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See [[Stern Teacher]] for their more reasonable counterpart. [[Dean Bitterman]] is usually somewhere in between. May overlap with [[Evil Teacher]], or with [[Sinister Minister]] in a parochial school. [[Pick On Someone Your Own Size]] comes in any time an adult sees a child or teenager as a personal enemy. Contrast [[Hippie Teacher]], [[Misplaced Kindergarten Teacher]], and [[Badass Teacher]].
== Anime and Manga ==
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*** Though it should be noted that the gym teacher got turned back once Yami Yugi beat Bakura, and goes back to being his old [[Jerkass]] self.
** Chrono/Crowler shows some sadistic tendencies in the GX manga, like when he forced Judai and Sho to duel each other after Sho got a zero on a test ({{spoiler|which wasn't even his actual grade, as it was a preliminary form, and the zero was a formality since he'd forgotten to write his name}}), and Judai had failed every test since entering. If Judai won, Sho would have been expelled, but if Sho won, Judai's deck, which he got from world champion Koyo Hibiki, would have been confiscated. {{spoiler|Judai wins and Midori comes to resolve the misundertanding, but while she plans on informing the principal, [[Karma Houdini|apparently, nothing happens to Chrono]].}}
* Brilliantly subverted in Osamu Tezuka's ''[[Black Jack (Manga)|Black Jack]]''. A sadistic Maths teacher terrorizes his "weakest" student to the point of traumatizing him, but is actually a [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold|good person at heart]] [[Stern Teacher|who only wants to toughen the kiddo up]]. {{spoiler|Actually, the boy almost dies in a street accident that he got in [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?|because he was too distraught by his phobia of the teacher]], and the man feels [[The Atoner|so guilty when he finds out]] that he attempts to kill himself and give the money of his health insurance to the kid's mother so Dr. Black Jack can operate on the boy. In the end, Black Jack saves both of them}}.
* Sister Grace, the St. Paul College principal in ''[[Candy Candy]],'' straddles the line between this and [[Stern Teacher]].
* Subverted in ''[[Rosario to Vampire]]'' by {{spoiler|Kagome Ririko, a lamia}} and literal sadist along with {{spoiler|Hitomi Ishigami whose sadistic tendencies really shine after she's fired}}.
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** Iwamoto's sadistic tendencies really come out when he's possessed by a Makai insect and tries to kill Keiko for simply being associated with Yusuke.
** Two other teachers in a manga-only arc did their utmost to set their prize pupils at each other's throats in a competition to see who in their school would be able to produce the one student who would go on to a prestigious high school. The fact that the girls in question had been friends before they did this didn't matter to them. In the end, the girls decided that their friendship was more important than the egos of all involved and selected a slightly less prestigious high school that they could both attend.
* Miss Minchin from ''[[Shokojo Sera]]'' makes her novel counterpart look positively benign. Not only is she greedy and unjust, but she resents the slightest threat to her [[Small Name, Big Ego|inflated self-esteem]], and has serious anger management issues.
* [[Soul Eater|Franken Stein]] will beat up students for the purposes of training, throw scalpels at them, and speculate on experimenting upon one girl after pointing out his previous test subject was her father. His sadistic tendencies are usually played for laughs, but in serious moments including his introduction, are genuinely creepy. And it's not ''too'' difficult to imagine him making good on any of his 'dissection' threats.
** With that description, it's worth pointing out that Stein is a decent guy, who seems to genuinely care about his students. Well, okay, a guy who makes an effort to be decent because his less-than-decent compulsions scare even him.
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* Mr. Davidson in [[Tokyo Mew Mew No Hope Left (Fanfic)|a similar work.]] He likes shooting aliens and talking about George Bush and shit.
