Scribblenauts/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** In the sequel, the adjective "CANNIBAL" or "CANNIBALISTIC", when applied to an object, will be able to destroy anything. Literally. Even Steel Doors and Spiked Steel Balls, as long as any adjectives that apply to the real one follows "CANNIBAL." And if you want to add adjectives, put them ''before'' "CANNIBAL".
** The armed remote control car or armed remote control helicopter. You can't use adjectives on yourself, but you can use them on either of these and then directly control them. They're capable of doing anything you can (the armed adjective is necessary to pick things up). And even if they do fall in lava or something you can just make more.
* [[Good Bad Bugs]]: One report mentions a case with an elephant and a rocket launcher. The elephant grabbed the launcher with its trunk and started firing away. [[Throw It In|They didn't fix it]].
** [[Dwarf Fortress|Boatmurdered]] much?
** For some strange reason, if an ox is summoned, ridden, and then "used" on something, it will shoot ''high-velocity buttermilk'' at whatever it is used on. Probably unintentional. Unintentionally hilarious.
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** The main [[Hype Backlash]] complaints come in an objective and a subjective flavor: the objective complaint is that you cannot summon ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, which makes sense from a logical standpoint but is still frustrating when the game doesn't recognize what you're telling it, or does, but what it gives you is not what you want; the subjective complaint is that some of us have agoraphobic imaginations that, when allowed to run wild, [[Quicksand Box|will freeze up, curl into a panicked ball, and pray someone will come along with a toy it knows how to use.]]
*** [[Zero Punctuation|Yahtzee]], amusingly enough, copped to both.
** And there were many complaints about the controls, especially for movement.
** Another complaint is that many items won't work in ways you think they will. Want to get an large animal across a lake using a sail boat? Good luck getting the animal onto the boat with the sail in the way. You ultimately end up using the same reliable items over and over.
* [[Sidetracked by the Gold Saucer]]: The title screen sandbox mode is all you need to have a good time. Everything beyond tapping the "START" icon is just a bonus.
* [[Spoil At Your Own Risk]]: A massive [[Game FAQsGameFAQs]] crackdown resulting from an early release, in which hundreds of topics were moderated for discussing gameplay before the street date.
* [[Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny]]: This is possibly the only game where you will ever have George Washington fight Cthulhu. Or God fight Leeroy Jenkins. Or Satan fight Bigfoot. Or...
* [[Viewer Gender Confusion]]/[[Samus Is a Girl]]: Samurai, Ninja, and Clown are FEMALE. {{spoiler|The reason we know this is because they turn into Goddesses when fed Ambrosia. Anon wlll also eat Ambrosia, but will not change into anything, and will just stay Anon. (I guess if Anon had a defined gender in this game, [[Image Boards]] would go into an uproar.)}}