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* [[Convection, Schmonvection]]: Pointed out in "Basics".
* [[The Coroner Doth Protest Too Much]]: In "The Visitor", Jake looks to the Captain's Room for help in disproving his father's death. Bad idea.
{{quote|'''Archer:''' ''(raving)'' Me, too! [[Conspiracy Theorist|He was killed by the Vulcans!]] They crept out from under his bed and choked him to death with a heart attack!
'''Janeway:''' My father died, too, and I [[Suspiciously Specific Denial|totally had an alibi]] and everything. }}
* [[Cowboy Bebop at His Computer]]: Invoked by name in the ''[[Cowboy Bebop]]'' review. (He was just kidding)
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* [[Double Entendre]]: An absolute ''master'' of this, often utilizing either Star Trek jargon, [[Catch Phrase|Catchphrases]], or [[Call Back|Call Backs]].
{{quote|He needs to, oh, find the nearest Chief Engineer and "tap her warp core".
That time every seven years when Tuvok needs to... [[Translation Train Wreck|"taste his wife's false rice"]].
He would like to bend her over his desk and [[Star Trek: The Next Generation|"make it so"]].
He wants to, y'know, [[Ms. Fanservice|"service the Collective"]].
Incidentally, we see Dukat playing more and more with Sisko's ball. ([[Ahem]])
If you feel Rainbow Dash likes other girls to....y'know, '[[Word of Gay|taste the rainbow]]?' Knock yourselves out.
Riker blissfully watching a hologram of two women playing with their harps.
We see Crichton with Aeryn, and figure that he really, really wants to bond with ''her'' naturally. }}
** Repeatedly tries to avoid this (without success) in a scene with Tom and Harry from "Parturition":
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* [[Double Standard Rape (Female on Male)]]/[[Black Comedy Rape]]: When ''Enterprise''s "Unexpected" pulls these two tropes with the 'Trip Tucker is now pregnant' routine, this is probably the '''only''' time so far in which Chuck [[Berserk Button|loses his usual]] ''[[Berserk Button|sang froid]]''.
** Invoked in ''DS9'' after the characters cite the Eugenics War, and [[Continuity Snarl|gets the date wrong by two centuries]].
{{quote|'''Sisko''': Yes, the Admiral has a speech impediment. He [[Hand Wave|says "two" whenever he means "four."]]
'''Daddy Bashir:''' [hopefully] So, my prison sentence is ''four'' years?
'''Sisko:''' ...Yes. And "minimum security" means "pound me in the ass." }}
* [[Drinking Game]]: He suggests one in his review of "Spock's Brain": Drink for every [[Title Drop]]. He is even courteous enough to inform us how many times it happens<ref>Fifteen, if you were wondering</ref>.
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* [[Drives Like Crazy]]: Invoked in his review of ''[[Star Trek: Nemesis]]'' as a reason Troi is kept around;
{{quote|'''Picard''': Well what exactly are you capable of doing?
'''Troi''': [[Star Trek Generations|I know how smash the ship into things...]]
'''Picard''': Yeah, I figured that when they were [[Trash the Set|pulling a pine-tree off the Enterprise-D bridge]]. Still, if there's ''ever'' a time when your sole ability, smacking my ship into something else, is needed, I'll let you know! }}
** Not that Picard is any better, considering his love of callously violating the Prime Directive whilst driving a Dune-Buggy.
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** He notes that Bruce Maddox isn't nearly as awesome as his name entails, with something like Douche van Weasel or Irving McFucktard being far more fitting.
** Obviously the last thing we should have expected from [[Star Trek/Recap/S1/E28 The City on the Edge of Forever|the Guardian of Forever]] is to actually... guard forever. Not let some crazy guy jump into the time portal and tamper with history in untold ways.
{{quote|'''Spock:''' Perhaps your new name could be something like "Butterfingers on the Edge of [[Family Matters|Whoopsie, Did I Do That?]]"
'''Guardian''': I've '''succeeded'''! Just in a way [[Sufficiently Advanced Aliens|far beyond your comprehension!]]
'''Spock''': Yeah, that's not working anymore.
'''Guardian:''' ...Shit. }}
* [[Fan Nickname]]: See [[Alternate Character Interpretation]] and [[Catch Phrase]].
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** Joked about the tedious overabundance of "Lol-cats" you see posted on the internet... then did one a [[Sight Gag]] in his "Genesis" review.
** On his Mass Effect 2 review where he talks about Jennifer Hale losing a video game voice acting award to Tricia Helfer (who won for Starcraft II) and stating that having Tricia Helfer in a game does not make it better. A few minutes later the review shows a scene with EDI leading Chuck to state that he loves games featuring Tricia Helfer.
** The conspiracy nut in "[[Doctor Who/Recap/NS/S1S27/E01 Rose|Rose]]" who runs a Doctor-sighting website out of his suburban home.
{{quote|'''Chuck:''' Poor people. Having to put up with this ''hobby'' taking over-- [shouts at family] [[Get Out!]]! I '''told''' you , I am not "playing," '''[[Punctuated! For! Emphasis!|I. AM. WORKING!]]''' Now '''get out'''! [comes back] Where was I?}}
** In "[[Doctor Who/Recap/S31/E01 The Eleventh Hour|The Eleventh Hour]]", a plea for tolerance.
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** "The Bonding" (TNG) comes off as hilarious when paired beside "The Menagerie" (TOS)
{{quote|'''Picard: Do you honestly believe he would be happy in this...''total fiction''?
