Science Marches On/Walking With Dinosaurs: Difference between revisions

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** The pillar-limbed croc-relative ''[[Useful Notes/Prehistoric Life Non Dinosaurian Reptiles|Postosuchus]]'' was most likely a biped, or at least semi-bipedal, rather than an obligate quadruped.
** ''[[Useful Notes/Prehistoric Life Non Dinosaurian Reptiles|Placerias]]'' and the [[Stock Dinosaurs Non Dinosaurs|Cynodont]] aren't reptiles in modern phylogenetic sense, but instead mammal ancestors.
** There were no [[Stock Dinosaurs Non Dinosaurs|Cynodonts]] of the size depicted in the program in the late Triassic. This is an example of [[Science Marches On]] rather than [[Somewhere a Palaeontologist Is Crying]] because at the time the series was produced it was assumed that cynodonts of that size did live in Late Triassic in North America. This assumption was based on the discovery of [ two teeth] from [http://en.[ Formation|Chinle Formation]]<ref>though these teeth were assumed to belong to [http://en.[ |traversodont]] cynodonts, much different from ''Thrinaxodon'' that WWD-cynodonts were based on</ref>. However, [ post-WWD study] indicate that these teeth can't be confidently referred to Cynodontia (or any other known group of Triassic amniotes, for that matter).
** Sorry, ''[[Useful Notes/Prehistoric Life Other Extinct Creatures|Ornitholestes]]'', you didn't actually have that horn-thing on your nose.
** Post-WWD studies indicate that [[Stock Dinosaurs True Dinosaurs|sauropod dinosaurs]] probably didn't grow to adult size within more or less ten years as shown in the series, although exactly how fast they grew is still debated (current estimates range from [ less than four decades] to [ up to 70 years of growth] necessary to reach adult size).
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*** Another amazing example: [ footprints from a baby bipedal sauropod] have been recently found: perhaps [[Land Before Time|Littlefoot]] and the WWD sauropodlets ''walked on two legs'' and become quadrupedal only when they grew larger! (an ancient heritage from their ancestors, the "prosauropods" such as the aforementioned ''[[Stock Dinosaurs True Dinosaurs|Plateosaurus]]''). However, most paleontologists are skeptical of this interpretation. Even the trackways of adult sauropods often leave just the prints from just one pair of feet, thus is even more likely about the younger ones.
** About [[Stock Dinosaurs Non Dinosaurs|sea reptiles]]: the long-necked [[Stock Dinosaurs Non Dinosaurs|plesiosaurs]] [ gave birth to alive newborns] just like the fish-like [[Stock Dinosaurs Non Dinosaurs|ichthyosaurs]]; and they perhaps cannot crawl onto land because the shape of their chest.
** Most [[Stock Dinosaurs True Dinosaurs|coelurosaurs]] certainly had feathers. The several [[Stock Dinosaurs True Dinosaurs|dromaeosaurid species]] surely had them, but in the series they are all shown featherless (except obviously ''[[Useful Notes/Prehistoric Life - Birdlike Theropods|Microraptor]]'', see further): this, rather than [[Science Marches On]], might be interpreted more as [[Rule of Cool]], or rather, [[Somewhere a Palaeontologist Is Crying]], since feathered raptors would have appeared "too cute"?. In [[Real Life]] dromeosaurids had WING-shaped forelimbs just like their famous relative, the "ur-bird" ''[[Stock Dinosaurs True Dinosaurs|Archaeopteryx]]''...
*** This might be nothing compared to what is seeming to come: ''most small-sized dinosaurs'' had probably some sort of covering. This is a very recent theory led by the discover of the primitive herbivore ''[[Useful Notes/Prehistoric Life|Tianyulong]]'' in China: the theory is that some kind of covering was present in the last common ancestor of ''all'' dinosaurs and pterosaurs, and then it was partially lost by its largest descendents because of the [http://en.[ ratio#Biology |Surface area to volume ratio]]. Some think the "spikes" on ''[[Stock Dinosaurs True Dinosaurs|Diplodocus]]'' have the same common origin of feathers, as well as the quill of the small herbivore ''[[Useful Notes/Prehistoric Life Hadrosaur Predecessors|Psittacosaurus]]'' and even the horny bumps lined on the back of several [[Stock Dinosaurs True Dinosaurs|hadrosaur mummies]]. See [[Useful Notes/Dinosaurs|Dinosaurs]] for more infos about that. Whatever the case, the old "gigantic lizards" seem to have their days numbered now.
