Sawed-Off Shotgun: Difference between revisions

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* Played completely straight in the ridiculously goofy and full of [[More Dakka]] ''[[Time Splitters]]'' series. Strangely, only the double-barreled sawed-off variant may be used akimbo in the series. And it reloads the same as any other bullet weapon, dropping of the screen then coming right back as if you merely had to exchange shell clips. It is far superior to the automatic merely for this reason. Of course, the game itself is full of silly tropes taken to their extremes.
* {{spoiler|Ryouko}} wields one of these in ''[[Saya no Uta]]''. It's played realistically, though, and the character has trouble with the weapon due to insufficient knowledge of how to care for the shells properly.
* Played dead straight with the damage upgrade to ''[[BioshockBioShock (series)]] 2's'' shotgun; the game literally says sawing off the barrel makes it deal more damage. Precisely why the developers think long-barreled shotguns actually exist is anyone's guess.
* In ''[[Blood Rayne]]'', a sawed-off shotgun is used in the Louisiana levels. Interestingly, for a Dhampir who is super humanly strong and can duel wield '''assault rifles''', she fires the sawed-off realistically.
* ''[[Red Dead Redemption]]'' features the sawed-off shotgun as the first shotgun type weapon you can get. It has pretty horrible range, but against marauding ninja kitties, there's no better weapon. Well, until you get the coachgun (aka the non-sawed-off shotgun).