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A hypothetical: You're playing ''[[Madden NFL (Video Game)|Madden NFL]]''. Your team is up by 13, there's three and a half minutes left until the end of the game, and you have the ball. Your victory is assured, right?
Wrong, because suddenly the AI is twice as fast as you, knows what play you're going to run, and shuts down your offense, forcing you to punt - or, worse, your running back with a high "Hands" rating fumbles the ball, or an AI defensive back makes a miracle interception. On their drive, the AI marches downfield with no difficulty by completing several consecutive bombs, scoring an easy touchdown. Rinse and repeat, and before you know it you've lost what you thought was a safe lead. The video game has just experienced a [[Miracle Rally]].
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Why does this happen? The further you stretch a rubber band, the harder it pulls. It's the same idea here. Basically, the better you are doing at a game, the harder the game gets in order to continue to present a challenge. This isn't just the idea of making the game harder and harder as you progress farther and farther, this means that the level you're on ''right now'' will, for seemingly no reason, ramp up its difficulty if it thinks you're doing too well. This may, in some cases, be coupled with the computer [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard|actually cheating]], rather than just getting better.
Of course, to be fair, this sometimes happens ''in reverse'', with the AI easing up when winning to give you a chance to come back, stealing any satisfaction the player might gain from "victory." The classic example is a [[Mario Kart (Video Game)|racing game]] in which opponents never gain a substantial lead on slow players but cling to the tails of even superhumanly skilled players, creating the impression of the AI's car being attached to yours by a literal rubber band! Sometimes gamers notice proof of rubber band AI (particularly in Mario Kart-style racing games) when their actual racing time in seconds when they take 1st place may be the same or similar when they race the exact same track and take as low as 6th place. Even though the times were the same, the racer's rank can fluctuate wildly due to rubber banding competitors.
Also seen in a few [[RPG|RPGs]], where enemies are adjusted according to your character's levels, which can make any non-levelable stuff (like items) useless pretty quick. This is sometimes referred to as "punishing you for your experience." See [[Empty Levels]] and [[Level Scaling]]
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== [[Driving Game]] ==
* The ''[[Mario Kart (Video Game)|Mario Kart]]'' series does this to an exceptionally annoying and inconsistent degree. Wipe out at the start of a race and it's a straightforward task to still win. Wipe out near the end of the last lap (having raced a ''perfect'' game so far), and there will always be 3 guys right behind you to snatch all the points.
** And if you're good at hitting shortcuts, expect the computer to be able to suddenly hit a top speed well beyond what any human could do. The most blatant instance is Rainbow Road in ''[[Mario Kart 64 (Video Game)|Mario Kart 64]]'', which has a shortcut that can literally skip 40% of the course (which is, to this date, the longest course in the game series's history). Even if you hit said shortcut on all three laps, the computer is still able to catch you on the last lap.
*** By turning on the map-view in Mario Kart 64 it's possible to watch opponents suddenly accelerate to unrealistic speed when they are far behind.
*** Similar to the example above for Rainbow Road, Maka Wuhu in ''Mario Kart 7'' has an exploitable glitch that lets you skip at least half the track. If you do this while racing against the AI, they will magically catch up to you without fail. [[No Fair Cheating|Then again]] you ''were'' cheating...
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*** There are two separate effects at work here. There the "super turbo yellow car", which nearly always kicks in only if you use your weapons enough times (roll cages don't trigger it, because they can use them too). This super turbo is faster than your maximum possible top speed. Then there are the late game tracks where any car that gets ahead of you after you get out of the starting block will instantly super turbo. Either way, a missile or bomb will stop the madness, and bring the car back down to earth, for now.
** Also, whenever you drove over the turbo arrow for a temporary speed boost, all of the computer cars immediately got the exact same speed boost. Naturally, you did not get a speed boost when a computer car drove over an arrow, meaning you had to hit them anyway.