** An example of taxonomy marching on: "the American ''[[Stock Dinosaurs True Dinosaurs|Iguanodon]]''" from the fourth episode would probably be placed in the genus ''[ Dakotadon]'' today.
*** Honestly, it's doubtful the European ''Iguanodon'' was actually ''Iguanodon'' and not, for example, ''Mantellisaurus'' or ''Barilium''.
** ''[[Useful Notes/Prehistoric Life Hadrosaur Predecessors|Leaellynasaura]]'' should have a much, much longer tail. Also, some argue it needs a plumage.
** Female ''[[Stock Dinosaurs True Dinosaurs|Tyrannosaurus]]'' probably weren't larger than males.
** Also the [[Ptero -Soarer|giant pterosaur]] ''[[Stock Dinosaurs Non Dinosaurs|Quetzalcoatlus]]'' is shown as a fish eater hunting prey on the wing, while we now know it was actually stork like in habits. In fact, it probably wouldn't have hesitated to eat juvenile tyrannosaurs, like the ones in the program!
** It looks like another example may be approaching. It's [ recently been theorized] that ''[[Stock Dinosaurs True Dinosaurs|Triceratops]]'' and ''[[Useful Notes/Prehistoric Life Ceratopsids|Torosaurus]]'' (which were featured in ''Death of a Dynasty'' as seperate genera) are actually the same animal in different growth stages.
** The accompanying book briefly mentions the possibility that ''[[Stock Dinosaurs True Dinosaurs|Anatotitan]]'' is synonymous with ''[[Stock Dinosaurs True Dinosaurs|Edmontosaurus]]''. As of September 2011, this is the majority view.
** They did try to partially remedy all the issues by showing ''Walking with Dinosaurs'' again in 2008 with updated narration. Unfortunately, the visuals remained untouched, so the small carnivore ''Ornitholestes'' still had a horn, coelurosaurs were still scaly, so on and so forth.
* '''Walking With Beasts''':
** This series has ''[[Useful Notes/Prehistoric Life Mammals|Andrewsarchus]]'', known only from the skull and a few fragments of bone. At the time the series was produced it was assumed to be closely related to [[Useful Notes/Prehistoric Life Mammals|mesonychids]], and thus in the series it was modeled after mesonychids. However, [ later] [[<!-- 3Adoi2F10%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0007062 phylogenetic studies]] indicate that it might have actually been a close relative of [[UsefulNotesUseful Notes/PrehistoricLifeMammalsPrehistoric Life Mammals|entelodonts]]. -->
** A tamandua briefly appears in the first episode of this series, likely supposed to represent ''Eurotamandua'' from the Eocene of [http://en.[ pit|Messel]], which was initially identified as an anteater. However, more recent studies indicate that it probably wasn't an anteater [ and quite likely it wasn't a xenarthran at all].
* '''Walking With Monsters''':
** It seems that early Devonian "amphibians" cannot crawl onto land with their limbs, see [[Useful Notes/Prehistoric Life|Prehistoric Life]].
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* '''The Complete Guide to Prehistoric Life:'''
** ''Othnielia'' and ''Leaellynasaura'' do not appear to be ornithopods, but more primitive ornithischians.
** Page 122 claims that [[Useful Notes/Prehistoric Life - Birdlike Theropods|therizinosaurs]] are known from "a lone species" from North America, probably referring to ''[[Useful Notes/Prehistoric Life - Birdlike Theropods|Nothronychus]]''. Enter the ancestral therizinosaur ''[[Useful Notes/Prehistoric Life - Birdlike Theropods|Falcarius]]'' in 2005...
** To quote page 125, "Scientist cannot agree on whether ''[[Useful Notes/Prehistoric Life - Birdlike Theropods|Mononykus]]'' was a bird or a [non-bird] dinosaur." The 2010 discovery of the ancestral alvarezsaur ''[[Useful Notes/Prehistoric Life - Birdlike Theropods|Haplocheirus]]'' confirms that ''Mononykus'' and other alvarezsaurs were not birds.