'''Captain Pike: ''([[Once For Yes, Twice For No|beeps "YES]]")
'''Picard:''' Quiet! No one asked you! }}
* [[Is There a Doctor In the House?]]: Oh great. Immolated [[Red Shirt|goldshirts]]. Where's Crusher when you need her? (''ST: Insurrection'')
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{{quote|"Yeah yeah, I know. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, sometimes a log is just a log, and sometimes a clarinet is just [[All Psychology Is Freudian|a long shaft of wood you wanna grab with both hands, wrap your lips around, and blow for all you're worth!]]"}}
** "Sacrifice of Angels:" The Jem'Hadar weren't vaporized by The Prophets. Turns out that it was something even more destructive -- Janeway.
{{quote|'''Janeway:''' It's the Mind Bomb! It runs on [[Human Resources|the power of the human heart!]] [beat] I mean ''[[Heart Is an Awesome Power|emotions]]''. God! Why do you people always assume the worst?
'''Sisko''': So, it amplifies your emotions as a weapon?
'''Janeway''': After it's sucked them out of you and left you mentally soulless, yes. }}
* [[Not in the Face]]: SFDebris!Picard's standard cry whenever he takes a beating.
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* [[No True Scotsman]] / [[True Art]]: One of Chuck's [[Berserk Button|Berserk Buttons]] are fans who sneer down at others for not sharing their own opinion as not being "true" fans as well as fans who dismiss any other opinion as automatically being because the others guys were too "stupid" to get it.
* [[Obligatory Joke]]: From the ''In The Pale Moonlight'' intro:
{{quote|'''Vreenak''': "[[Memetic Mutation|It's a FAAAAAKE!]]"
'''Chuck''': "OK, everybody got that out of our system now? No need to fall back on any hackneyed internet memes, right? Especially once we realize that every time you masturbate, God does indeed kill a kitten, and I for one welcome our Domo-Kun overlords, and remind my fellow earthlings that All Your Base Are Belong to Us because IT'S A TRAP!!! }}
** From ''Evolution of the Daleks'' upon Dalek Caan's escape via emegency temporal shift.
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** A comparatively mild one for Lwaxana Troi, but still catty. (TNG: "Haven") Best of all, it's kicked off by Lwaxana [[Be Careful What You Wish For|insisting that humans should say what they think.]]
{{quote|Well, if you insist...
I've been with you for mere minutes and I'm already praying for your horrible death in a transporter accident to give you your just end, which I believe will result in a net increase in happiness on a universal level. I am convinced that 4 out of 5 doctors had you listed as the recommended treatment for curing joy, and that's only because the fifth one hanged himself! If I was [[Locked in a Room|trapped in a room]] with only you, Neelix and Okona and [[Leave Behind a Pistol|had only two bullets]], [[Driven to Suicide|I would shoot MYSELF]]. When the Bible says '[[As the Good Book Says...|Love all people]]', there's an asterisk and a footnote that says "<small>except Lwaxana Troi</small>." And speaking of Troy, if Helena had looked like ''you'', it would've been the face that launched a thousand ships '''back home!''' In short, your philosophy that people should only say what they're thinking is undermined by the fact that you are completely ''loathsome,'' marinated in arrogance and heavily seasoned with self-absorbtion, so that the unfiltered slurry that gurgles from your gob unceasingly is a pollutant that I would like to see stopped, either voluntarily, or- by my preference- '' '''plugging the source with a grenade.''' ''
Thanks for asking. }}
* [[Reference Overdosed]]
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'''Weyoun:''' "Your newfound logological hobby is leading to excessive magniloquence, so I assert you circumvent words of a hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian nature." }}
* [[Jerkass Has a Point|Shithead Has A Point]]: From the intro of "The Cloud" review.
{{quote|'''Neelix:''' This ship is the match of any vessel within a hundred light years, and what do they do with it? [[Sarcasm Mode|Well, uh, let's see if we can't find some space anomaly today that might rip it apart!]]
'''Kes:''' I don't think the captain is an idiot. She cares a great deal about her crew.
'''Neelix:''' You don't care a great deal about your crew and introduce them to the specter of death at every opportunity!
'''Chuck:''' You know, he may be a shithead, but he's got a point. }}
** Similar exchange from ''Fair Trade'':
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{{quote|"They've clearly gone out of their way with all this stuff to not have that [[The Sixties|sixties-era]] feel to it, instead be a timeless piece of-- [cue Bones, [[Outdated Outfit|with a full beard and wearing a giant medallion over his all-white Jedi robe]]] --'''the''' '''''hell'''''??!}}
** Aeryn Sun cranking up the Aurora Chair to eleven, leaving Crais screaming in agony. "Ouch," Chuck winces, "I really can't imagine anything worse."
{{quote|[cut to Chiana & Rygel [[Improbable Species Compatibility|behind a steamed porthole, with Rygel's hand pressed against the glass]]]
"'''''AAUUUGH--!!'''' Damn my imagination!" }}
** His response to a homeless bum settling a dispute over stolen bread... by [[Judgment of Solomon|breaking the bread in half]]. ("[[Doctor Who/Recap/NS/S3S29/E04 Daleks in Manhattan|Daleks in Manhattan]]")
{{quote|'''Chuck''': "That's ''[[Sarcasm Mode|brilliant]]'' justice, taking a page from Solomon there! Who are you?
'''Bum #1''': "I'm starvin', Solomon!"
'''Chuck''': "<small>oh, this is gonna be a long day.</small>" }}
* [[Testosterone Poisoning]]: When Sisko, Spock and Kirk were in the same frame in "Trials and Tribble-ations" Chuck claims that his computer froze up and nearly broke as though it sensed the sheer awesomeness of that situation.