Rockman 4 Minus Infinity: Difference between revisions

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[ This site] contains lots of information on the game.
=== This game provides examples of: ===
* [[Abnormal Ammo]]: Spark. Manbow lets Mega Man shoot light bulbs.
* [[Actually a Doombot]]: Crash Man and Wave Man are actually holograms.
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** Averted in a section of Dust Man's level. Mega Man gets a temperature gauge that fills up slowly. If it reaches the top, Mega Man takes damage.
* [[Cores and Turrets Boss]]: The Serges Devil.
* [[Descending Ceiling]]: Drill Man crashes the ceiling in his arena as his [[One -Hit Kill]] [[Desperation Attack]].
* [[Detachment Combat]]: Serges Devil Machine.
* [[Down in The Dumps]]: Dust Man's stage.
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* [[Gimmick Level]]: Lots of them.
** Skull Man's stage has pretty much every moving platform from the NES games.
** Ring Man uses a [[Nerf|nerfed]] version of Quick Man's [[Frickin' Laser Beams|laser beams]] [[Doomy Dooms of Doom|of doom]].
** Bright Man has two: the first half of the stage is [[Blackout Basement|only lit on your X-axis position]], while the second half uses red, blue and green [[Temporary Platform|disappearing blocks]], which damage you should you be in them when they appear. There are also ladders and [[Spikes of Doom]] that function in this manner.
* [[Go for The Eye]]: The Bubble Devil in Cossack Stage 3.
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* [[HP to One]]: Shock Guard Upgrade turns the spikes into these.
* [[I Fell for Hours]]: After beating Bullet Hell Mothraya and Serges Devil Machine.
* [[Inconveniently -Placed Conveyor Belt]]: Dust Man's stage and Wily Castle Stage 2.
* [[Interface Screw]]: Pharoah Man's stage has a curse and if Mega Man is inside the pyramid, he will be affected by it.
* [[Killed Off for Real]]: When Shadow Man gets a [[Disney Villain Death]] in Cossack Castle Stage 1, you can hear him exploding.
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* [[Mythology Gag]]: There are a ''whole'' lot of enemies from other Mega Man games, for starters.
** The lifebars/HUD from the Game Boy ''[[Mega Man (Video Game)|Mega Man]]'' games (also known as the ''Rockman World'' series) show up for the first half of Bright Man's stage.
** HCR Boomerang gains the [[Power -Up Magnet]] abilities of its Game Boy version.
** Drill Man's stage contains Ring Man's hippo [[Mini Boss]], which has the blocks of its Game Boy counterpart.
*** Pluto's [[Mini Boss]] also appears, and Drill Man himself copies Uranus' [[Desperation Attack]] of crashing the ceiling down on you.
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* [[Ninja]]: Shadow Man.
* [[Non Lethal Bottomless Pits]]: The Trampoline Upgrade turns every [[Bottomless Pits]] into these.
* [[One -Hit Kill]]:
** The Rush Cannon Adaptor. However, a few of the Bosses can turn it against you.
** If Dust Man sucks you up, he turns you into an E-Tank. If you don't break free, he kicks you into the incinerator.
** Shadow Man in Pharaoh Man's stage has one.
** Cast the Toad spell on Toad Man during the [[Boss Rush]]. He turns into a easily-squished toad.
* [[One -Hit Polykill]]: Drill Torpedo and Water Cutter.
* '''[[Platform Hell]]'''
* [[Power -Up Magnet]]: HCR Boomerang can snatch items as a [[Homage]] to the the fourth Game Boy game.
* [[Recurring Boss]]: Shadow Man.
* [[Recurring Extra]]: Up'n'Down