Rules of the Internet: Difference between revisions

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* Rule 61: [[Chuck Norris]] is the exception to Rule 63, no exceptions or else.
* Rule 62: [[Digital Piracy Is Evil|It has been cracked and pirated.]] No exceptions.
* [[Rule Sixty Three|Rule 63]]: For every given male character, there is a female version of that character (and vice-versa). Including Chuck Norris. Rule 61 is lying to you. [[Rule 34|And there is always porn of that character.]] [[Running Gag|No Exceptions.]]
* Rule 64: Don't copy that floppy.
* Rule 71: [[Call Back|The internet is]] [[Serious Business|SERIOUS FUCKING BUSINESS.]]
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* [[Memetic Mutation]]: Everywhere
* [[Mouthful of Pi]]: Rule 3.14159265358979323846
* [[Rule 34]]: [[Trope Namer]], along with [[Rule Sixty Three63]]
* [[Screw the Rules, I Make Them]]: Rule 9
* [[Shaped Like Itself]]: Rule 9001
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[[Category:Laws and Formulas]]
[[Category:Rules Of The Internet]][[Category:Pages with comment tags]]
[[Category:Trope]][[Category:Pages with comment tags]]