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* [[Chariot Race]]: ''Monster Coliseum'' has rules for chariot racing.
* [[Hell on Earth|Chaos on Earth]]: The Greater Darkness.
* [[Crystal Dragon Jesus]]: You may think so given the Invisible God, but no; about the only commonality between his church and Catholicism is some sects having saints. Otherwise, they're more like Zoroastrians and Hindis. Although Hrestol is pretty much a Jesus-like figure, martyrdom and all.
* [[Dark Is Not Evil]] coupled with [[Light Is Not Good]]: For humans, sure they are, but trolls are subterranean creatures; troll Hell is located ''in human Heaven'' and vice versa.
** Also, the Sun God Yelm is evil to the followers of Orlanthi Storm Pantheon, but good to the followers of the Sun pantheon.
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* [[Lunacy]]: In addition to the standard Earth, Air, Fire and Water elementals, Glorantha also has Darkness and Moon elementals. Moon Elementals cause temporary insanity by touch.
* [[Mad God]]: Ragnaglar of the Unholy Trio.
* [[Mind Screw]]: There are lots of mutually exclusive mythologies, and all of them are true because reality before Time started was fluid. And sometimes (the Sunstop, which temporally broke Time, being the main example) it can still be. And traveling to the reality before Time started, which still exists as a separate plane, can potentially retcon reality after Time started. Needless to say, all of this can be ''just a little'' confusing.
* [[Mythopoeia]]
* [[Mythopoeia]]: The biggest one in Tabletop Games.
* [[Morally-Ambiguous Ducktorate]]: Beware, beware the Deadly Ducks of Death!
* [[Order Versus Chaos]]: Lunar Empire versus Orlanthi, big time.
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