Rookie Mistake: Difference between revisions

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* [[Depending On the Artist]]
* [[Disguised in Drag]]: Almost everyone at some point.
* [[Do Androids Dream?]]: This is addressed in varying degrees by different characters.
* [[Does Not Like Men]]: Hummingbird. Also Noodle, but this is specifically Asian males she dislikes.
* [[Don't Tell Mama]]: Benny has kept his mother in the dark about most everything he has done ever, and despite this and police having knocked on her door, [[Mama Didn't Raise No Criminal|she readily believes any explanation he's willing to give]] no matter how vague...or even non-existent.
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* [[Hearing Voices]]: Ceil has one voice that tells him everyone is trying to kill him.
** 24 has several voices in his head that talk to him. As do 64 and 36.
* [[Hello, Nurse!]]: The White medic Angel is most definitely one of these.
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: Vodka and Henry.
* [[Highly-Conspicuous Uniform]]: Due to the [[Colour-Coded for Your Convenience|color coding]].
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* [[Loads and Loads of Characters]]: 400 plus and counting. AND COUNTING.
* [[Lonely Rich Kid]]: Miri and Glasglow.
* [[Long -Haired Pretty Boy]]: Miri reeks of this trope.
* [[Long-Lost Relative]]: Gemini and Nothing, Seven and Lizard. Sterling, Pyrite and Stormy. Zeus and Boomer. Wraithe and Marcus. Black and Sonar. Laz and several others, although with a few he's only a [[Parental Substitute]].
* [[Love Confession]]: [ Moron]. Unfortunately he gets [[Platonic Life Partners|shot down every time]]. Not surprising considering his skewed view of proper [[Love Interests]] due to [[Parental Incest]]. So he goes ahead and confesses to [[Like Brother and Sister|Duck]], [[Parental Substitute|Labrador]], [[True Companions|Chiffon]] and [[Does Not Like Men|Benny]].
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* [[Meaningful Name]]: If they aren't named after a particular shade of color, chances are it's this trope.
* [[Messy Hair]]: Ceil's hair is always uncombed as part of his plan to keep himself as unattractive looking as possible.
* [[Mix -and -Match Critters]]: Made by Ethan, with love.
* [[Motor Mouth]]: Spunky and Catnip.
* [[Mr. Smith]]: Played with. White's last name is actually Smith.
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* [[Paralyzing Fear of Sexuality]]: Ethan, Amethyst, Martin, and Nero and Lucy pre-relationships.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: Azrael, Frosty, Maroon, and Duck.
* [[Parental Incest]]: Kiwi, which lead to him being a [[Self -Made Orphan]]. Moron until he was saved.
* [[Parental Neglect]]: With Blank and Audubon, though this wasn't intentional with at least one parent for each of them.
* [[Parental Substitute]]: Labrador with Duck and Moron.
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* [[Rapunzel Hair]]: Seamus' hair grows crazy fast and so is just kept long. [[Robot Girl|Amalthea]] was made that way.
* [[Retcon]]: A few times, most notably with Lilac.
* [[Ridiculously -Human Robots]]: Several.
** And even in a very male character dominated group, two of them are [[Robot Girl|girls]].
*** One, Anne, is also a [[Emotionless Girl|deadpan]] [[Naked People Are Funny|nudist]].
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* [[Scary Black Man]]: Mentioned almost word-for-word with Bruce (who isn't even black). Played straighter with Igazi, though his scariness has little to do with his race.
* [[Sex Is Evil]]: Nero and Lucy both believe this, before they [[Closet Key|learn]].
* [[Single -Target Sexuality]]: Lucy, with Maroon.
* [[Silver Fox]]: Purple and Amontillado fill this.
* [[Skunk Stripe]]: [[Meaningful Name|Skunk]] has one.
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* [[The Lancer]]: Lydia to Lester.
* [[The Quiet One]]: Watson and Cipher.
* [[The Speechless]]: Cerise, who communicates in [http://en.[ |charades]], [[Emoticon|Emoticons]], speech bubbles, and rarely sign language.
** Gopher.
* [[The Stoic]]: Badger.
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* [[Will Not Tell a Lie]]: Benny, although he tends to omit important info.
* [[Wouldn't Hit a Girl]]: Benny because of [[Turn Out Like His Father|his dad]]. Thumper and Paper because [[Knight in Shining Armor|chivalry isn't dead]]. And Ilya.
* [[X Days Since...]]: All the departments in the NY Red labs have an accident counter sign as a competition between themselves.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]: Averted. Any unusual hair colors are explicitly stated to be dyed. Except for Gary, who insists that his hair color is natural, but [[Word of God]] states is a weave.
** He's now upgraded to a [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]!
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* [[Mega Neko]]: [ The Katbeasts.] Large felines made by scientists, created to be pets for the rich people. {{spoiler|At least until they grew too big. There is also Baby the Katbeast, who was made by Ethan in the main Rookie 'verse}}
* [[Faceless Goons]]: Grey Matter has an endless supply of them. [[Canon Immigrant|Fredo]] is one of them in this 'verse. Specifically they are of [[Gas Mask Mooks|this variety]].
* [[Near -Death Experience]]: {{spoiler|When Kiyoshi had a close encounter with the Face Stealer but [[Eleventh -Hour Superpower|then saved himself]]. Also this happens to Taras when he gets killed in a dream and he almost dies in the real world.}}
* [[No One Could Survive That]]: {{spoiler|Hound and the explosion that kills him.}}
* [[Oddly Small Organization]]: Hench Co., a privately owned organization who put together monsters, potions and machines for villains with a busy schedule. The entire operation is handled by three [[Mad Scientist|mad scientists]] who have a [[Mysterious Employer|rarely seen boss who only comes in for progress reports]].
* [[Puberty Superpower]]: Kiyoshi, granted this kicks in [ at the] [[Eleventh -Hour Superpower|last possible moment]].
* [[Secret Identity]]: Well duh.
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