Schlock Mercenary/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]: Mini!Schlock, having lost the majority of his memories, [ is like this.]
* [[Deadly Dodging]]: A variation. He has, on occasion, arranged for enemy gunfire to [[Blob Monster|pass straight through him harmlessly]] and hit enemies out the other end. (He generally has a look of "why do people even bother shooting me".)
* [[Dual-Wielding]]: Being a [[Blob Monster]], he ''triple'' wields a [[BFG]] and two [[Sawed -Off Shotgun|sawed-off multicannons]] whenever he can get away with it.
* [[Extra Eyes]]: Schlock had spares, for a while (they were as mismatched as his usual pair), after combining with his future self. They came in handy for aiming his [[BFG|BFGs]], but also seemed to act independent of their host [ at times.] He used one of them to [[Memory Gambit|store memories]]
* [[Extreme Omnivore]]: Is explicitly able to eat anything he can fit in his mouth, [ as long as it isn't strong enough] to "eat" ''him''. He even mocks human pickiness about what we eat [ here]
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* [[Puppy Dog Eyes]]: All the time, though with rather limited success.
* [[Running Gag]]: Schlock's "default" shape is an amorphous pile of greenish-brown matter. Most people, upon seeing him, mistake him for the, ahem, ''leavings'' of a very large and very ''sick'' animal. Also, Schlock being [[Lightning Bruiser|"faster than he looks."]]
* [[Seldom -Seen Species]]: Until Schlock got his own cartoon, Amorphs weren't widely known throughout the galaxy. [ Apparently less than 200 of them have ever left their homeworld.] Schlock himself [ usually just rolls with it.]
* [[Sphere Eyes]]: Amorphs doesn't have eyes naturally - they grow on a certain kind of tree and are literal spheres. (Schlock himself uses a pair that are [[Mismatched Eyes|mismatched in size]], while other Amorphs have been seen using more or less than that.)
* [[Starfish Aliens]]: Specifically limited to his [[Silicon Based Life|physiology]], as he (usually) relates pretty easily to his teammates otherwise.
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* [[The Unpronounceable]]: As Howard [ so kindly explains] in a [[Footnote Fever|footnote]]:
{{quote| Ambassador Ch'vorthq's name is pronounced as follows: start with the hard "CH" as in "china," rather than the soft "CH" from "chevrolet." Now make the sound of an expensive piece of china being struck by a moving chevrolet--that noise is represented with the apostrophe. The rest is easy. Say "vorthq" with the soft "th" from the word "the" and a "q" like in "qetzlcouatl."}}
* [[Why Am I Ticking?]]: Gets the ability to set himself off after Schlock points this out.
==== Chisulo ====
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A Unioc officer who serves alongside Schlock as a platoon commander and general face-wrecker. An excellent shot, as his single eye is the same size as a human head, and serves up a substantial part of the Tough's snark ordnance.
* [[Boom! Headshot!]]: Subverted; His brain is located in his pelvic cavity. "Head" shots are incredibly painful by merit of eyes being basically large nerve clusters, [ but not actually debilitating or in any way fatal beyond the loss of vision.] It does make him "talky", [ though.]
* [[Chekhov's Skill]]: Sergent Ebbirnoth's degree in Advanced Xenoanatomy.
** [ Subverted.] It doesn't make him a surgeon.
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* [[I Am Not a Gun]]: Though [ initially] it appeared Tag's problem was with not following orders, the resultant [ angst] [ afterward] was definitely due to killing all those civilians.
* [[No Sense of Humor]]: Tag was originally created with no sense of humor, but has tried to learn it to better understand his opponents.
* [[Shout -Out]]: Originally he spoke only in quotes from ''[[Warcraft II]]''.
==== Tailor ====
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* [[Action Girl]]: She's been shown to know how to hold her own in a fight, thanks to growing up with multiple brothers.
* [[Ambadassador]]
* [[Four -Star Badass]]
* [[Lady of War]]
* [[Offscreen Moment of Awesome]]: the whole of the story behind Breya's gathering and commanding of a massive fleet to depose a [[Sufficiently Advanced Alien]] race, including what must have been an incredible battle - entirely offscreen.
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** This comes back as a [[Brick Joke]] a few times: [ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [ 4].
*** And it turns out that his amusing yet dangerous phobia has a really darn good reason for it. But not a supernatural one. We swear.
* [[Second Law, My Ass]]: Petey's ability to repress certain things lets him get away with deceiving Tagon every now and then. It also helps out when Petey is hijacked by an Ob'enn and is unable to ''directly'' oppose his orders.
* [[Selective Obliviousness]]: Subverted in that Petey was ''ordered'' to repress his obsession with ghosts.
* [[The Tell]]: Petey's shirt seemed to change color in response to his (self-perceived) relationship with who he talked with. It turned orange (like Tagon) when addressing the grunts and red (like an officer) when addressing Tagon. Also, when he joined the first fleetmind, his ears grew enormous in response to his greater "strength" of mind; these ears reverted to normal (with a uniform change back to red) when Kevyn [ bursts his bubble momentarily].
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The retired father of Kaff Tagon, Karl Tagon was a famous and skilled general who still knows how to fight and is more than willing to jump back in as-needed.
* [[Four -Star Badass]]: General Karl Tagon, if a [[Take Our Word for It]] moment of him going out to defend Timeclone!Kevyn with a carbine and [[Full -Frontal Assault|literally nothing else]] is any indication.
** They had to decapitate him and stick his head in a jar to capture him.
{{quote| '''Kevyn:''' That's a pretty effective set of restraints, Karl.<br />
'''Karl's Decapitated Head in a Jar:''' I'll get out of 'em, Kev. Just you wait. }}
** And he ''did''. Admittedly, he had a tiny bit of help from his son, but still.
* [[Full -Frontal Assault]]: In a heroic version of the trope, [ he rushed out to the kidnapping of Timeclone!Kevyn] with nothing but his weapon.
** [[Double Entendre|*Ahem*]] [[I Thought It Meant|His]] ''[[I Thought It Meant|other]]'' [[I Thought It Meant|weapon]], an antique carbine he'd kept above his desk for years.
* [[I Want Grandkids]]: Understandable, since his son is ''fifty'' by now and in a line of work that doesn't typically promote a long life.
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** And then played straight when it turns out the Gavs ''are'' suffering more than a little angst over being indistinguishable, to the point that they are willing to undergo extensive physical and mental modification in order to be unique again.
* [[Me's a Crowd]]: Got gate-cloned ''950 million'' times over.
* [[Shout -Out]]: He's a cameo of the creator of ''Nukees''.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]