Saw/Characters: Difference between revisions

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'''Warning:''' Much like the main page, this page contains a large number of spoilers. Many of the examples below will assume you know the spoilers revealed by the endings of ''Saw'', ''Saw II'', ''Saw III'', and ''Saw IV''; as a result, those spoilers are frequently left untagged. [[You Have Been Warned]].
=== John Kramer/Jigsaw (Tobin Bell) ===
John Kramer was an engineer who was driven to become the Messianic Jigsaw Killer after a [[Trauma Conga Line|series of tragic events and circumstances]] -- his unborn son was killed when his wife, Jill, had a miscarriage; this caused Jill to leave him. John was later diagnosed with an inoperable tumor, which led to cancer. When his insurance company turned down an experimental treatment that could have potentially saved his life (or at least prolonged it), John attempted suicide. When he survived, his new outlook on life became his motivation to become the Jigsaw Killer.
Jigsaw kidnaps people that he believes aren't valuing their lives, then forces them through sadistic "tests" where there are usually only two outcomes: live (and gain a new outlook on life) or die (and gain a new outlook on the afterlife). John was eventually killed by Jeff Denlon, one of the last of his direct victims. Events ensuring his legacy would live on, however, were already in motion -- Mark Hoffman, one of John's apprentices, continued Jigsaw's work after his death.
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** Confirmed by [[Word of God]].
* [[Knight Templar Big Brother]]: When his sister is killed by her boyfriend and said boyfriend is let off on a technicality, he avenges his sister's death by killing the boyfriend in such a way that it would appear to be another Jigsaw killing.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Over the course of ''VI''.
* [[Wife-Basher Basher]]: His first murder victim was a [[Domestic Abuser]] who [[You Killed My Father|killed his sister]].
* [[Xanatos Speed Chess]]: He plays lightning rounds of this.
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* [[Eviler Than Thou]]: Creates inescapable traps, unlike Jigsaw, who intends for his victims to survive.
* [[Holier Than Thou]]: Amanda became Jigsaw's apprentice after succesfully surviving a trap, but then perverts his philosophy by making inescapable traps designed to kill the victims as she believes they won't change if they do survive while arrogantly believing herself to be the sole exception.
* [[Murder the Hypotenuse]]: {{spoiler|Amanda towards Lynn in Saw III. If she only knew Lynn was really Jeff's wife...}}
* [[Posthumous Character]]: In ''VI''.
* [[Stockholm Syndrome]]: She comes to think of John Kramer as a father figure and is intensely loyal to him. She says that he "helped [her]"... by kidnapping her when she was asleep/unconscious, duct-taping her to a chair with a Reverse Bear Trap on her head that we later find out causes a gory death if it goes off, and basically gets her to kill a guy to enable her very narrow escape from certain [[Death by Disfigurement]].
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* [[Chained to a Railway]]: {{spoiler|Only in a dream, though.}}
* [[Damsel in Distress]]: She turns into this in ''Saw 3D''. Many fans were not pleased.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: In ''VI,'' {{spoiler|electrifying Hoffman before strapping him into the Reverse Bear Trap. [[Damsel in Distress|Shame it didn't take.]]}}
=== Dr. Lawrence Gordon (Cary Elwes) ===
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* {{spoiler|[[Deceased Fall Guy Gambit]]: Hoffman attempted to use him for this in ''Saw VI''. It failed.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Decoy Protagonist]]}}
* [[Instant Drama, Just Add Tracheotomy]]
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: Nice job shoving Hoffman into the glass box.
* {{spoiler|[[Too Dumb to Live]]: He ignored John's recorded warning to not go down the hall and he winds up in the cube trap. He ignores Hoffman's recorded warning to go into the glass coffin and he gets squished like a grape}}.
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** That depends on the lesson you think he was supposed to learn. {{spoiler|The wife and son of a man he decided not to save were the ones who had to decide whether to let him live or die. The fact that he let ALL his male employees die, as he did their husband/father, made him fail in their eyes; by supposedly choosing at random for the second save in the Carousel Trap, he ''did'' fail, since he let the trap choose who would live instead of deciding himself, which ''definitely'' didn't win him any more bonus points.}} In the eyes of these characters, he did not learn his lesson.
*** They say nothing about his choices though. The only thing they mention is that he's responsible for the death of their husband/father. It seems how he handled the traps were irrelevant.
*** If the lesson he was intended to learn was not just the value of human life, but the injustice of having your fate decided by another person, everything makes more sense.
*** Cruel? Maybe.
* [[Villain Protagonist]]: Debatable.
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