* In the ''[[Initial D Arcade Stage (Video Game)|Initial D Arcade Stage]]'' game series, two-player battles have a feature called "Boost," and like ''Need For Speed Carbon'''s Catch-up feature, it gives the trailing player a speed advantage. There is, however, an option to turn this off so that players can have a real battle.
** The CPU also has its own boost when it falls behind by a certain margin (which is smaller for harder opponents), though it immediately slows back down to normal speed when it's back within the threshold. This is probably meant to be a [[Cap]] on the Advantage Bonus, since it's multiplied by the distance the opponent has left to go when the winner crosses the finish line. This can also cause the player's lead to sine-wave back and forth around the threshold value, even on a straightaway. Also, the CPU will go pathetically slow when it has a huge lead.
** ''Initial D Arcade Stage 4'' caps the opponent's disadvantage to about 190 meters.
** ''Initial D Arcade Stage 6'' has a strange way of applying this in Legend of the Streets mode: while the difficulty of your next opponent depended on what chapter you were, it was also controlled by how far ahead or behind you ended up at the end of the race. It is quite possible to beat Takumi with an aura with a one kilometer (!) advantage, only to get smoked by [[You Suck|Itsuki]] of all people in the next race on the same course.
* The first ''[[Wangan Midnight]]'' arcade game (and its revision ''Wangan Midnight R'', which was eventually ported to [[PSPlay Station 2]]) has rubber band AI that's especially present during the final battle against Akio. If you get ahead of him you better be good at blocking because the Devil Z will be on your ass the whole time.
** All the ''Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune'' games have rubberbanding which gets more severe the farther behind or ahead the computer gets. This is often counteracted by the individual stage quirks (slippery course, opponent will try to block you, opponent can't catch you on straightaway, etc.), but not always. It was by far the most blatant in the third cycle of the first game, to the point where ''everything'' before about the last 3km was completely irrelevant.
* ''[[Burnout]]''. At least in ''Burnout 3'' you can ram the caught-up cars, steal their boost, and regain your lead....
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** A patch was released for this game that makes the difficulty the opposite of [[Nintendo Hard]] for the first third of the game. The difficulty is supposed to ramp up after that, but if you get the Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14 and max the performance stats out, not even rubber band AI will make it challenging...
*** How much did Kawasaki pay to make the game do that?
* ''[[Road Rash (Video Game)|Road Rash]]'' made good use of this trope: Whenever you fell from your bike and were left several hundred meters behind you'd catch up with a speed of 50 meters per second - but the closer you came to the lead the faster the AI driver was going (also happened when you got rid of computer bikes; they came back faster than the laws of acceleration would've allowed...).
* ''[[Ridge Racer]] 1'' and ''2'' for the PSP. On the [[Nintendo Hard|already difficult MAX Tours]], Namco lets the 3 AI cars spam [[Nitro Boost|Nitro Boosts]] when you pass them up. But on the final [[Gratuitous Latin|Ne Plus Ultra]] Tour (meaning: [[Harder Than Hard|nothing more beyond]]), the AI can pull away from you faster than hell. And when you use nitrous at the last leg of the race, they can go even faster - without nitrous.
* In ''[[Carmageddon]]'', opponents will constantly respawn somewhere nearby, never actually going around the course. This means that it is impossible to lose the race to an enemy - you can only lose if your car is destroyed or you run out of time on the clock. However, it should be noted that this is probably intentional, as the point of the game is clearly to destroy your opponents rather than race them to the finish line. Destruction of opponents gives massive rewards, including sometimes the ability to steal an opponent's car and add it to your collection, so that it can be driven in future races. Also, destroying opponents, or seeking and running down pedestrians, adds time to your clock, allowing you to either finish the race more comfortably or (you guessed it) to destroy your opponents thoroughly.
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** Actually all of AKI's wrestling-games had this. In the N64-games opponents started countering anything reliably once close to losing. While it might seem that was meant to reflect the comeback-effect from wrestling, it doesn't work the same way for the player.
