Roommates (2009 webcomic)/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Mistaken for Gay]]: [[Word of God]], in Roy's younger childhood. His colorings (pink scalp, purple eyes, red shades) got him teased a lot for this when he was an adolescent, and it provoked him into becoming [[The Bully]] he was in his younger years.
* {{spoiler|[[Morality Chain]]: To Hanbei, to keep his friend from using deadly force. But one day, far from Roy, Hanbei ''did'' kill someone.}}
* [[Rated MforM for Manly]]
* [[Real Men Cook]]: Roy discovered his mother Peach's old cookbooks after she passed away. He has honed himself into an extremely capable cook, and has his own complete kitchen in room.
* [[Red Oni]]: To Hanbei's [[Blue Oni]].
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* [[Idle Rich]]: But he doesn't make it look as savory as Roy does.
* [[Millionaire Playboy]]
* [[Rated MforM for Manly]]
* [[The Unfavorite]]: Though that's not saying much. Bowser loves all his children and treasures them living under one roof with him, but he considers Morton a disappointment compared to the man he was named after. Not that this really seems to affect Morton that much.