* In ''[[The Official Fanfiction University of Middle-Earth (Fanfic)|The Official Fanfiction University of Middle-Earth]]'', Morgoth and Sauron are this (surprised? neither am I)
* It's clear by now that the [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]] fandom loves the [[Ron the Death Eater]] trope. The most recent one to take this trope is a surprizing-not-Cupcakes-inspired fic entitled ''Cheerilee's Garden''. In said fic, Cheerilee gets fed up with her classes behaviour, even questioning her Cutie Mark in the process. So, what does she do? {{spoiler|Frackin' KILL them by, in this order, Impaling them with spears, crushing them with a lead block, disolving them in acid, setting them on fire, eaten alive by rats, impailed vampire-style with their own unicorn-horn, and drowned in their own friends blood. All of which masquerades as a school play.}} It's safe to assume she can be considered this.
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{{quote| '''Messerschmidt:''' Opening the test is ''part of the test!''}}
* Saskia Duncan from ''[[Dance Academy]]'': An inexperienced teacher in the process of recovering from an injury that could shorten or end her career as a principal dancer, Saskia becomes intensely jealous of Tara's lyrical style and ability to dance the same solo (the Red Shoes) that made Saskia the youngest ever principal dancer with the Company. Initially, this jealousy leads Saskia to undermine Tara's confidence and bully her both in and outside of class. Later, in a private pas de deux class, she forces Tara into a dangerous stretch that results in a ''broken vertebra'', leaving Tara courting paraplegia with every step. Fortunately Ben was there too...
* Mr Tanner from ''The Vampire Diaries'' proves himself one in his thankfully short run of episodes. During his time, he openly insults students who don't know things and even brings up personal tragedies in front of the class (Such as the death of Elena's parents), keeps files on students he doesn't like such as Jeremy, proves he doesn't know ''[[Small Name, Big Ego|basic facts such as the end of The Korean War]]'', bullies students and tells Stefan he hopes to see him hurt while playing football (Though to be fair, he did change his mind after seeing his skill).
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== Radio ==
* Headmaster [[Meaningful Name|Hardthrasher]] of [[Boarding School of Horrors|St Bastard's]] is a parody of Wackford Squeers in ''[[Bleak Expectations (Radio)|Bleak Expectations]]''.
* For a little while, ''[[Adventures in Odyssey]]'' had "Dr. Hawthorne", who was always convinced that local [[Nice Guy]] kid Trent Dewhite was up to no good. Said teacher crossed into this trope in the episode "A Glass Darkly", where he repeatedly accuses Trent for all sorts of random crimes that Trent [[Can't Get Away With Nuthin'|had nothing to with]], and wouldn't let Trent off the hook even though Trent had a very important meeting to attend.
{{quote| '''Trent''': "You can't do this to me! I have an important meeting to get to!"<br />
'''Dr. Hawthorne''': "Well, you should have thought of that before you [[It Makes Sense in Context|flung your jello]]. }}
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* Another story from netlore is the teacher who gave one Adam Clarkson [ an absurdly huge number of lines] to write after showing up unprepared for a chemistry class.
* There was once a minor scandal in Poland about one [ batshit crazy teacher]. She made her students (seven year old children!) sit with hands tied behind their backs (for "better concentration") and, judging from videos recorded by a student with a cell-phone, was also an utter insane bitch whose lessons consisted mainly of screaming at the top of her lungs. (However, her main claim to infamy was her utter, terrifying ignorance. She taught students that whales are fishes, Christopher Columbus was a Polish scientist who made a trip around Earth, "szalik" (scarf) is a five-letter word...)
* As seen on the [[Can't Get Away With Nuthin']] page, one teacher ''called the police'' on a girl for drawing on her desk in ''washable ink.'' [[Disproportionate Retribution]], much?
* This is [[Truth in Television]] as far along as the university level; professors who hate teaching undergrads. Some take it out on them in the courseload and grades assigned, some indulge in verbal abuse to unprofessional degrees, and seize any opportunity to belittle their students publicly. A few times, a teacher/professor even uses their position as a bully pulpit to essentially indoctrinate their students with viewpoints that only tangentially have any bearing on the subject, and sometimes even makes it a point to arrange it in regards to people providing proof to back their claims on history that they have to find proof at short notice (between class sessions), with no definitively confirmed method of disproving them by the next class.
** [ This guy stands out of all of them.]
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