* Some WWE wrestling games have this. Play without a loss for too long and the player will eventually be presented with a match where victory is impossible. The Rubber Band AI has snapped so far that enemy players will be completely immune to attacks and able to win via submission or escaping the cage without any problems. In some games the computer will cheat, by making the player so weak that a single hit will make the player unable to get up for long enough that the computer escapes.
* In ''[[Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance (Video Game)|Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance]]'', persistent victory results in harder and harder difficulty. The difficulty is TOLD to the player in a % stat on the lower right of the screen. The stat will lower itself back to "beatable" when the player loses.
** In ''[[Mortal Kombat 9 (Video Game)|Mortal Kombat 9]]'', opponents in both Ladder and Story will ease up on repeated tries, even bosses. If you can't beat Shao Kahn on Medium, he'll eventually reduce himself to doing a lot of taunts around the 4th attempt.
* Many of the ''[[Soul Series]]'' games did this... Arcade mode of ''Soul Calibur II'' would CRUSH you if you got 2-0 victories 3 or more times in a row. I remember being hit by [[Stripperific|Ivy's]] various [[Useless Useful Spell|uber moves]] 4 times in a direct row, when most players have to practice for 3 hours to work out one of those moves. Cervantes's various teleport-jump moves would work constantly, and he'd use them constantly, when they only worked about 1/3 of the time for me, with minimum effectiveness. Case of [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard]], too.
** In 3, this is really noticeable in the battle theater (a mode where 2 AI opponents fight each other), if you watch it a lot (it is [[Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny|quite addictive with custom characters]]), you will get used to seeing 1 narrow match, followed by the loser being a [[Perfect Play AI]] to the previous winner and a narrow 3rd match
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== [[First-Person Shooter]] ==
* ''[[Sin|Sin Episodes]]'' was released with a much-touted dynamic difficulty system -- kill the enemies too quickly and they'd send more next time, get too many headshots and the next group will wear helmets, etc. Unfortunately, encounters that were ''supposed'' to be easier or harder were counted in this, resulting in situations that a hard encounter would be made virtually impossible due to how quickly you dispatched an easy one.
* The original ''[[Unreal Tournament (Video Game)|Unreal Tournament]]'' had this with the final boss, a 1v1 to 15 kills. The boss would start at an AI level matching the difficulty you were playing on, and every time you killed him, he'd pop up a skill level. Thus, getting a killing spree was a very bad idea, as the boss would be up at Godlike skill in no time, and even when he got back down to your level after getting a killing spree on you, he'd be loaded with every weapon and full armor, while you'd have nothing because you just respawned. However, the converse is true too: every time you die, he goes back down one, to a minimum of where he started.
* ''[[Left 4 Dead]]'' has this, thanks to the AI Director. If the group is doing very well, there will be less pills and med kits to find (not counting the ones in the safe room and the finales) and special infected will spawn at a more frequent rate. Also, a Tank is likely to appear if the group is playing too well and there's usually a high chance that after you killed a Tank, the director will spawn a Boomer, Smoker, and Hunter right after that to make sure you don't have it easy. Naturally, if the team is doing poorly, there will be more health items to find and enemy count is lessened somewhat. On Expert, the director will punish you every step of the way if you even spend as much as 10 seconds in one area.
** It should be noted that in the case of [[Left 4 Dead]], this is seen as a good thing and generally works very well.
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== [[Platform Game]] ==
* Canary Mary from ''[[Banjo -Kazooie|Banjo-Tooie]]'' is a particularly bad example of this in her appearance in Cloud Cuckooland. You have to race her four times for [[Plot Coupon|Jiggies]] or Cheato Pages. The race is done by simply hitting the A button; the faster you press, the faster you go. The first three times, you can [[Button Mashing|Button Mash]] your way to victory, no sweat. The fourth time, she employs Rubber Band AI, so if you mash the A button, '''you will lose'''. The trick is to stay just a little behind her for the entire race until the very end, but [[Guide Dang It|good luck figuring that out on your own]], especially given that she's very beatable the first three times.
