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[[File:roninwarriors.jpg|frame|At least these are ''good'' loose cannons.]]
''Ronin Warriors'' (known as ''Yoroiden Samurai Troopers'' in Japan) is a 39-episode anime produced by Sunrise in the late 1980s; it is a [[Shonen]] series that centers on [[Sentai|a group of young men]] who don transforming [[Empathic Weapon|mystical armors]]. It was designed to [[Follow the Leader|capitalise on the success]] of [[Saint Seiya|THE show about young men who don]] [[Empathic Weapon|mystical armors]] -- but—but with [[Jidai Geki|Sengoku]] flavor! The show was brought over to the US in 1995 as ''Ronin Warriors'' and meshed well with the post-''[[Power Rangers]]'' wave. The American dub is notable as one of the least [[Macekre|Macekred]]d [[Anime]]-to-American TV adaptations of its time in terms of cuts; the [[Dub Name Change|name changes]], on the other hand, are many and varied.
The villain of the show is Master Talpa, [[Satan|supreme lord]] of the demonic Underworld, who spends most of the First Arc as a floating demonic mask (with an inexplicable-yet-menacing Welsh accent in the American dub). The first episode has him barging into the mortal world and setting up his phantom stronghold. Bearing witness to this horrific event are [[Bratty Half-Pint]] Yuli (whose parents are captured during the invasion of Talpa's forces) and Mia Koji, a young student-teacher and [[Hot Librarian|researcher of ancient Japanese legends and antiquities]]. Also witness to this event are five athletic young heroes in colorful armor, one of whom (Ryo) is wandering the city with an [[Team Pet|enormous white tiger]] by his side. When Mia and Yuli find themselves threatened by soldiers of Talpa's Dynasty, Ryo and the other young heroes step in to rescue them. Sensing trouble, Talpa casts the young heroes to the four winds for their trouble; Mia and Yuli take it upon themselves to find and reunite the Ronin Warriors so they can prevent [[The End of the World as We Know It]]. Opposing the heroes' quest to defeat Talpa are his [[Four Is Death|four powerful warlords]], who each have the power to work his will and unleash unspeakable horrors upon the world. (Of course, the heroes have Yuli on ''their'' side, so things pretty much even out.)
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* [[Hotblooded Sideburns]]: Ryo, Kento, Cye, and Cale.
** Seiji and Nasuti have minor flirtation in ''YST'' which is completely removed in the dub. Rowen is also part of a fan preferred couple with Lady Kayura, despite the fact she is physically twelve. However, both of these pairings as well as Ryo's relationship with Luna are often [[Fanon Discontinuity|ignored]] by fanfiction writers [[Het Is Ew|in favor of homosexual relationships.]]
** The ''[[Sayonara, Zetsubou-sensei]]'' manga calls the series a "rite of passage" for [[Yaoi Fangirl|Yaoi Fangirls]]s.
* [[I Have the High Ground]]: Practically all of the warriors.
* [[Image Song]]
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* [[Official Couple]]: [[Arranged Marriage|Mukala and Nadia]], though the majority of the North American fandom tend to forget the OVAs exist and [[Fan-Preferred Couple|focus on shipping the Ronin Warriors with Mia and Kayura,]] or [[Ho Yay|with each other]], or [[Mary Sue|original female characters]].
* [[Older Than They Look]]: Inverted with Lady Kayura who's actually ''younger'' than she looks. She looks like she's in her late teens, but is physically 12 years old.
** Depending on how you interpret their physical ages versus how long they've actually been alive, the Warlords and Kayura can both invert this and play it straight -- Anubisstraight—Anubis is physically ''17'', but has been alive for centuries thanks to Talpa.
* [[One-Man Army]]: Each of the Ronin is capable of laying waste to countless Dynasty soldiers.
* [["On the Next..."]]: Left out of the English dub and DVDs for the TV series, yet left intact for the OVAs.
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* [[Shirtless Scene]]: Ryo after his nightmares. Also happens to the other four {{spoiler|during the final battle.}}
** There's also Lady Kayura during one of her transformation sequences.
* [[Shouldn't We Be in School Right Now?]]: Averted because the series begins before the Japanese school year officially starts. The [[OVA|OVAs]]s conveniently take place during school vacations.
* [[Simple Staff]]: The Ancient One carries a khakkhara (monk staff), complete with its characteristic rings. However, it wasn't always a staff; back when Talpa first tried to conquer the Earth, it took the form of a sword with the rings around the hilt.
* [[The Smurfette Principle]]: Mia and Kayura are the only two females in the main series.
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[[Category:ShonenShōnen Demographicmanga]]
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