Sassy Black Woman/Playing With

Basic Trope: A Black woman with a serious attitude problem, usually Played for Laughs.

  • Straight: LaTonya is a particularly petulant, cocky and upfront black girl.
  • Exaggerated: LaTonya responds to everything with a flurry of hand gestures, circling her head and an offended facial expression.
  • Downplayed: LaTonya is sassy and daring, sometimes even humorous, but never confrontational nor overbearing.
  • Justified: LaTonya grew up in a setting where having an attitude was necessary to avoid getting trampled on and has now integrated this mindset to her daily behaviour.
  • Inverted: LaTonya is a Fragile Flower.
  • Subverted: LaTonya only acts like this in the workplace or at school but it turns out she's a much warmer and considerate person in private...
    • LaTonya meets Mei Lang, a petite Asian woman, who happens to be have an even bigger mouth than her and who can actually shut her up...
  • Double Subverted:... that is, unless someone starts an argument, in which cas it's good ol' sass-ay LaTonya again!
  • Deconstructed:???
  • Reconstructed:???
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: LaTonya isn't necessarily more sassy than anybody else on the show.
  • Enforced: "Everybody loves Black women with a nasty attitude. If we put a Black woman on the show, let's make her that way."
  • Lampshaded: "OH NO!! Ya did NOT just tell me to do dat shit!! HUH-HUH!! I ain't acceptin' dat!"
  • Invoked: ???
  • Defied: "Just because I'm Black doesn't mean I have to be a clone of Mo'nique or Queen Latifah, thanks."
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???

HUH-HUH!! I ain't gonna go back to da Main Page! Go there yourself!