** Actually, it ''is'' possible to beat her by button mashing, if you mash, pause, mash, etc. until you win.
*** Practically the only way that has been 100% proven to beat her is to have a N64 controller that is equipped with a '''Turbo''' button.
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== [[Real Time Strategy]] ==
* ''[[Homeworld (Video Game)|Homeworld]] 2'' is notorious in some circles for doing this trope badly. Each level's enemy fleet is based solely on the makeup of your fleet as you start the level. This has the obvious abuse potential of selling all or most of your fleet at the end of each level, leaving you with enough resources to buy a new fleet in the next level capable of defeating the much weaker enemy fleet.
** What is truly bad however, is how far this overadjusts the enemy, especially towards the last missions. If the player has a cap-sized fleet, in one mission, the enemy might as well destroy what the player is to protect before his heavy ships are even in firing range, and even then, are badly outnumbered, without the targets hp getting adjusted at all; a later mission lets the enemy start with as much as ''seven'' battlecruisers, while the player is capped at ''two'' ...
*** This would be more threatening if they didn't attack one at a time with minimal support.
* [[Sierra]]'s outer space RTS ''[[Outpost 2]]'' features this not only with enemy AI, but also with your population. You can opt to research items that improve the quality of life in the colony, however by doing so, the colony knows it exists and demands that you meet their needs. If you research any weapons systems, unless [[The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard|the enemy already has them]], the computer will start attacking your base. You could say researching anything that remotely deals with these two aspects aren't worth researching.
* In the unconventional strategy game ''[[Darwinia|Multiwinia]]'', being behind other players gives you a better chance to receive powerups and faster unit spawning. The maximum spawn bonus can be set anywhere between 0 and 90%.
* In ''[[Eight Realms (Video Game)|Eight Realms]]'', barbarian hordes attack players with a scaling frequency depending on how far into the game they've progressed.
== [[Role Playing Game]] ==
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*** Of course, the first-time players and people who didn't know how to exploit the system were horrendously screwed. Normal enemies became insanely powerful, and [[Bonus Boss]] Omega Weapon was nigh-unstoppable at level 100 (and the game would cheat and punch Omega up ten or so levels if the character average was 90 or so).
**** Depending on the version, Omega Weapon might be at Level 100 regardless of what your actual average level is. It can be at any level in the PC version.
* The Wanted Battles in ''[[Skies of Arcadia (Video Game)|Skies of Arcadia]]'' are adjusted based on your characters' levels, so that putting them off will result in horrendously difficult battles when you try to go back for them, to the point where many are much easier if you're at a lower level. Quite literally punishing you for every experience point you dared to gain.
* The fishing [[Mini Game]] in the ''[[Fate]]'' series adjusts its required reaction time based on how fast the player is. It is believed to shoot for a 50% success rate.
* ''[[Chrono Trigger (Video Game)|Chrono Trigger]]'' had a bizarre little racing minigame in the ruins of the [[Bad Future]]. Your opponent is almost literally attached to you with a rubber band: if you're in the lead, he'll pull forward, if you're in the back, you'll pull forward. Aside from a few boosts, you have no control over your acceleration, and the only means of control you have over your place in the race is to block your opponent from passing you (which pushes him back, after which he springs forward to try again). Of course, since the rubber banding works both ways, you don't really have to do a thing until just before the finish line, unless you're trying to win the items awarded for staying ahead of him for large portions of the race.
* Many games in ''[[SaGa]]'' series, especially ''[[Romancing Sa GaSaGa]]'', are open-ended games where you go anywhere you want at anytime, so random monsters are designed to suit your team's power level at the moment you face them.
== [[Shoot'Em Up]] ==
* In [[Shoot Em Ups]], which don't feature a player going up against apparently identical computer opponents, the feature where the machine becomes more efficient if the player does better is known as "rank" and is often an expected part of the game.
