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A character is stressed or scared, and is confused at what to do. Things have gotten rough, and their faith is close to breaking. Or they could just be lonely and seeking a place to feel at home, and there's nothing like God's house to help them there. They often sit in a pew by themselves, thinking, or even praying to [[God]] about their situation. Sometimes a pastor comes in to talk to them, or another character from the series does.
It's a common thing in dramas and [[Soap Opera]] shows for someone to go pray alone in the hospital chapel for the deathly ill person to pull through.
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* The Queen Mother (Anne Parillaud) does this in the 1998 film version of ''[[The Man in the Iron Mask]]''.
* In ''[[Interview with the Vampire]]'', Louis visits the church on his old plantation. It's a rare case of self-inflicted [[Last Second Chance]].
* Cole in ''[[The Sixth Sense]]'' is sitting in a church by himself when Bruce Willis goes to talk to him.
* ''[[Cool Hand Luke]]'' does this at the end, with Luke sneaking into a church to talk to God. Mocked in [[Mad Magazine]]'s parody of the movie. "Lord, please, just give me a sign, any sign of what to do!" God sends a sign on the altar in front of him: "''GET LOST!''"
* In the very first scene of [[John Woo]]'s ''[[The Killer]]'' when Sidney meets Ah Jong at the church, he asks if he believes in God. Ah Jong replies in the negative but that he "enjoys the tranquility here," making it clear that the church is a place of peace for him. The church gets blown to hell during the course of the final shootout.
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* Happens several times in ''[[Criminal Minds]]'':
** At the end of "Lucky", Morgan, who's been dealing with a crisis of faith, goes to church for the first time in years. Ironically, at that very moment, {{spoiler|his [[Most Important Person|'baby girl']] Garcia is shot by her date for the evening, who Morgan had tried to warn her away from. The team can't get a hold of him to tell him because he's turned his phone off in the church. Morgan even [[Lampshade|lampshades]] it in the next episode by saying "What are the odds? The first time I step in a church in twenty years, she ends up on the table."}}
** Prentiss subverts the trope in "Demonology", when she walks home instead of leaving with the team when [[Sinister Minister|Silvano]] is finally captured. She ends up outside a church (which she hasn't been in since her {{spoiler|abortion at fifteen}}) and while she looks longingly at it, the last shot is of her deciding ''not'' to go in.
** Gideon ends up in a church at some point for himself (I'm blanking on when it is), but he also follows a young girl into one in "The Popular Kids". She confesses what's really been going on with the murders the BAU is investigating and she blames herself, though Gideon tries to help.
* Wilfred does this at the start of the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' special "The End Of Time".
* ''[[The West Wing]]:'' Its [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|most epic episode]] features President Bartlett giving God himself a chewing out in the National Cathedral after the funeral of Mrs. Landingham.
{{quote|''You're a son of a bitch, you know that? She bought her first new car and you hit her with a drunk driver. What, was that supposed to be funny? "You can't conceive, nor can I, the appalling strangeness of the mercy of God," says Graham Greene. I don't know whose ass he was kissin' there, 'cause I think you're just vindictive.''}}
* [[Played for Laughs]] in ''[[Peep Show]]'': Jeremy stumbled across Mark praying in the church on the latters (much dreaded) wedding day. Mark unconvincingly insisted he was simply "kneeling".
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