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* In one episode, Elliot wants to roleplay that she and Keith are having a baby. This freaks Keith out, and he says: "Alright, I'm putting on a third condom." This is troubling on multiple levels:
** 1. Using more than one condom actually increases the risk that the condom will break. Using three pretty much guarantees it. Those condoms are going to break. This is something that any doctor would know. Are we supposed to think Keith and Elliot are both that stupid? Or are we supposed to think that only Keith is really that stupid and that Elliot is keeping quiet in some grand attempt to get pregnant?
*** [[Rule of Funny]] and [[Viewers Areare Morons]]. I for one had no idea that multiple condoms increase the chances that they will break. Most viewers probably felt the same. Regardless, I doubt anyone will be trying this any time soon.
*** [[Fridge Horror]]: What if a viewer, like yourself, didn't know that multiple condoms dramaticallt increases the chances of breaking and, thinking it would help lower the risk, actually tries it?
*** If you're relying solely on a sitcom joke to provide guidance about sex, that's more your problem than the show's.