** The Shoot Em Up ''[[Warning Forever (Video Game)|Warning Forever]]'' is '''based''' off this trope, being nothing but a [[Boss Rush]] with the boss changing depending on how you beat it the last time, how well the different weapons worked against you, how fast you beat it, etc.
*** Rank was designed originally to avoid [[Unstable Equilibrium]]. When they started putting powerups into shooters, you'd get to the point where it was easy with the powerups, but impossible without them. So someone came up with the bright idea of making the enemies more aggressive if you powered up, so they would still be a threat to your powered ship, and then when you died, they would go back down to normal so you had a chance at recovery. Before, they instead had to balance the enemy power to what you'd have if you didn't die, meaning that if you die once you might as well restart. Hence, rank. This is not usually considered a bad thing, as making recovery from death impossible is considered worse. The real hate is only when it ratchets up too much when you powerup, meaning that not powering up in the first place was preferable. Fortunately this is rare, but see Battle Garegga below.
** ''[[Battle Garegga]]'' is a particularly guilty offender. You have to keep your shot power and number of [[Attack Drone|Attack Drones]] low for the first five stages, as well as limit your shooting and avoid collecting excess powerups. Failure to do so would make enemies more durable and shoot more bullets, items fall off the screen faster, and overall make the game nearly impossible to survive.
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== [[Simulation Game]] ==
* There is a minor version of this in the ''Crimson Skies'' PC game. Even if you are flying a much faster plane than your computer opponent, you can't fly 'away' from them. You will get a certain distance ahead, but even if you are pulling 400 mph and they are doing 150, as soon as you turn around, they are right there in your face.
* ''[[Wing Commander (Videovideo Gamegame)|Wing Commander]]'' had a "dynamic difficulty" system that scaled the enemy's abilities based on how well the player was doing. It did ''not'', however, change the wingman's performance or take it into account. So if for some reason the wingman was doing poorly (making the mission hard to start with), and the player pulled off a miraculous save, things got a whole lot worse for the player. And wingman.
== [[Sports Game]] ==
* Perhaps the most noticeable example is the ''[[Madden NFL (Video Game)|Madden NFL]]'' games, which are often accused of featuring an "AI catch-up mode", in which opposing teams inexplicably become drastically more potent in the final minutes of a close game, often to the point where preventing them from completing long bombs and scoring touchdowns seems like an impossible task (sometimes called "Robo QB"). Some Madden players, however, dispute the existence of [[Rubber Band AI]] in the game, arguing that this is more likely the perception of players who are unable to adjust to the AI's late-game all-out offensive strategy, so [[Your Mileage May Vary]]. It may also be possible that the difficulty level may have something to do with it.
** In most cases, the AI level of rubberbanding is directly related to the difficulty level, particularly in EA Sports games. On the easiest difficulty level, the AI doesn't rubberband at all: the same tactics, the same plays, over and over. As difficulty level goes up, so does the degree of rubberbanding: on the highest difficulty level, as soon as the player reaches anything approaching a lead, the AI responds aggressively to shut down any hope of winning...much like what sports teams do in real life. The rubberbanding does ''not'' work in the opposite direction, however. The AI just goes back to the normal difficulty.
*** ''NBA 2k'' and ''NBA Live'' actually have this as a feature, Clutch Factor and CPU Assistance respectively. It does work both ways, though. Doesn't make it any less irritating to see Kobe Bryant missing clutch layup after clutch layup.
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== [[Third-Person Shooter]] ==
* The first ''[[Max Payne (Video Gameseries)|Max Payne]]'' proudly touted this as one of its features, with arguably less-than-optimal results. Even on the "easy" difficulty setting it ramped up the durability, accuracy and reflexes of the enemies until you died at least once per level.
