Riddle of the Sphinx: Difference between revisions

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'''Man:''' All right. I see I'll have to pull out all the stops. "You come to two doors, guarded by a pair of men, one tells only the truth, wh-"<br />
'''Alexi:''' [[Knights and Knaves|The truth or lies guys riddle]]? Seriously? You know, I don't think you eve- Ow! You kicked me! }}
* Subverted in ''[[Phil Foglio|What's New? with Phil and Dixie]]'', in which a sphinx insists that everybody knows the "four legs, two legs, three legs" riddle, so instead asks: "[[Tongue -Twister|How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood]]?"
== Stand Up Comedy ==
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[[Category:Older Than Feudalism]]
[[Category:Riddle Of The Sphinx]]