Ron the Death Eater/Analysis: Difference between revisions

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** Ginny becomes a Death Eater or sympathetic to Voldemort in fanfiction about as often as Ron does, partly owing to fan theories that she is still possessed by Voldemort after the second book, or should have been in Slytherin (or simply that it would have made her [[Rooting for The Empire|a better written character]].)
** Some fics have use a mixture of this trope and [[Alternative Character Interpretation|alternative character interpretation]], with Ginny and Harry breaking up after the events of the last book for Harry to then be with someone else (normally [[Foe Yay|Draco]]. The idea they use is that Ginny fell in love with the idea of Harry as a hero when Harry just wants to be normal. Not helped by the fact they have so little screen time together, particulary in the films.
* The [[Love Potion]] thing isn't limited to Ginny demonization- in general, fic writers will frequently [[The Reveal|dramatically reveal]] that the person [[Die for Our Ship|they wish death for their ship upon]] has been [[Slipping a Mickey]] to make the other person fall in love with them (e.g. Ginny in the above example, or James if the author is a Snape/Lily shipper) and thus [[Was It All a Lie?|the entire relationship is based upon a lie]].
* The Weasleys in general are prone to this sort of treatment. In [[Alternate Universe Fic|Alternate Universe Fics]] in which the Hat put Harry in Slytherin, Draco will usually be put in leather pants and the Weasleys will suddenly become the biggest assholes in the world. Often, it is Ron who gets the worst of it with the rest of his family acting little to no different (especially the twins), though there have been instances where ''all of them'' will look upon and treat Harry with disdain just because he's not a Gryffindor.
** Molly in particular gets this almost as much as Ron and Ginny. Molly's canon mother hen personality is twisted until she becomes a screeching shrew who pretends to be acting out of love, but is actually just an insane control freak obsessed with social-climbing. Often Ginny is only pursing Harry because this social-climbing version of Molly has forced her to or has even groomed Ginny all her life for the all-important mission of snagging Harry. It never seems to occur to anyone that Ginny could easily be seen as a sympathetic victim in this scenario. But no, she's still considered an evil whore for some reason.