Sealed Good in a Can/Playing With: Difference between revisions

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* '''Justified''': The [[Big Bad]] was either not powerful enough to kill her, or otherwise doesn't have the power to do so, and so decided to do the next best thing: Seal the hero away and try to make sure that no one ever finds him/her.
** The hero realized that the bad guy had only been taken out temporarily, and would eventually return. So the hero seals him/herself away so he/she will still be around when the bad guy does return.
* '''Inverted''': [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can]]
** Alternatively: The [[Big Bad]] sends the hero into exile, then builds a barrier to keep him ''out''
* '''Subverted''': The good guy sealed away discovers by accident that they could get out any time, but didn't realize the box wasn't locked.
** The [[Ragnarok Proofing]] didn't work, and by the time the new heroes find it, the good that was sealed away is now dead and/or useless.
* '''Double Subverted''': ...and then it turns out that the room the box was in is in itself a much stronger seal.
* '''Parodied''': A five-year-old discovers a legendary hero trapped in one of those plastic containers you get from gumball machine-type dispensers.
* '''Deconstructed''': Anything evil enough to seal away this force of good would make sure it's not just a sort of peaceful eternal sleep. The force of good has been living in a nightmare world that would make Cthulhu wet himself in terror for the last thousand years, and has gone completely insane as a result. When the heroes do let it out, it [[I'm a Humanitarian|eats]] them and goes on a murderous rampage before realizing what it's done - and kills itself.
* '''Reconstructed''': Anything evil enough to seal away this force of good would make sure it's not just a sort of peaceful eternal sleep. The force of good has been living in a nightmare world that would make Cthulhu wet himself in terror for the last thousand years, and has been severely traumatized as a result. When the heroes let it out, it [[Talkative Loon|babbles incoherently]] and [[The Glomp|hugs them]] before breaking down in tears.
** Alternatively: The sealed good was imprisoned in a horrible nightmare world but has been spending the centuries fighting for his life day in and day out. As a result, the [[Sealed Good in Aa Can]] is now [[Took a Level Inin Badass|ten times as Powerful he was when he was sealed away]] from all that fighting and is now more than a match for the [[Big Bad]] who put him in there.
** The sealing put the hero in a [[Convenient Coma]].
* '''Zig Zagged''': The [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness|utterly benevolent entity]] was sealed inside the magical can because, unbeknownst to him/her, he/she is actually, ''matryoshka''-style, [[Sealed Inside a Person -Shaped Can|the Person-Shaped Can]] [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can|for some horrible evil]]. Specifically, something ''so'' abominable that ''[[Nightmare Fuel|even the villain that sealed him/her in is scared of it]]''.
* '''Averted''': There is no [[Sealed Good in Aa Can]]
* '''Enforced''': "These guys are too low powered to take on the [[Big Bad]]. They'll need backup. Send them after it as a [[MacGuffin]] and let them do some [[Level Grinding]] on the way."
** The heroes can't beat the God of Evil, let the have a God of Good on their side.
* '''Lampshaded''': "Dude, maybe Sir Goodnik got sealed away with the same spell. We find him, and maybe we can shove the [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can|evil wizard]] back into the box?"
* '''Invoked''': "Let's seal away that righteous do-gooder in that trash can!"
* '''Defied''': Just as the [[Big Bad]] attempts to seal the good guy away, [[The Lancer]] comes swooping in and pulls off a [[Conveniently-Timed Attack From Behind]].
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