [[Insane Clown Posse]] are DUAL PRESIDENTS.}}
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* Most episodes of ''[[Time Squad]]'' had a variation of this trope, as the show's premise was that the timeline "decays" and the characters need to convince historical figures to get back to their actual roles in history. [[Beethoven]] was a professional wrestler, [[Leonardo Dada Vinci]] was a beatnik, and one episode even featured [[Albert Einstein]] as a used car salesman.
== [[Web Original]] ==