Sea Patrol: Difference between revisions

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* [[Embarrassing Tattoo]]: Buffer on a night out decides to get another tattoo and forces Spider to come along and get one himself. Buffer (who's definitely drunk) goes to sleep in the chair while his tattoo is being done. The next day Bomber is tending to the slightly infected tattoo and it becomes clear that it isn't the tattoo Buffer wanted. Bomber corners Spider who admits that he didn't get one then realizes that he messed with Buffer's choice. It turns out that he changed it to a heart with XO in it. [[Crowning Moment of Funny|And the first person Buffer shows it to is the XO]]...Spider is very lucky not to be maimed let alone alive when Buffer is finished with him.
* [[Evil Poacher]]: In ''Under the Radar'' a foreign boat trespasses on the Australian fisheries looking for shark fin and ''only'' shark fin, because of the high price it commands from those who like shark fin soup. But they do not seem to have any intention of harvesting the meat, the leather, or the teeth. They just slice off the fins and drop the shark back in for some other critter to eat.
**Downplayed: most "FFVs" (Foreign Fishing Vessels) are crewed by [[Punch Clock Villain|people looking for a desperate job]], in miserable, unsanitary conditions and must have been doing awful back home to sign on for such a thing.
* [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]]: Most of the nicknames, Chefo is the chef, though he's also the assistant medic, CO is the [[Captain Obvious|'''C'''ommanding '''O'''fficer]], Swaine is the coxswain, etc.
* [[Everything's Better with Monkeys]]: 2Dads thinks so...
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* [[Open Secret]]: ET and Nikki's relationship ends up being this. While everyone is more or less a [[Incredibly Lame Pun|shipper on deck]] no one wants them to leave and so they keep quite about it. Mike and Kate are so good that [[it comes as a bit of a surprise when they show that they know about it.
* [[Practical Joke]]: In ''Heaven Born Captains'' Spider loses a promotion for stealing a French Flag at a diplomatic party.
**Well it's kind of fair. Her Britainic Majesty's Navy must [[Fridge Brilliance|have dozens of French flags]], shouldn't Her Australian Majesty's Navy keep up.? Of course those were acquired under differing circumstances.
* [[Put on a Bus]]: Chefo between seasons 1 and 2, and Nav, Spider and Buffer between season 3 and 4, and Bomber between seasons 4 and 5, tough at least Bomber going away was referenced in the season 4 finale.
** Justified in that people in the Navy change boats regularly, just in the course of their careers.