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* [[Flowery Elizabethan English]]: in ''Creatures of Light and Darkness'', the immortal Prince Who Was A Thousand tends towards this style of speech, especially when conversing with his bodiless love, Nephytha. Other immortals and gods speak normal modern English, for the most part.
* [[Friend to All Living Things]]: Justified for Francis Sandow, on the planets whose ecosystems he designed. It's a plot point in one novel when an animal is frightened of him, since it means he's entering enemy territory, and identifies him in a short story.
* [[Have We Met Yet?]]: Played with in ''Roadmarks'' -- on several occasions, people reminisce about a previous meeting with the time-travelling protagonist then add that they're not sure if it's happened to him yet, because he looked older then. It turns out that he's growing younger instead of older as time goes on.
* [[Historical Domain Character]]: The time-travel novel ''Roadmarks'' has significant cameos by several, including the Marquis de Sade and a small German man named Adolph.
* [[Human Popsicle]]: {{spoiler|In ''Permafrost'' characters are frozen solid and remain... alive.}}
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[[Category:Roger Zelazny]]