{{quote| ''"Why did they even bother giving you difficulty options? As far as I could tell your options were "insane / insane / impossible / impossible with a time limit."'' -- curst, Quarter to Three forums}}
** Of course, name any first or third person shooter where you ''didn't'' die once per level. All in the name of fun, of course.
== [[Turn -Based Strategy]] ==
* The multiplayer game ''[[MULE]]'' will inflict whichever player currently has the highest score with with bad "random" events, while whoever is bringing up the rear will only have good things happen to them.
** At least, that's the way it's supposed to work. Leading players can still receive good random events, but it's true that when there is a bad event during production, it ALWAYS hits the lead player. Also, whoever is in the lead loses the tie, barring racial exceptions, like the long-necked one always winning ties in land auctions.
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== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* For various reasons, the producers of ''[[The Amazing Race]]'' create what are known as "bunching points" or "equalizers," usually involving operating hours of businesses or transport schedules, so that no team gets too far ahead or behind: Logistically, it's easier to keep the crew in a single country at a time and you don't want to tie up locals in assisting/judging tasks for days on end. Dramatically, having wins or losses be a [[Foregone Conclusion]] every week [[Boring Invincible Hero|is]] [[Boring Failure Hero|boring]]. The one season they didn't set up these equalizers, two teams got so far ahead on leg 9, that it was impossible for the other teams to catch up, and the next three legs before the finale were pretty much pointless.
* Teal'c faces a Rubberband AI in an episode of ''[[Stargate SG -1]]'' - every time it looks like he's winning, the game throws in a new twist. New twists include more enemies (and making those enemies tougher by making the usual method of killing them ineffective and giving one of them the power to turn invisible), and having NPCs who are supposed to be on Teal'c's side suddenly turn on him at the worst possible moment.
== Literature ==
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== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* The ''[[Old World of Darkness (Tabletop Game)|Old World of Darkness]]'' games had something like this at one point. Success of an action was determined by rolling a number of dice corresponding to one's skill. Rolls higher than a target number were successes, lower were failures, and 1's cancelled out successes. Having more 1's than successes constituted a botch, in which the action not only failed, but led to disastrous consequences. A character with more dice, constituting more experience and power, would therefore be more likely to ''spectacularly'' fail than an inexperienced one. This was thankfully revised in later editions, to where a botch also required that no successes at all had been rolled. A simple example follows. Say you have a difficulty 7 roll, where 7 or greater is a success. With one die, your odds of a botch are 1 in 10 if you don't get to reroll your 10. Odds of success are 4 in 10. If you are rolling two dice, then there are 100 possible outcomes. ELEVEN of them are botches, for 11/100. (11,12,13,14,15,16,21,31,41,51,61) However, 56 of them are successes, for 23/50 chance of success. The chance of success went up 16%, but the chance of a botch went up 1%. The effect of rerolling 10s is really hard to calculate, but at higher difficulties, it was not enough to make up for it.
** And the ''[[New World of Darkness (Tabletop Game)|New World of Darkness]]'' discarded the "botch" rule for just that reason. "[[Critical Failure|Dramatic Failure]]" requires that penalties ''completely'' erase your dice pool, ''and'' that you roll a 1 on the "chance die" you get instead (which only succeeds on a 10). Instead of "The better you are, the harder you fall", it becomes "If things go against you, you're going to suffer".
* ''[[Shadowrun (Tabletop Game)|Shadowrun]]'' mirrors the ''World of Darkness'' system considerably (Shadowrun, however, uses standard six-sided dice rather than ten-siders). Earlier editions, you rolled dice so as to get at least a target number (if it's more than 6, you had to roll for 6's and then reroll to add onto their total, hoping to eventually reach the number), and 1s were always considered a fail. The 4th Edition changed it so that "hit" was simply anything at least a 5 and you tried to get a requisite number. 1s are still bad as a majority of 1s results in a "glitch", a setback that occurs even if you succeed (unless of course, you roll a majority of 1s and no "hits": the dreaded "critical glitch").
== [[Web Original]] ==